Just came home from the local pub. I tried to explain bitcoin to the guys there. They treat it as a scam. They have been fucked in the ass before. No logic or data is going to convince them. I feel like I give them a ticket to the moon. But they don't want it.
Next time, when bitcoin is suddenly 100 X . They will say "Shit, I should have listened to that guy. But now, it's too late."
And I will tell them once more: This is just the beginning, I can prove it, look at my mathematical models of global currencies.
And again, they don't understand. The next rapid growth will happen. And they think: "Shit, I missed that train too. But that's the way life is."
And then they are right. That's the way life is. Stooopid people are pushed down by nerds.
Regarding your conversation with the guys in the bar.... I am with Adam...
Don't worry about it. I am not trying to evangelize anyone; however, there is really no downside in talking about subjects that interest you, so long as you have a somewhat willing audience, and they seem to be engaging with you somewhat.
Yeah, they either may not get it or they may be skeptical, but so what. Just say what you are going to say, and they can believe it or not. The harder you may be seeming to sell them may cause them to become more skeptical.... Just if they are interested in hearing and they are listening, you are willing to tell them about it... and if not, talk about fucking chicks, football or whatever other topics.
Sooner or later, they are going to hear about it and some will come around sooner than others when they realize the importance of it.
Now, regarding your 100x assertion. Are we going to do another 100x? I wonder?
I am kind of anticipating a 10x. But I am not sure when.. probably less than 2 years, but pretty decent chances that another 10x could take place anywhere between 1 month and 18 months, too.
From here, a 10x would place BTC prices in about the $3k to $5k territory, and that seems reasonable. After the 10x, I would expect some kinds of corrections and evben some period of repeated negative news... for possible 6 to 18 months... ... then we go from there... and maybe get the next 10x thereafter...
Surely, we could get two 10x s in a short span of time, and that be 100x and would place BTC prices in the $30k to $50k price territory.....
Seeming a bit "out there" to expect a 100x any time soon (which I understand as being two 10x s)... Surely, the overshoot could be surprising... especially since we have had a couple of years of a relatively down market....
Nonetheless, I have some difficulties just maintaining my imagination of one 10x at a time.... rather than your describing a 100x to be anytime soon or to come all at once... It's not 2013 anymore...
Call me pessimistic.