Bitcoin Unlimited Membership -- Join us


Staff member
Aug 28, 2015
I am soliciting members of the Bitcoin Unlimited effort. Please read the Articles here:

Please excuse the state of this web site; things are moving fast now.

Reply to this message if you would like to be a member, and please describe why you want to be a member and how you can help the effort.

There is no democratic way to kick something like this off so I am just going to be autocratic about it. I'm defining myself judge, jury and executioner (with the valuable input of those who have been interacting with me of course!) with the power to appoint the initial members. These initial members will then proceed to invite new members. Formal adherence to the Articles will kick off after elections on Jan 15th -- for now I will be acting Developer and the other roles may or may not be informally filled by others as well.

If you have contributed to the discussion in GCBU or the Bitcoin Unlimited threads you have the opportunity to be a "founding" member. If not, we still want you. You may reply here and will be given membership as part of the first Operational BUIP voted on by the founding members (please self-identify so I don't have to figure out that you are not applying for the first round). This will happen before the first elections so you will have the opportunity to vote for roles or run for an office.

There is no advantage to being a "founding" member verses a normal member (read the Articles) other than maybe bragging rights.


Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
Sign me up!


I support Bitcoin Unlimited because:

1) It gives control of blocksize back to the free-market and doesn't try to unnecessarily engineer economic outcomes.

2) It supports one of the core theses of Bitcoin; namely, that the system is defined by the code its users in aggregate run.

3) It is inherently supportive of larger blocksize, which I think is critical for bitcoin's longterm security and success. Larger blocks will allow a larger volume of on-chain fee-generating transactions, and bitcoin can only be secure and succeed as the dominant cryptocurrency if it can scale to accommodate demand for transactions both large and small.

4) It provides another outlet for users to voice their opinion, both through running the Bitcoin Unlimited node software, and potentially through participating in or supporting the Bitcoin Unlimited mining pool. There are increasing numbers of bitcoin users who do not participate in running node software nor hashing, and the Bitcoin Unlimited project provides more options for all participants.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
me too.

i think i've already said enough.
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Peter R

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
@theZerg: Please sign me up!

I want to be a member because I believe in Bitcoin Unlimited's vision. For Bitcoin to be successful, it must be able to evolve through a bottom-up organic process. Bitcoin Unlimited gives additional power to the user to control its evolution in a fully decentralized fashion.

I can help by developing analytic theory, empirical data analysis, visualizations, and scientific writing.
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Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
@theZerg count me in.

the protocol has to be decoupled from any particular implementation.

the more choices users have the better.
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New Member
Nov 19, 2015
I'd like to join and wholeheartedly support this project.

I feel strongly that this proposal is the right way to go and that eventually this will be clear to everyone.
Consensus does not need to built into the software and may even be a liability if it is, far better to let people express consensus by making it a command line option.

My background is that I have run core intermittently since July 2010. I once mined a block with a cpu, but consider that I was pretty lucky to do that. I have brought and used (and then scrapped!) mining hardware but I dont mine right now. I used to post a little on bitcoin forum.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2015

Are you active in other places? Final decision is of course @theZerg, but I find it a little bit odd that you just joined the forum and your first and only message is to join BU...

EDIT: Nevermind, found you on BCT!
[doublepost=1447936953,1447936098][/doublepost]I put my GPG key here (information tab). This is the same as I put on reddit.

@Bloomie: Is there a better place to store keys/identities on this forum?

Zangelbert Bingledack

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
And my axe! :)

Although I admit to being a little unclear on how the BU codebase governance works and frankly I am not at all qualified to assess dev qualifications, I support all efforts (including other forks) that work toward the spirit of the project as stated in the Articles of Federation.

I've made my reasons clear in the other threads, but here's a rough recapitulation of those points from a slightly different angle:

The paternalistic view of having devs spoonfeed all consensus-related choices to the user seems like it won't be viable at the much higher market caps Bitcoin is destined to reach. Gradually users will have to be given more explicit fine-grained control in order to enable Bitcoin to react nimbly to general threats, as well as specifically to scenarios where developers are compromised.

The addition of XT as an alternative to Core is an improvement over just Core, because it at least lets users choose who spoonfeeds them consensus packages; BU (at least the version with user-selectable blocksize) takes it to the next level and gives users more of a "line-item veto" on these dev-created consensus packages. It doesn't overly baby the user but instead encourages miners and nodes to perform their own profit-loss calculations, expanding the scope of the free market by removing the centrally planned blocksize cap that has been retained for paternalistic reasons. Consensus becomes an emergent phenomenon.

I believe we have in fact always been trusting the free market from the beginning in Bitcoin, so BU just lays bare the underlying reality without entertaining the pretense that blockspace economic knowledge *or even real control* lies with the Core devs.

In short, it's time for Honey Badger to grow up and assume its true form as a creature of the market.

I think I can help in the capacity of economic advisor, researcher on theoretical foundations, and perhaps writer.
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2015
Tick me.. I campaign for bitcoin as free market money, the market will decide everything. I like the market. Unfortunately, I am lazy...
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Aug 19, 2015
I'm in.

Maybe handy to have some idea of skills which everyone can contribute to the project.

I'm a Software Developer currently building C# software for a medical device (class A), a lot of Java experience but sadly my C++ and QT knowledge is a bit rusty.
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Active Member
Nov 16, 2015
I support the vision of Bitcoin Unlimited. I support an increased blocksize and multiple implementations of the Bitcoin protocol. If we need to rely on a centralized authority for Bitcoin to survive then we should consider this experiment to have failed to prove its intended theory at least in the form of Bitcoin, trust without centralized authority. So sign me up, there is more I could say on the subject but I will leave it at that for now.

I have a background in political philosophy and I like to think that I am a good writer, I am already contributing to the articles of federation and I feel humbled that some of it has already been accepted. So i will continue to contribute to that side of things. I am not a coder, and I am not particularly technically inclined compared to most people in the Bitcoin community. I am a miner however, not a particularly big one though, not big enough to make the pool viable by myself at least lol, but I might have some insights on that side of things as well.
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Staff member
Aug 28, 2015
Welcome! We need ppl who can write well and present the BU position to a wider audience just as much as we need coders.


Staff member
Aug 28, 2015
steffen do you have a BCT or other presence that you can use to demonstrate a consistent ideology WRT block size limit?


Active Member
Nov 22, 2015