What's peoples take on the bitcoin price 2016? Is this blocksize debate going to ruin the coming halving bubble or are we still ready to go? What do you think? I would really love it if we could find a solution asap but my guess it won't happen?
my take: there will be 2 trains. One before, one after. Some might think November rallye was already the "pricing in train", but I think it's delayed due to blocksize debate. It's a slow train, but volatile. It'll take us above $500 (maybe well above) but probably not above $1000.
Then the halving will happen without any extraordinary price movement.
Then fall will come, maybe even Christmas, who knows, maybe it takes even longer and it will be Q1 2017. We will see the real (completely underestimated) effect of the halfing and it will suprise almost everyone: a wild rally to new highs. Another crazy prediction: most will attribute it to something other than the halving, which will be long forgotten by then.
Nice story, I know. Let's see how far from reality it is...
Oh, and another thing: I think the immediate effects (on price) of any (or no) outcome to the blocksize debate are being overrated currently. Here's another wild theory: all this shit is partly being staged to get early adopters to sell their stashes