Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
No, you should be able to decide for yourself whether you want to market your idea/song/book yourself, or whether you leave it to Amazon and Google for free.
You will not invest a billion dollars in vaccine development if the result of that investment is allowed to be copied.
Correct... and the world would be a safer, more equitable and better place when people stopped depending on Imaginary Property (delusions) enforced by the state.

If you want to solve a need one has to do the work, pretending only one is allowed a monopoly and to profit from the division of labour is a delusion. Creating laws to enforce that delusion is making humanity sick.

We progress when others learn how to help more effectively. Copying is by definition progress, (not stealing) the things we are allowed to copy blossom into infinite creativity.
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Should communists be allowed to copy this art work for free?
Anyone can copy it free, but the thing you can't copy is the time stamp and costly signal that says "I paid to the right to the history of digital signatures of the first instance on the blcokchain". That's worth whatever you're willing to pay for it.

I suspect it's a result of people spending $0.30 USD for one ETH, which's now worth $1,820 USD today so in real terms all good fortune aside it's about $11,373 or about what you'd pay a commercial artist - less the hype.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
No, you should be able to decide for yourself whether you want to market your idea/song/book yourself,
@Zarathustra you're full of hypocrisy. Progress happens, the state enforcing imaginary realities is just one way to solve a problem that does not exist, and you applaud the state for doing so. You do realize that if you don't want to share your idea, song or a book, you don't have to share them. Keep them secret in your head. It's only forest people who don't have the technology to record ideas in books or songs, and the notion that they don't innovate or copy and share ideas because there is no state enforcing a monopoly on the first to present an idea is just silly.

It's not ideal living in that primitive state, inevitably someone or something needs to cull the herd or innovate when it grows too big, we innovated because it's humane. I have a little chuckle inside when you applaud the state for enforcing Imaginary Property so we can innovate and create monopolies for profit and leave the forest, so noble of you.

Realistically we innovate to fulfil needs, not because big pharma wants the government to give them a monopoly to extract rent. Bill while philanthropically patenting a coronavirus vaccine in 2019 before the pandemic and philanthropically building 7 factories to produce it all while giving away his money and adding billions to his net worth in a year. The fact that he may not have philanthropically invested in this whole charade for power and profit makes me feel optimistic that we can learn from mistakes.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
> Correct... and the world would be a safer, more equitable and better place when people stopped depending on Imaginary Property (delusions) enforced by the state.

There is no such thing as a non-enforced property. Property has been invented with the invention of patriarchy/society/collectivism/organized violence, represented by church and state.
There is no property within a stateless community in the rain forest.
Of course, it you don't listen to science (anthropology), and believe in the ahistoric religion of the aristocrats from Vienna or similar fairytales, you will never know what happend and what will happen.
An anarchist capitalism is per se an oxymoron.

> We progress when others learn how to help more effectively.

Fairytales. There is no 'progress' among stateless communities in the rain forest. Their output has the same quantity as 10'000 years ago.
We progress (= destroy flora and fauna) since we are forced to pay tribute, and because there is never enough money out there to pay this tribute, we have to go into debt and pay interest, which enforces exponential growth of the so called economy.

> Anyone can copy it free, but the thing you can't copy is the time stamp and costly signal that says "I paid to the right to the history of digital signatures of the first instance on the blcokchain". That's worth whatever you're willing to pay for it.

No. CSW is right. Read the thread above again. They are willing to pay millions because the property is backed by the courts.

> @Zarathustra you're full of hypocrisy. Progress happens, the state enforcing imaginary realities is just one way to solve a problem that does not exist, and you applaud the state for doing so. You do realize that if you don't want to share your idea, song or a book, you don't have to share them. Keep them secret in your head.

No, I don't applaud it. I just present history and facts. It would be great if communism also works beyond Dunbars numbers, and it would be great if anarchist capitalism would work. But it doesn't, because it can't.

> You do realize that if you don't want to share your idea, song or a book, you don't have to share them. Keep them secret in your head.

LOL yes. I realize that if I dont want my hard work to be stolen, I have to keep it secret in my head, and therefore won't be able to survive.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
> It's not ideal living in that primitive state,

It's better to live in the rain forest as a homo sapiens than to live as a taxed citizen (homo oeconomicus/hypercollectivist)., where only a minority is able to live a good life. You are the real statist. Not me.

> inevitably someone or something needs to cull the herd or innovate when it grows too big, we innovated because it's humane.

As I already tried to explain. You have it upside down. You confuse cause and effect, because you think economists (theologians) know more about human history than anthropologists. The transformation of the homo sapiens into a homo oeconomicus (tribute slave) determined the overpopulation.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Disgusting. This industry consists of two thirds of soulless technical idiots who don't even understand their own subject. The virus is then blamed for excess mortality instead of the idiocy of the technical idiots.

Our group recently conducted a global survey of frontline providers to explore barriers and enablers to small and sick newborn care during the pandemic. The findings suggested that evidence-based practices are being disrupted, with two-thirds of respondents reporting they do not allow mothers with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 to practice routine KMC and nearly one-quarter reporting they do not allow breastmilk feeding, even by uninfected caregivers [[38]]. Further, 20% reported changes in KMC practice among SARS-CoV-2-negative mothers and 7% reported complete disruption of KMC services. Respondents highlighted the importance of caregiver counselling on hygiene precautions, ensuring provision of adequate PPE, and promoting clear guidance regarding KMC and breastfeeding.
A sensitivity analysis conducted with different rates of transmission shows that the number of lives lost due to COVID-19 could be as low as 200 (lower bound: 100; upper bound: 420), with a 10% transmission rate (Table 2). Therefore, the benefit of providing KMC is 65 to 630 times higher than the risk of dying from COVID-19 among neonates born in facilities weighing ≤2000 g. These estimates do not reflect changes in the coverage or provision of any other interventions due to pandemic-related disruptions. Moreover, COVID-19 could result in an additional 17,500 (lower bound: 3900; upper bound: 31,100) maternal deaths, which would further disrupt neonatal care and KMC in this vulnerable population.

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That's why most of the research for pharma is done at taxpayer-funded Universities.
The taxpayer is also a voter. "We the people".

"Capitalism - A System That Works" Paul C. Martin
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
It’s called strategy,
Call it what you want, forcing people to keep their bitcoin on MtGox or CAvertex or in a bank that uses the Lightning Network and fractional reserve Bitcoin is not strategic, it's stupid.

It's like abusing the law, force people to use a broken system that is causing an extreme acceleration in wealth inequality driving social unrest today.

The fact TPTB can get away with it just illustrated how broken our legal system is. When they pass legislation by sneaking it in, disguising it with legalese, so no one can understand the changes just illustrates how corrupt governments have become.

The future does not look so bright when the people who we've entrusted to govern, abuse their power first with creating money, then by allowing that system to corrupt Bitcoin in the same way.


Active Member
Jun 13, 2019
Hello everyone,

I thought the following was pretty funny: The Chain business plan has been leaked and it's a shocker.



Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
Segwit only allows for the potential to break the chain of signatures, whereas suing bsv association to reassign coins will absolutely break the chain of signatures, and before segwit does.

Craig Wright should take Satoshi Nakamoto's advice and think of those lost coins as a donation to everyone.(instead of suing to personally gain at the expense of BSV, yet again)

“Lost coins only make everyone else's coins worth slightly more. Think of it as a donation to everyone.” -Satoshi Nakamoto

Some people like to recreate the narrative surrounding when satoshi spoke of 'gold turning to lead'. That was obviously in the context of contracting, and not in the context of going to court to sue an entity you created the year before to take BSV, breaking the chain of digital signatures in the process.
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By running his mouth about the Hashwar, CSW directly caused not to list BSV.

By suing some dickhead for calling him out on his failure to prove himself; CSW caused directly even more delistings of BSV.

What is the remedy for CSW? Sue the dickhead and take the money into his own pocket, after crushing BSV price for years.

The other day when he backtracked entirely on his claims to rolling icebergers and segwit flaws, he suggested to 'milk the cow'.

Evidence is piling up BSV is the cow

The number of people who think there is some master plan to stop and delist BSV because it has potential; wake up, you're deceiving yourself and getting mugged in the process.
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'Honest nodes' is an economic behavior, as referred to in the whitepaper.

Bitcoin is a system of economic incentives.

To say that 'honest nodes' has anything to do with court compliance is a fabricated narrative created after the fact; just like the notion that Craig Wright was solely satoshi nakamoto.
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Active Member
Sep 15, 2015
Losing your coins by accident is a donation to everyone, not their theft. What he's doing is garnering forces in law to focus on the fuckery going on in crypto.
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Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
what he is doing is breaking the chain of digital signatures on BSV, well before segwit does, and on BSV only.
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what many BSVer attribute to 'the fuckery in crypto' is actually the fallout on BSV of deep personal failings of CSW character, which, I will explain again, are the sole and direct cause of the early waves of delistings.
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His track record in court is horrible, and it all seems to surround his neglect of honesty and attempts to fool the court.

My friends, there is no 'persistence hunt', the hashwar was lost completely, and we are now watching the long march of failure; a phyrric victory in court that will bring no benefit to BSV.
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The only thing captain rolling icebergs is persistent about is mining and holding onto BTC
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and in regard to Tesla, its not a crime to call BTC bitcoin as was suggested by Lawtoshi Talkaboato, but rather, tesla would be more appropriately getting sued if they called the fork product BitcoinSV 'bitcoin'.
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Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
I support this message:

"We support BSV, because our job can only be carried out on BSV.

Developers not only need a stable locked protocol but also need a steady and favorable market environment for development based on BSV. However, Craig’s behavior has been an impediment to BSV’s development. With each potential PR crisis caused by him, BSV loses more potential investors.

Given this, we declare:

Until Craig Wright proves that he is Satoshi Nakamoto, we no longer recognize him as Satoshi Nakamoto, nor trust him can lead BSV forward. We do not support or recognize Craig suing anyone. Craig Wright’s actions are only on his own behalf and have nothing to do with BSV or its developers, investors, etc."
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It is impressive how right and truly well he has fucked the BSV brand.

(which costs developer mindshare, costs userbase, via the signalling mechanism of market pricing)
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