Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
...when they get to 2023 they may realize the solution in 2020 was superior, but for the fact it's free, proven and reliable, only they would have to give up the ability to control the system rather than make journal entries to reverse transactions.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
reminder: the FED first made public their initiative for improving the US payment system in january 2015. it was recorded in the GCBU thread:

bitcoin's solution was better then and is better now (5 1/2 years later, the FED is still in the planning stages). unfortunately bitcoin took a forced detour along the way. fortunately we are back on track.

DISCLAIMER: although i wrote the above-linked post, the 79b79aa8d5047da6d3XX account at BCT was later hijacked, most likely by the forum owners. i have nothing at all to do with the ads you see there, or anything posted after August 1, 2017.


Active Member
Sep 15, 2015
I hear about amazing incredible enterprise level bonanza applications so powerful and complex I can't even begin to understand, that will be available someday. Can't someone just make something fun to do with my wallet?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
hey @cbeast good to see you around.

paymail undeniably provides superior UX.
though i never twitted, i am enjoying twetch.
unwriter is pushing the limits of what you can do with and around the blockchain at powping.
the gambling guys are ready: if you are into that sort of thing. in any case the tech is cool.
streamanity got acquired and works better every day.

all that is here now. and the token phase is coming, check at @Norway 's thread.

play enough with all that, and one thing becomes clear: bitcoin works beautifully well, and its reach goes far beyond payments. i get a kick out of how BSV's decision not to deviate from the original protocol allows me to state the previous sentence unequivocally.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Apparently it's normal for people who have a new baby to reevaluate priorities, I'd say there is nothing wrong with focusing energy on a new human.

What is a little concerning is he's also getting a salary of $100K US to work on Bitcoin. and the fact he voted Yes to let sock puppets dictate who gets to decide policy in BU.

While Peter and CSW clash and resort to petty arguments, Peter has made great contributions to scaling Bitcoin. Being absent during the BAB - BCHN debate may be one of them, letting ABC make mistakes so Bitcoin can grow.

BU if it stays with the BCH will fall into obscurity. BU's strongest footing right now is to focus on research. It's that research that has resulted in tangible applications that have resulted in donations.


Active Member
Jan 2, 2016
Your position was that big BSV blocks were too big and costly for your amateur infrastructure.
No, this was never my position. My position is that we should fix the algorithmic bottlenecks (like the TCP congestion window bottleneck on networks with non-zero packet loss) before increasing the safety limits.

EDIT: I have no idea who "kr1z1s" is.
Neither do I. His native language is Russian. I talk with him sometimes on Telegram about p2pool stuff. He's competent in Python and involved in the Russian mining community. He has contributed a few PRs and bugfixes to p2pool. That's about all I know about him.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
out with Amaury and into the hands of...wait for it...@freetrader. oh my.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
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Active Member
Nov 30, 2016
I love the last paragraph of this article.

In interviews with other media, Amaury, the chief developer of Bitcoin ABC, predicted that if there were no CoinBase rules, the future of BCH would "slowly fall into an irrelevant" position, and the community split would be far more serious than IFP. Although some people believe that the current disagreements in the community stem from the forcible addition of IFP, Amaury said, "A month ago, the focus of the disagreement was on difficulty adjustments. These details are not very relevant."
(Google translated and emphasis is mine)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
This image * means different things to different people. To me, it reiterates why BSV is the more principled version of Bitcoin and why the BCH ticker is not representative of the changes made to the protocol that forked of BSV.

* Source the official

This is a repeating pattern, the exact same playbook as before, just this time with a new awakening for some, and it would be very sad if it results in a new fork.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
has anyone asked @freetrader whether he plans on removing the blocksize limit completely or even beyond 32MB? i don't hear any talk of that. he may never need to be paid but if he cripples BCHN at 32MB forever, maybe that's all that's desired.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
BCHN's plan is to evaluate adaptive blocksize proposals as time permits.
BU's plan is to update the bitcoin protocol to promote application development, if necessary by deploying a new coin.
ABC's plan is to get a payday given the market's present disregard for coin fundamentals.

scaling is not a BCH priority. BCH currently processes < 2% of all bitcoin txns.