Except for the last two times it spiked, around May '15 and July '14.... So of the 5 previous spikes, that leaves 3, and the rally around April '12 wasn't as big as the other two.Batter up! When the purple line peaks, historically speaking, look out.
True, this had slipped my mind. But that was supposed to be one participant, not some big collusion. I still can't see it, I think the current generation of miners are too greedy. Unless they are being paid off big time on the side.I believe there is collusion based on HK discussion where a decision was made to help a participant's open trade. Prior to this admission, there was lots of speculation as to intent and bad faith.
@adamstgbitYeah it seems like it means a significant move up is likely. Doesn't mean it will happen, but it's something to watch out for as the correlation seems quite strong. Not only has every long stability period (except one) led to a big rally, every big rally has been preceded by a long stability period. It doesn't get much more solid than that in investing, except if there were more than 5 data points.
I don't know if there are stability charts for any altcoins. Azop seems the only person making them.
Well they are planning to do bad things to Core. Whether Bitcoin keeps being based on Core as Core gets ruined is another question. Honey Badger is like Marty McFly hitching rides on cars on his skateboard, and maybe Honey Badger doesn't mind hitching a ride on a car he knows is going over a cliff later on, because he's only hitching a ride while the hitching's good.
The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.
its always nice to here his views
i'm very pessimistic today... i feel as tho the classical scaling vision is going to get thrown under the buss
supports of this vision are leaving,this will give the other side ( small blocks , high fees, and LN ) more and more power to unfold there plan, and that will become bitcoin. the price will go down hill from there because there system is expensive and complex to use, while bitcoin 2.0 ( ether maybe?? idk ) will come out the winner.
Revelation 13:15
When did Luke become adam? So this is the "killer app" i keep hearin bout@hedgewizard
Revelation 13:15
The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.