Bitcoin Cash Wall Observer


Active Member
Feb 22, 2016
While it's always hard to say, I would argue that now is a extremely bad time for a newbie to buy in.
Personally, I would advise you to wait until November / 2 MB hardfork and see what happens then, and if maybe Bitcoin Cash might be the better investment by then. Also, I guess for a newbie it might be harder to hodl trough (imho very probable) crashes that might come in the next weeks due to all the confusion and uncertainty.


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
maybe buy a little bit of bitcoin, and a little bit of bitcoin cash, to have some skin in the game (and to get the logistics down). watch what happens daily, and be ready to invest more as you feel more confident.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2016
is this a good or bad time for newbie to buy some BTC :-o ? lets say, 2~3 ?
i think its very possible that BCC is eventually worth more than a BTC, soooo probably not a bad time right now... lol.
conservatively, BCC should be treated as a hedge against the core's risky road map. for years bitcoin blocks have been allowed to get bigger and bigger, this was always the intent, this has always worked well, core is now changing the fundamental workings/economics of the system, and BCC is the safety net should this new way prove to be not competitive in the crypto market.

it may turn out that BCC is MORE then a simple hedge tho, and even if Core's settlement layer thing works out wonderfully, BCC STILL gains value.

IMO the risk / reward of BCC can't be ignored, and everyone needs to be holding some of it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
some strange behavior on trex . . . if you lowball your BCC bids, someone comes down and fills them. example: market is at .135, place bid at .12, it gets filled, market goes back to where it was. enjoy!


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2016
scheck this chart on the 30 min. timeline
see how the red candles go down and grab the low bids.
that happened 3 times hours ago. and 3 times the other day.
hitbtc , poloniex, seems to not exhibit the same behaviour.

it looks like a manipulator, he's selling fast and incurring slippage, and then immediately manipulating price back to where it "should be" ( where hitbtc , poloniex, etc.. is )

just because there is some guy ready and willing to dump and manipulate, doesn't mean BCC is overvalued, if anything... kinda feels undervalued, since he can actually pull off this manipulation! a manipulator can only control market price IF the market lets him, and only for a time...
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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
all i know is that i got the coins i bid for, below spot. no complaints at all.
i wish i had more ammo. not scheduled to divest BTC at this price range, and already used up all my spare fiat lowballing BCC.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
It's an interesting observation. Had the same thing happen to me on twice on ViaBtc, 300Y under asking price.

I didn't read too much into it, other than perhaps some larger traders struggling to find sufficient liquidity to sell. Clearly the dumb money hasn't dried up yet. Or perhaps I'm the dumb money? Time will tell ;-)


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2016
ya it happened to me too. few weeks ago.

i kept bidding like 2-5% below spot and bids kept filling, price kept going lower and lower and lower.
felt it was like the manipulator was waiting for my bids to be place before selling, and maybe he was!
and then bcc popped and i saw >10% profit for a long while.
i think i'm starting to be in the red on that trade tho, because I'm mostly just HODLING at this point...
[doublepost=1505266191][/doublepost]well if BCC is all a big show deigned to rob me of my bitcoin, they put on a fucking good show.


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
well if BCC is all a big show deigned to rob me of my bitcoin, they put on a fucking good show.
i've been saying since the beginning, hodl the BTC, throw in fresh fiat, just like in the old days.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2016
right, going "full norway" doesn't mean converting ALL your BTC into BCC. it means converting ~1/3 of your current bitcoins holding into BCC

the gr8 thing about going ful norway, is that you can do it again and again and again endlessly, every time taking 1/3 of your current bitcoin holdings.

going triple norway, is absolutely insane! I haven't even gone full norway once yet, i went half norway for a time, and then covered profits into BTC again.

But i do feel like it might be time to go full norway(at least once) pretty soon.


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
I actually might use the chance to buy some BCC whenever I feel we hit the bottom.
my inner koala was itching to burn some USD, so i bought a couple today. alas, price kept sinking.

what do you think, will price rise or fall when stamp opens BCC trading? i expect dumping.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2016
TA on BTC just turned super bullish. ( broke 4100)

will the subsequent jump in BTC value crash the BCC/BTC ?? we will find out very soon!