Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


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Aug 31, 2015

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there are clear issues with this guy posting shit into his thought bubble
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Active Member
Sep 15, 2015
"Nakamoto consensus" only works when the token is valued. The higher the price the more valuable the blockchain, there is no "Nakamoto consensus" if "The government can make them invalid at any time."
Experiments often have value until they fail.

why bother with PoW just use PoS, if the government can have a say.
We pray our masters will grant us favor for our pulchritude and offer us a small token in his likeness out of fear another suitor will find us worthy.

Let me quote the common law definition of currency, (there is a legislated definition that CSW tryes to pass off as the anarchic definition to serve his socialist agenda, don't believe him, do your own research.

A currency in the most specific sense is money in any form when in use or circulation as a medium of exchange it comes from From Middle English: curraunt, "in circulation", from Latin: , -entis, literally meaning "running" or "traversing"

Just listen to what CSW says about government fiat and why it's good and why bitcoin is not a currency, he does not call himself a socialist, but if one was to rank socialist behaviours, making fiat out of nothing to spend it on "programs," is socialist and a CSW value. It is at the top of the socialist hierarchy, it literally destroys Capitalism every time in history. So undermining a value native to Bitcoin and supporting the ultimate government tool to implement socialism makes one a socialist. Even if you claim to be a capitalist it's just a word salard when you confuse definitions like CSW does.
I get it, you're an anarchist. But your army is smaller than his.

"invest" as in investing and speculation on the token are two very different ideas. People invest in mining hardware - they don't necessarily invest in the token, Taal spent $3,000,000,000 of CSW's BSV as a loan because, I presume he wanted them to short it and mine it back, that's effectively money laundering across jurisdictional boundaries to avoid Tax. They invested the money in mining hardware by selling the BSV. They may never mine back the BSV, they could use it to mine BTC and probably do, also. The value was denominated in dollars probably because they value dollars more than the BSV.
So like, that's just your opinion, man. I see it as an investment in the hyperloop of information.
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I don't want to give people the wrong idea, I like BSV, I'm just repelled by the CSW cult narrative that's repeated without thinking.

Bitcoin is first and foremost digital cash, money, money is a unit of account, money is in itself an information network, it provides information to allow humans to cooperate to prioritize and solve our most pressing needs.

Bitcoin is both money and information, it's 2 in one. CSW is just fooling people, bluffing TPTB, or he just got lucky. Either way, you have to stay focused, we need better information systems and to be free we need to uncouple TPTB's ability to manipulate people. BSV is Bitcoin, but the idiots who propose to know what that is are advocating for something that'll never work.
Wait, what? Do you hate him so much that you won't even listen to him? Does the rage block your listening? I mean, I feel you. That's how I felt about the Orange Monkey. But CSW has been consistent in his description of choosing unbounded computing over internal loops because of the timestamping. His background is in supercomputers and BitCoin was designed to work in parallel. I don't see weather predictors ever using Ethereum. Ever. You think it won't work? It already does.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I don't dislike CSW, I dislike cults. I agree with a lot of what CSW says. Among the things where I don't disagree with him when he says he's a: dick, satoshi, and very bad at marketing. I just have evidence he's a dick, and bad at marketing and he has a cult following.


Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
when public support for csw involves promoting obvious bullshit such as 'everything is a fork of bsv' or 'do your taxes with btc as an airdrop' or 'bsv has already won' or 'bsv doesnt need exchanges' or 'all the non-bsv exchanges are criminal' i just can't do it.

I can't get behind those garbage narratives because theyre detrimental to bsv.

There is a special layer of hell for csw's bad bsv narratives; where they hold onto and keep bsv trapped...



Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
'do your taxes with btc as an airdrop'
You do that for BSV or BCH or BTC, either one or all 3 are income, and or 1 is capital gains tax on the cost basis and the other 2 are capital gains with a $0 basis. It doesn't really matter how you do it just be rational, fair, consistent, and honest.

CSW can just give all his Bitcoin to the government and be done with it, and then not have enough money to fight the false accusations in court. My experience with government auditors has revealed that that's not enough, they'll still want more.
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Aug 31, 2015
Nobody bought BCH or BSV and then came into some BTC as a result.
Everyone that got an 'airdrop' got one as a result of the purchase of BTC in the case of BCH and BSV
or as a result of the purchase of BCH in the case of BSV
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Sure, but the BTC one bought in 2015 used a different protocol and had a different mandate to the BTC bought in 2019. If you were to believe the Core fanatics you think it should be called by another name as P2P cash without the need for a trusted 3rd party is misleading.

The 2015 BTC, BCH and BSV, were all included on the ledger, the resulting names are just ways to identify the ledgers and token assets, BCH could have ended up with the BTC ticker and the Bitcoin Core version with an independent denominator, it's just a name for the ledger, the name does not give the ledger its legitimacy.

If we look at this technically and we assume Bitcoin is an implementation of the idea described in the Bitcoin White Paper, we can explain the reasons for the forks. Then ignoring the price, which is what drives the hashing power, and ignoring the names knowing each fork is a new ledger, we can see the 3 implementations of the protocol. all 3 are forks of the original Bitcoin, they just share a common ancestor. They are just virtual assets in a virtual world using the most practical definition of virtual as one can find.
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Aug 31, 2015
But anyone who bought BTC recorded their basis years before they could have claimed it as a BSV airdrop... right?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
so you have a virtual asset with a $0 basis. CSW has BSV at $XYZ and BTC at a $0 basis then. all the power to him, he can give that to the government.


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Aug 31, 2015

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so you have a virtual asset with a $0 basis. CSW has BSV at $XYZ and BTC at a $0 basis then. all the power to him, he can give that to the government.
the whole thing is silly.
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'i dont care about jobbers' **manipulates assymetric knowledge intensively to benefit his dayjobbing**
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
> already won

For Diodorus, if a future event is not going to happen, then it was true in the past that it would not happen. Since every past truth is necessary (proposition 1), it was necessary that in the past it would not happen. Since the impossible cannot follow from the possible (proposition 2), it must have always been impossible for the event to occur. Therefore if something will not be true, it will never be possible for it to be true, and thus proposition 3 is shown to be false.

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If I were Calvin, and I had inside information and I was absolutely certain that Craig was the man, I too would say BSV already won.
Since I'm not Calvin and I dont have inside information, I won't say BSV already won.
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