Bitcoin Cash Wall Observer


Active Member
Dec 31, 2015
With Bitstamp awarding BCH today, it could be a bumpy ride. But if this does not result in large dumping, I will take this as quite bullish.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2016
and there's XAPO allowing withdrawals of BCH and saying
If we receive no further action from you before this date, your Bitcoin Cash balance will automatically be sold and the value will be added to your Bitcoin wallet
BCH going to go sub 0.1 sooner or later.
its going to be a bloodbath!


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
and there's XAPO allowing withdrawals of BCH and saying

BCH going to go sub 0.1 sooner or later.
its going to be a bloodbath!
Nailed it.

Effectively Xapo have added a button in their wallet to withdraw the BCH or convert it to BTC.

Voluntary selling until December 14 but after the 14th the feature to convert or withdraw will be removed and Xapo will be dumping at will.

Given most Xapo users probably use their Xapo wallet as a BTC wallet they are unluckily to install a new wallet to handle BCH, BCH is going to have to absorb this.

The lesson here is to look out for how CoinBase will handle this. It'll be disappointing if they do something similar in January.

I'd like to see them support it much like ETH or LTC, if they add merchant tools for BCH well that's a bonus. the price may go the other way.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
just thinking aloud here:

Rough estimates but I’m thinking:

5%< probability it goes up in the short term after the 2X fork if the 1X chain dies.
25% probability it goes up in the short term after the 2X fork if the 1X chain still exists.
50% probability it remains in a down trend with high volatility until the end of January/ February.

I’m still bullish on BCH long term it had more base network growth potential than BTC. So I’m holding and going to slow buying the dips.

If people are selling BCH to buy BTC before the fork they may sell off the BTC fork they don’t want and buy back the BCH – Both the 1X and 2X forks are Segwit forks, so BCH could be seen as more of a diversification? is this just a pipe dream?


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2016
its time to go fishing for bottom...

IMO 99% chance BCH goes UP and over current price no matter wtf happens to segshit
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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2016

I just firmly believe BCC will capture a % of the crypto market, right now ( and since the beginning ) capturing ~1/20th of crypto feels easy for BCC, as long as BCC is alive and well it seems hard to imagine why it wouldn't represent at least 1/20th of the crypto market.

Doesn't really matter if BTC get segwit or segwit2x, either way all it really does is make BCH and BTC drift futher apart, more differences, and that means more reasons to value both of them, each for different reasons.

i think whats going to make more of an impact for BCC is BCC related events, like if / when we get a better EDA, or headlines like "Online retailer Overstock starts accepting Bitcoin Cash and Ethereum"

That kind of shit matters to BCC more and more now, what BTC is doing in the meantime is starting to seem inconsequential.

price is taking a hit because of the recent Xapo BCH liquation... and at the same time i'm sure there some FUD about the EDA, soon both these things will go away, and price will recover back over that magic 0.1BTC baseline speculative value.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2016
bitfinex is finally made a futures market for the upcoming btc fork

bt1 == the bitcoin protocol defined in the bitcoin github
bt2 == the bitcoin protocol defined in the sgewit2x github

so far all we can see is clear and blatant manipulation in favor of bc1
volume is so ridiculously low...


Active Member
Dec 31, 2015
I don't think Bitfinex really created a usable futures market. BT2 has the same asymmetric
disadvantage as did their earlier prefork BCC token.

In addition to the Xapo dump (and in the not too distant future the Coinbase dump), and the EDA woes (or FUD as your belief system tells you), I think perhaps the biggest reason is that people are consolidating out of all Alts too, in anticipation of the upcoming enforkenings. Both BitcoinGPU/BitcoinGold (whatever they end up calling themselves) and S2X are mo' free money for anyone holding Bitcoin Segwit Core.

Accordingly, I expect BCH to drop to Oct 25, maybe a slight rebound, then drop more to the S2X fork, then start climbing again. Same for all alts - with some likely not recovering alongside BCH. I don't think we really get to soar until Coinbase dumps run their course.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2016
the way i see it, in the long term, we'll have 3 coins Bcash Bcore and BTC(segwit2x), and each of them will take home ~20% of the total crypto pie. Bcash will move UP troward 20%market share, Bcore will start off at 20%ish and forever go sideways, and BTC(segwit2x) will go DOWN troward 20%market share. Once all 3 are stable at 20% they will stay like that and grow as the crypto-pie grows, untill years from now a true winner starts to emerge (maybe because LN proves unusable, maybe because big blocks get annoyingly big, maybe because a little bit of everything did the trick )

thats my long term speculation for now.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'm a nimble speculator, I don't have any short term preferences, but 3-4 years out I expect 1X or the 2X (2X having forked to 4X) to dominate as the No 2 the BCH network to be No1. If 2X does not fork to bigger blocks 1X will dominate while BCH grows exponentially to dominate 6-10 years out.


New Member
Oct 8, 2017
Well i'm not an expert of the Bitcoin world but at some point when (if) the price of Bitcoin will so so high, some people say $25000 in few years or even more, people that are looking to invest money will move to other cryptocurrency. Why not Bcc?! even if a mil. is tooooo much lol


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
time to start analyzing seriously BCCUSD and BCCBTC movements once again, i expect important trade opportunities to open up. some preliminary observations:

1. BCCUSD seems to be the more important metric, BCC as percentage of BTC moves down if USDBTC goes up and viceversa, while BCCUSD remains relatively steady.

2. BCCUSD absolute floor (after initial dump on aug. 2) is $200. thereafter it has gone no lower than $290, and traded mostly in the $300 band.

3. movement can be swift: it went from $296 on aug. 16 to ATH of $758 three days later.

4. i judge hitting 2xATH to be probable in 2017, hitting new ATL to be improbable.

5. nevertheless dumps might be on the horizon, as BTC holders finally acquire ability to split their coins / get access to them. i take dumps to be more likely before a BTC fork, afterwards the virtues of BCC will become even more apparent.

5. thus accumulating on the $300 band seems relatively safe, if using fiat. trading BTC for BCC is riskier as BTC may decouple and continue rising fast.

calling on you now for some real trading insights . . .
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New Member
Oct 8, 2017
This is a joke!! I've been following Bcc movements since the announcement of the fork (bitcoin gold) and every weekend nothing was moving,maybe $10/20 but this weekend from about $350 up to $499 at the moment.
Whats going on? Whos moving all this Bcc?