Bitcoin Unlimited Membership -- Join us


Active Member
Nov 30, 2016
Well, you assumed I was anonymous except I wasn't. Some people have seen me and know my real identity. Call me paranoid but here are some stuff that happened which makes me feel uneasy.

- LocalBitcoinCash was DDOS a few times.
- Everytime I mentioned on Reddit, the thread or comment will be automatically shadowbanned and removed, even now.
- I received over a million emails to my LocalBitcoinCash email account in days. I don't know if this attack is still ongoing because we had a filter now.
- There was targeted attempts to install malware on our machines.
- Server logs indicate people attempting to hack into the site.
- I received some really weird calls with spoof phone numbers, few times a day, for weeks straight. Sometimes I suspect it was social engineering but I no longer pick up phone calls which I don't recognize.

I am sure there are more over the past 24 months but these are just right off my head as I type this out.

I am not anonymous. I am extremely introverted person. I mean, despite few years in crypto projects, none of my family members knew anything about it. They probably suspect I bought cryptocurrencies, that's about it. I feel like I have a very sad social life sometimes, or probably non-existent is the better word to use. It would be fair to say I am very bad with human relationships irl which is why I spent all my time working and alone. I find people so difficult to understand, despite my hardest efforts. When you type some code in, you always get the same results out. If the results is not the same, you know something is wrong with the codes. So I understand computers really well because it's logical but people, you can say the exact same thing to 3 different people and you can have 3 different outcomes (one could be happy, another could be angry at you, etc). In fact, you could even say the exact same thing to the exact same person on different timing, depending on his/her mood, the outcome could also be vastly different. Humans are complicated.

I guess my reasoning for staying private is to avoid giving myself unnecessary or unexpected problems. I also did not attend crypto events because of my social handicapped problems above (and also because I am mostly broke, lol).

The link is broken because I removed the file right after it was verified.
I'm sorry to hear that people are making your live hard.
Thanks for the work you have done for the community.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
I'm not telling you what to do, I'm telling you that the Articles don't cater for your seeming desire to exclude pseudonymous members.
Where did I say pseudonymous members should be excluded?

I didn't. You're just lying by creating a straw man. Shame on you.


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
I think we should refuse to accept anonymous people / monikers as new members of Bitcoin Unlimited unless they can prove an extremely impressive online appearance for many years (3+).
Right there you proposed it. You called it anonymous because you were being imprecise. I can understand, picking the right word is often not necessary because people will understand what you mean.

Where did I say pseudonymous members should be excluded?

I didn't. You're just lying by creating a straw man. Shame on you.
Also, shame on you for playing dumb. You are playing, right?


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
I'm not saying that anonymous members (like you) should be excluded. I'm saying we should raise the bar for new members when we consider their application. No need to change the articles.

Your arguments reek of dishonesty and strengthen @cypherdoc 's theory that you may be an infiltrator.


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
BU can't be a club based on anonymous members.
Your words, @Norway.

What you call "anonymity" is the bugbear of Craig Wright.

Why can't BU be a club based on mainly anonymous members if those anonymous members meet the required bar for admission (I am not suggesting to make allowance for anonymous officials).

There is nothing in the rules that forbids this.

So if you think BU can't be such a club, you had better propose a BUIP. I don't give a rat's ass about your "theory".

I recommend new would-be applicants to BU to join anonymously, and then prove their worth to the organization before formally submitting their membership application. Would that solve your problem, @Norway?

Or should they also take some purity test in a Norwegian forest?


Staff member
Aug 22, 2015
@Richy_T of course we will include your application to rejoin. All you need to do is vote once a year :)
Speaking of which, we are due another vote, especially as we have a number of new BUIPs. I will make an announcement soon.
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Staff member
Aug 22, 2015
Drawing a line here for new membership applications which will be considered in the forthcoming vote.
Subsequent applications will be put up for vote on the next occasion, which is likely to be July 2019.

Unfortunately, your application must remain pending as the voting system requires a legacy format BTC/BCH address. This will be needed for signing votes, if approved for BU membership. Can you provide one soon?

Also, I note your link is still broken.

Can you provide any links to social media ID, twitter, reddit etc?
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Staff member
Aug 22, 2015
Thanks for your information.

@sken. Do you deny the information provided here?
If you don't, and based upon the previous damaging public statement made by you against BU, then I am minded to defer your application, probably indefinitely.
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Staff member
Aug 22, 2015
Drawing a line here for new membership applications which will be considered in the forthcoming vote on 26 August.
No applications have been received in the current period.
Subsequent applications will be put up for vote on the next occasion, which is likely to be about November 2019.


Staff member
Aug 22, 2015
Indeed, you have lapsed
The current list is here:
Note that the hash (which is part of the link) will change next time the list is updated via the voting system. If you think you want to engage with BU improvement proposals, you can apply for a vote on reinstatement.
[doublepost=1566445564,1566444755][/doublepost]@Christoph Bergmann
You are right that I am sick of Bitcoin politics. We could see the split was going to severely set back the cause of scalable Bitcoin due to the fact that once the block limit was increased, preservation of network effect growth became the No.1 priority. Now, it is water under under the bridge that this has occurred.

However, there was no policy of "alienation", the membership voted and BU is following the majority decision which is to advance BCH. Prospective new members need to be aware of BU's focus.


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
> there was no policy of "alienation", the membership voted and BU is following the majority decision which is to advance BCH.

a portion of the membership, that does not otherwise visit frequently, decreed it was apostasy to even discuss bsv, and proceeded to vote themselves into oblivion.
Indeed, you have lapsed
The current list is here:
Note that the hash (which is part of the link) will change next time the list is updated via the voting system. If you think you want to engage with BU improvement proposals, you can apply for a vote on reinstatement.
[doublepost=1566445564,1566444755][/doublepost]@Christoph Bergmann
You are right that I am sick of Bitcoin politics. We could see the split was going to severely set back the cause of scalable Bitcoin due to the fact that once the block limit was increased, preservation of network effect growth became the No.1 priority. Now, it is water under under the bridge that this has occurred.

However, there was no policy of "alienation", the membership voted and BU is following the majority decision which is to advance BCH. Prospective new members need to be aware of BU's focus.
Every single bu official voted for kicking bsv. Peter R explained on the slack that he heavily rallied and wrote to every single member to take part in voting. Now, after doing so, he just does... Nothing.

Don't say it was not your fault. It was.

BU could have had a great future of being the client of both big block bitcoins. You would have a lot of new memberships, and a strong influence on both coins. But the team decided to go the way of sticking to - you know.

As I said, I understand you are sick of bitcoin politics. But you stepped out of it with a monumental misdesicion.
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