Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
yep. lawsuits
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also; I was wrong to predict btc would be muted first.

bsv will mute itself first.

imagine if david created goliath and waited until he was fully grown to pick a fight.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Ian gets it. I think the reaction to CSW looking for a precedent is moot. Basically, Cash, when it's stolen, is gone we have that precedent set in law unless you follow the money and make the people who steal it pay it back, even then they just need to declare to go bankrupt to get off the hook.

People live with that reality every day, ironically it's only a reality because they accept it as such and if you report losing $1.5B $3.5B in digital cash (aka BTC, BSV, BCH), one may be willing to test that reality.

I see people hating on CSW because he's challenging the rules of the game, rules everyone has thought were set in stone. CSW is correct to test the idea, but wrong to expect his coins back. A system that favours wealthy people and not the 99.999% of us will create inequality as a result - a 2 tear system. I'm not getting my stolen assets or cash back, neither is anyone that's the law "unless you're changing the law" and that ends badly as we see with the system today. I relate to the sentiment to stop this socialist victim behaviour expressed by CSW that's what I see people are reacting to.

I've seen precedents that justify the reality of stolen cash being lost. I've lost a lot of money/cash from exchanges collapsing, scammers and sending Bitcoin to the wrong address, even securing my coins with a password I forgot after not writing it down so I could be more secure (the irony). The reality is that cash digital or otherwise when stolen is gone if you cant trace it and recover it.

The rules today don't let me get the money back from exchange, hacked or collapsed. It's just gone and we move on. Those rules are set in stone, and I suspect CSW just is confirming that, so all the power to him.
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In other news: CSW admits to using BTC as a Stor of Value. "#rolling-icebergs" well that was just FUDing the "game pieces" LOL.

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Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
Those who support unlimited blocks the most, those who studied the whitepaper the closest, lost the most from trusting a series of bombastic claims made from csw.
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the notion that keeping his word disenfranchises innocent people who kept their life savings in BTC directly disenfranchises BSV investors.
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He apparently cherishes his BTC position after helping convince his following to abandon it.

BTC isnt going anywhere, ever and BSV isnt flipping BTC, ever.
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Satoshi as a departed forefather: priceless

Satoshi as a business owning btc hodlr who supports BSV project for micropayments: worth about $500 on top of BSV price
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
He apparently cherishes his BTC position after helping convince his following to abandon it.
The rules for the cult leader are different from the rules of the cult followers.

That acknowledged, I still think BSV is the better Bitcoin and given enough time and commitment it will become the dominant network. So it's not all lost, and the notion that you have to work to create wealth still holds. If one makes BSV the best network and one can grow the value of one's coins, then the disenfranchising of the haters has minimized freeloaders, and maximized benefits for wealth creators.

Who knows how it all unfolds, I learned last year that I live in a world surrounded by, governed by, and managed by morons. I never saw it or the pervasiveness or it being exposed, so one has to adapt.
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Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
its easier to work if the typical grind is removed from the equation.

those who invested in BTC are in a position to elevate it. time is the only luxury.

serfs who pour money into BSV need to shutup, keep their heads down and work for csw's patent portfolio
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an entire class of anarchocapitalists have taken away from the burden of everyday life and no matter what happens to btc they now sit beyond the pale and are capable of influencing reality to a level 10x that of any foolish BSV investor
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Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
"It is not an option to change these basic key bindings to imitate other, newer editors. It would create a different editor that we Emacs users would never switch to. It is unfortunate that the people who implemented the newer editors chose incompatibility with Emacs." -Richard Stallman
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'imagine if a discussion on escrow turned into an argument for reclamation of coins via court and back again'


Active Member
Mar 29, 2016
its easier to work if the typical grind is removed from the equation.

those who invested in BTC are in a position to elevate it. time is the only luxury.

serfs who pour money into BSV need to shutup, keep their heads down and work for csw's patent portfolio
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an entire class of anarchocapitalists have taken away from the burden of everyday life and no matter what happens to btc they now sit beyond the pale and are capable of influencing reality to a level 10x that of any foolish BSV investor
This is very true. I hope most BSV investors kept some BTC. I wish I kept more, live and learn I guess.

The easiest way to scale up a service is to map business logic to BSV transactions. This is still huge.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
'imagine if a discussion on escrow turned into an argument for reclamation of coins via court and back again'
The new boss is just like the old boss. But in reality, contracts are messy, they're not about fulfilling agreed on obligations but about the feelings surrounding the obligations, and you can't code feelings into a smart contract or any other contract. If it's going to court it's going to court because of feeling.
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ownership of ideas is perhaps the pinnacle of achievement in civilization
maybe more acuratly a symptom of the bigining of the end of a civilization.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
most bsv investors went all in based on confidence floated around their bubbles
I didn't. Never underestimate the stupidity of the market. The market is always wrong. The dumber the protocol, the higher the enthusiasm of the market participants. At least in the short and semi-short run.

And yes, indeed, some criminals lose their freedom and their families.

And most of those heros who applaud market shutdowns to fight a flu lose nothing, because they transfer those unpayable debts to their children and children's children. In other words: the market is an idiot.
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Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
lessons from slack;

If I had believed this in 2015 I wouldnt be here

1. Dont invest in BSV unless youre building an app
2. there is no problem with existing ways of moving large amounts of money
3. aml/kyc to get any substantial money out of bitcoin.
4. investing in base bsv token is like storing a majority of wealth in gold: a bad idea


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

CSW 2008:
Payment intermediaries have the technological competence to avert detrimental transactions at the lowest cost of any intermediary with the largest potential payback. Further, in many cases the largest effect on the Internet pirates is provided through economic means. As such, the legislation should be adapted to mandate internet intermediaries control illicit transactions and consequently protect the public interest. To do this effectively will require more than just a mandate that Internet intermediaries monitor illicit activity. It will be also necessary to regulate liability in order to protect Internet intermediaries from the actions that they are required to take in order to protect the Internet. The constant seesawing between policy positions that has occurred in respect of the Internet demonstrates that we have not achieved this yet.