I'm sorry to hear that people are making your live hard.Well, you assumed I was anonymous except I wasn't. Some people have seen me and know my real identity. Call me paranoid but here are some stuff that happened which makes me feel uneasy.
- LocalBitcoinCash was DDOS a few times.
- Everytime I mentioned https://LocalBitcoinCash.org on Reddit, the thread or comment will be automatically shadowbanned and removed, even now.
- I received over a million emails to my LocalBitcoinCash email account in days. I don't know if this attack is still ongoing because we had a filter now.
- There was targeted attempts to install malware on our machines.
- Server logs indicate people attempting to hack into the site.
- I received some really weird calls with spoof phone numbers, few times a day, for weeks straight. Sometimes I suspect it was social engineering but I no longer pick up phone calls which I don't recognize.
I am sure there are more over the past 24 months but these are just right off my head as I type this out.
I am not anonymous. I am extremely introverted person. I mean, despite few years in crypto projects, none of my family members knew anything about it. They probably suspect I bought cryptocurrencies, that's about it. I feel like I have a very sad social life sometimes, or probably non-existent is the better word to use. It would be fair to say I am very bad with human relationships irl which is why I spent all my time working and alone. I find people so difficult to understand, despite my hardest efforts. When you type some code in, you always get the same results out. If the results is not the same, you know something is wrong with the codes. So I understand computers really well because it's logical but people, you can say the exact same thing to 3 different people and you can have 3 different outcomes (one could be happy, another could be angry at you, etc). In fact, you could even say the exact same thing to the exact same person on different timing, depending on his/her mood, the outcome could also be vastly different. Humans are complicated.
I guess my reasoning for staying private is to avoid giving myself unnecessary or unexpected problems. I also did not attend crypto events because of my social handicapped problems above (and also because I am mostly broke, lol).
The link is broken because I removed the file right after it was verified.
Thanks for the work you have done for the community.