Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


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Aug 31, 2015

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I am looking for someone to both praise the fundamental virtues of BSV's market value and call tether a complete scam in the same sentence.


Active Member
Sep 10, 2015
Yeah the BSV experiment seems a failure so far.

Maybe BSVer should stop denigrate and insult every projects except BSV, and take what CSW says with caution.
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Sep 15, 2015
recap on my arguments:

hashwar claims by csw directly damaged bsv in the marketplace, by causing delistings, which reduces speculator interest, which in turn reduces development interest, which retards the potential of bsv over time.

series of losses by csw has resulted in scorched earth level emotional grudge, which history has shown leads to more failure.

this time however, the approach is even more off the mark
That's fine. Feels simply don't interest me.
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@cbeast it seems you are not heeding the spirit of bitsko's criticisms. it is not akin to boilerplate argument-free anti-BSV hogwash by small-time investors that confusedly hope such noise increases their chances of becoming rich at the crypto casino.

the common point of departure is the belief that BSV is technically superior and approaches the expected functionality of bitcoin. additionally, there has been a willingness to suspend judgment on personalities and focus on fundamentals.

at the time of the BCH/BSV split, BSV took an exciting direction, focusing on scalability, compliance and protocol stability, leading to enterprise adoption. meanwhile BCH's governance was a shambles, with an economically inept leader-dictator who eventually quit for money imposing half- baked protocol changes, and a lack of interest in the thought that massive adoption requires both stability and insertion in -- not circumvention of -- the existing legal and business framework.

yet a few years down the road the main BSV strategy has become to pursue legal cases which will not be resolved for years and whose result is quite improbably the one theorized. businesses are not onboarding. a boom cycle is going by that has lifted the entire space except for BSV. exchanges aren't listing it, the BTC narrative has become entrenched and self-fulfilling, technical difficulties remain, end usage is not picking up (effective throughput has halved since last year), and the maximalist claim that BTC would be sold to fund BSV development has been unceremoniously taken back.

so perhaps it is time to modulate the optimism? this is the attitude already taken by several BSV builders (relayx, handcash, twetch): not to count on the BA / CSW / CA strategy, indeed criticize it and continue to work despite it. these businesses cannot wait forever, revenue needs to be generated, it is not sufficient to build on the self-annointed best tech, nor is anyone expecting to convert grand cross-jurisdictional legal theories by discredited defendants into marketplace victories.

the reality is that a sustained wave of interest in crypto that could have finally led to an uptick of usage of the capable tech completely bypassed the project. the time for rosy predictions is over.
Do you not see the complete irrelevance of Western financial thinking? The West is dying in a pool of their own greed. Do you think the Chinese will care if Westerners value useless tokens? China is taking over the South China Sea and nobody cares. China owns your military suppliers and nobody cares. You have freely given yourself over to your negative feelings about something nChain has embraced. I am not pro-CCP, but I can read the writing on the wall. Haven't you noticed that the Chinese are the only ones that have really taken Bitcoin seriously in policy? They were the first to rule that Bitcoin is a commodity. Sure some bureaucrats release back-and-forth statements about legalities, but their monetary policy has been consistent.

America has no consistencies. They allow egregious TBTF banks to fund terrorism and altcoin scammers to fleece investors with exit scams with impunity. If relayx, handcash, etc are getting nervous, they can step aside for sCrypt. This isn't financial advice. I'm only interested in the tech and putting an end to Western greed that has led to America becoming a violent, hateful, and dilapidated developing nation.

*note. Please take RXCs warning to get out of crypt0 completely... eventually.
**BSV isn't crypt0
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Active Member
Mar 29, 2016
I'm not going to lie, the huge price rise of BTC and relative stagnation of BSV price has effected my emotions, so I'm hesitant to make assessments about the future. It seems the only way BSV wins is by attracting corporate customers who don't really care about crypto-fever. Fortunately, there is little overlap between that market and the existing crypto market. I suspect many corporate customers think crypto-fever is ridiculous and based on nothing, so people telling them they're right would be received well.

With the 'Set in stone' debate. The protocol is set in stone, it's the OG Bitcoin protocol, the implementation is not complete. Not sure if that makes sense.
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Sep 15, 2015
You know, I forgot what this thread was named. All anyone here cares about is number-goes-up. Mea Culpa.


Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
*note. Please take RXCs warning to get out of crypt0 completely... eventually.
**BSV isn't crypt0
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bsv is a low cap altcoin, I have to scroll down to find it.

around #30
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Insofar as the inflow of legitimate dollars; BSV has far less dollars from honest money going into than BTC, ETH, LTC, etc.

It's easy to say because BSV has far less dollars overall by a large amount going into it, and its primarily tethers.
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...Whereas investment vehicles like grayscale hold honest folk's retirement money and such.
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with those facts its easy to see that bsv is one of the higher risk 'crypto'.

of course, cryptocurrency isn't typically encrypted, nor widely used as currency, but hey, this bsv purism is pretty fake at this point.
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Active Member
Sep 15, 2015
Crypt0 has no market. Real Estate has a market. Automobiles have a market. Pork bellies have a market. Crypt0 has a few nerds playing with daddy's money pretending that a few has-been celebrities make them relevant. LMFAO!


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
So you're an anarchist? Authority is essential for civilization.
What's wrong with anarchy, I support CSW's ideas because he advocated for anarchist principles whatever he calls them, I'm more interested in ideas than labels.

Modern civilization is predicated on removing authority from other humans and giving it to God and then building on the premise that no one has authority over anyone and we are all equal under God. I just don't believe there is an authority in God other than the laws of phisicks we're forced to obey.

Our modern history in law is fundamentally a story of the decentralization of power starting with the Magna Carta.
You overestimate the power of tyrants. They tend to be quite stupid.
I live in a world governed by "stupid" tyrants, they don't seem that stupid to me, it's the capitalists who are losing and have otherwise been coopted to serve tyrants.


Active Member
Sep 15, 2015
What's wrong with anarchy, I support CSW's ideas because he advocated for anarchist principles whatever he calls them, I'm more interested in ideas than labels.

Modern civilization is predicated on removing authority from other humans and giving it to God and then building on the premise that no one has authority over anyone and we are all equal under God. I just don't believe there is an authority in God other than the laws of phisicks we're forced to obey.

Our modern history in law is fundamentally a story of the decentralization of power starting with the Magna Carta.

I live in a world governed by "stupid" tyrants, they don't seem that stupid to me, it's the capitalists who are losing and have otherwise been coopted to serve tyrants.
Defining yourself by an ism, an ist, or their antithesis is only useful if its definition is agreed upon. Unfortunately social constructs schism far too easily. The Code of Hammurabi, the Magna Carta, the US Constituion, and the NAP are useful depending on how they are perceived in relation to fairness. But they too often schism.

While believing in science is useful, we really don't know much about anything. We try stuff and hope we survive. The pursuit of technology and innovation is arguably the highest order of evolution and our pitiful attempt to mimic it through science.

Bitcoin SV is an artificial organism with the potential to drive sentience. It's primitive, but it has all the essential DNA it needs to thrive. It is unique. I don't care what people think it's worth. How much would you sell yourself for?


Active Member
Sep 10, 2015
You know, I forgot what this thread was named. All anyone here cares about is number-goes-up. Mea Culpa.
CSW is quite vocal about the amount of wealth he pretends to have.
He even uses that as an argument quite often.

So his stance of contempt and anger regarding people that are happy to build their wealth while investing in something else else than BSV seems rather inappropriate and hypocritical.
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Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
cbeast and the like minded would be excited about the money if it wasn't a poor performer.

If it wasn't a poor performer, cbeast's social group would never have made the rule to not like the price.
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Active Member
Sep 15, 2015
CSW is quite vocal about the amount of wealth he pretends to have.
He even uses that as an argument quite often.

So his stance of contempt and anger regarding people that are happy to build their wealth while investing in something else else than BSV seems rather inappropriate and hypocritical.
Does anyone here have any argument that doesn't include terms like market value and investment? Numpties go up! I need to find a programmer forum.


Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
tell me that a noveau riche so excited as to flash watches in the mirror in the loo wouldnt be standing on the rooftops praising the virtues of hashpower and number, had he the character to have accomplished such things.
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cbeast, your view was handed to you off the back of your leader's losses.

now put your head down and program something for the intellectual property portfolio like a good soldier.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
How much would you sell yourself for?
Apparently more than others. I used to sell myself for $100 per hour if you're interested.
While believing in science is useful,
This is probably the single most destructive belief plaguing society at the moment. One does not need to believe in science as one believes in a god, science, is not the gospel preached by our high priests the media called scientists.

Science is a way of thinking it's a practical way to measure if assumptions are true or not. BSV has the potential to be useful, the only problem is it's not at the moment.

on the topic of authority:
Defining yourself by an ism, an ist, or their antithesis is only useful if its definition is agreed upon.
I'm not an idea, I'm an individual, I was just agreeing with an idea, the definitions of words are an example of anarchy. There is no authority who can definitively define the meaning of a word, they evolve they change, you need to explain your definition. Words mean whatever you want them to mean.

Take capitalism for example CSW thinks it means what most people his age thinks it means, for the purpose of brevity he thinks it means people voluntarily exchanging value in a free market with rules set by an authority. The majority of the world disagrees with him, they think capitalism means exploiting the poor, destroying the environment and corrupt corporations ruling like tyrants eroding human rights.

Most people can't agree on the definition of the word capitalism, but they are willing to go to war over it although they share common ideas.
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Numpties go up! I need to find a programmer forum.
We use science to make numbers go up. Being excited about numbers going up is not the problem, conflating that with reality is.
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Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
What's the size of the pork bellies market?
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Pork Bellies Collapsing, Bitcoin Up
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Active Member
Sep 15, 2015
Bitcoin is a protocol. How much are your linux packets worth? Nothing. Miners will be paid to serve data. Bitcoins without data will be worth far less than with. Bitcoin will add value to the data through security and privacy. I don't expect BSV to go up in value fast. It will take decades. This dog and pony show of altcoins will end badly.

Everything is a matter of belief. You don't "know" anything. We use science as an agreed-upon protocol, but it's not proof of anything.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'm not an idea, I'm an individual, I was just agreeing with an idea,

Pessimism and Capitulation among hardcore BSVers. Number goes up ...

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