Wall Observer

Would you prefer to:

  • 1. Implement SegWit now, lift the block size limit later.

    Votes: 3 6.0%
  • 2. Implement SegWit and lift the block size limit at the same time.

    Votes: 7 14.0%
  • 3. Lift the block size limit now, and put SegWit on hold (perhaps indefinitely).

    Votes: 40 80.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I've noticed an increase in dark pool trading this year, effectively large trades happening off exchange.

I got sent an invite today to partake in Gemini's new auction which I can imagine could function similar to off exchange trading. (effectively all exchanges I have accounts at are doing something similar)

This particular instance makes me think that the Winklevoss are offloading / getting set to cash out.

So my guess is as we see alts increase in market cap we're going to see an increase in bitcoin liquidity as alt-coiners cash out of bitcoin while bitcoin holders diversify into alts coupled with this trend to offload in dark pools.

I'm guessing the result is a net increase in liquidity with lower demand that's going to have a slightly negative effect on price for the next few months. and I don't think we are going to see the effects of the halving -supply drying up anytime soon.

I'd like to eat my words next week but I'm not seeing the demand given the $#!tstorm Core have stirred up. o_O


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2016
the demand will come with the increased activity / discussion / action the HF will bring.

once the HF happens and is all over and done with, there will be one chain headed for DOOM, while the over paves the way forward.

we will have successfully "upgraded bitcoin".

i believe BTCFork will win out in the long run ( within 3 years ), and i also believe that segwit ( or some lean and mean version of segwit ) will allow for LN ontop of a well sized blockchain.

we will have done it, a bitcoin with double its current capacity, with a network thrown on top to handle 100K TPS if thats what your into.




Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2016
i like the action we are seeing.
time to buy is BEFORE the fork.
the fork is a few months away and so i'm thinking 700's maybe 800's by that time.
buying preforked coins is the thing to do.
[doublepost=1474674135][/doublepost]how to play the fork.

step 1 buy now
step 2 sell all your BTC-Core AND BTC-Fork on the forking day.
step 3 buy BTC-Fork as Core fan boys sell all there dupped coins.
step 4 wait for the world to realize bitcoin-Core is dead meat, and BTC-Fork is where its at.
step 5 be like Muahahahahaha

your welcome.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2016
so i pitched bitcoin to a guy at a party. ( he had been looking into it for some time... )

bla bla bla bitcoin this, block limit that, altcoins are shitcoins.

at one point i made a pretty convincing speech which should have been tilted "BUY OR DIE!"

I can't be sure but i think i sacred him.

he will soon buy.....


Active Member
Sep 29, 2015
i like the action we are seeing.
time to buy is BEFORE the fork.
the fork is a few months away and so i'm thinking 700's maybe 800's by that time.
buying preforked coins is the thing to do.
[doublepost=1474674135][/doublepost]how to play the fork.

step 1 buy now
step 2 sell all your BTC-Core AND BTC-Fork on the forking day.
step 3 buy BTC-Fork as Core fan boys sell all there dupped coins.
step 4 wait for the world to realize bitcoin-Core is dead meat, and BTC-Fork is where its at.
step 5 be like Muahahahahaha

your welcome.

I really doubt that you can have much if any confidence regarding the direction of prices, if such a hardfork were to occur.

Maybe there is a 70/30 chance that prices could go the direction that you describe, but even those kinds of odds seem too risky to gamble in such ways. Overall, I have the sense that if there is any kind of meaningful hostile hardfork, the odds are pretty great that such a hardfork would not really take off in any kind of meaningful way. I doubt that there is any kind of impetus or organic passion that is even close to the level that ETC enjoys, which seems to have largely prevented ETC from disappearing in its entirety.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2016
I really doubt that you can have much if any confidence regarding the direction of prices, if such a hardfork were to occur.

Maybe there is a 70/30 chance that prices could go the direction that you describe, but even those kinds of odds seem too risky to gamble in such ways. Overall, I have the sense that if there is any kind of meaningful hostile hardfork, the odds are pretty great that such a hardfork would not really take off in any kind of meaningful way. I doubt that there is any kind of impetus or organic passion that is even close to the level that ETC enjoys, which seems to have largely prevented ETC from disappearing in its entirety.
hello! who do you think this is??
when it comes to price direction, I am always confidence.

a) price will continue to rise, and rise faster and faster as we come closer to the forking
b) the day of the forking, might mark a bit of a "top", but the combined value of your coins + forked coins will continue to rise.

i'm very confidence, in these speculations.


Active Member
Sep 29, 2015
hello! who do you think this is??
I have a certain level of confidence that you are the same Adamstgbit that I have interacted via forums and through various personal messages for nearly three years now.

when it comes to price direction, I am always confidence.
confidence and correctness seem to be differing stories.

a) price will continue to rise, and rise faster and faster as we come closer to the forking
b) the day of the forking, might mark a bit of a "top", but the combined value of your coins + forked coins will continue to rise.

i'm very confidence, in these speculations.
forking seems like nonsense, if it does occur, and probably would result in some fly by night alt.

By the way, I recall that I had seen that you had posted that your BTCtalk account had been taken over, and you cannot be bothered with attempting to get it back.

It seems that your account may have been taken over around the same time that mine was hacked, almost three weeks ago.

I had a little bit of a bitch of a time getting my account back - it took a bit more than 24 hours to figure out some kind of way that administrators over there were confident that I was the real JJG.

It was a bit funny because I had engaged in several attempts to notify, and in the meantime, they locked my account, so the hacker had my account for a little over 3 hours before they suspended the account. He made several attempts to engage in trades in my name, and surely, there is a certain amount of value in having a longstanding account - probably in any forum. I was kind of irritated with the thought that I may have to start over in building my reputation.. hahahahahaha whether that reputation be good, or not so good in some circles.


New Member
Apr 2, 2016
Hamburg, Germany
We should post the follow up, before we spread paranoiaaah!
Following confirmation over the weekend that the rumors were false of a lower-priced 'deal' with The DOJ somehow saved Deutsche Bank from its potential liquidity crisis; Deutsche Bank assets are notably marked down this morning. Despite Germany being closed, Credit markets are trading in the US and Europe with CDS spiking to new record highs (extending Friday's decoupling).
[doublepost=1475502960][/doublepost]And this also:
After Warning Of "Selling Cascade" On Friday, Gartman Turns Bullish


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2016
I have a certain level of confidence that you are the same Adamstgbit that I have interacted via forums and through various personal messages for nearly three years now.
yup, thats me

confidence and correctness seem to be differing stories.
i make a lot of very specific predictions, and exaggerate my confidence in that predication.
>32,000 <2 years

for example...

I told you the BFX token was total junk and you'd be lucky to get 30-40cent for it.
Of Course... that was proven to be a "bad prediction"
or was it...
The minute i heard these worthless tokens could be converted into "shares of Bitfinex"
i told you somthing like " well i guess there's a little more value here then i though"
and now its at 60cents
was i Dead wrong? more or else correct? IDK...

when bitcoin first feel below 400 ( like 2 years ago??? ) i was say " this is a fair price could go lower but its a good buy "
then it really crashed in the low 300's and i called it bottom. ( price shot back up into 420's again for a short period )
and sure.. later it was in the 250's for a long while
But was i dead wrong? more or else correct? IDK...

i dont care what people think, i say its going to 650 in the next 24hours and it drops to 590 and they assume, i'm dead wrong, they forget that more often then not i'm "more or else correct"

in all the ways that matter, my advice / predictions regarding bitcoin, HODL / UP have been and continue to be more or else correct, in some rare cases i am spot on.

forking seems like nonsense, if it does occur, and probably would result in some fly by night alt.
I think you gr8ly underestimate the amount of poeple ready and willing to fork off.
and you gr8ly Overestimate cores ability to remain relevent while not providing any real concrete solutions while BTC Fork starts making real headway.

By the way, I recall that I had seen that you had posted that your BTCtalk account had been taken over, and you cannot be bothered with attempting to get it back.

It seems that your account may have been taken over around the same time that mine was hacked, almost three weeks ago.

I had a little bit of a bitch of a time getting my account back - it took a bit more than 24 hours to figure out some kind of way that administrators over there were confident that I was the real JJG.

It was a bit funny because I had engaged in several attempts to notify, and in the meantime, they locked my account, so the hacker had my account for a little over 3 hours before they suspended the account. He made several attempts to engage in trades in my name, and surely, there is a certain amount of value in having a longstanding account - probably in any forum. I was kind of irritated with the thought that I may have to start over in building my reputation.. hahahahahaha whether that reputation be good, or not so good in some circles.

Its a real shame, I dont remeber the password to the sorta-Temporary blockchain.info wallet i was using for a while on the fourms when i'd make bets and or sell stuff.
as a result I have a hard time Proving my identity, and they won't simply take my e-mail confirmation as proof, so i kinda of gave up.

in anycase, i felt unwelcome on that forum....
I've been playing some good old Diablo2 latetly instaed of torlling bitcointalk.org
I think its healthier.

idk if i'll ever bug theymos for my account back...
[doublepost=1475557401,1475556452][/doublepost]a quick look at the charts has me thinking:
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Reactions: Tomothy and 8up


Active Member
Sep 29, 2015
yup, thats me

i make a lot of very specific predictions, and exaggerate my confidence in that predication.
>32,000 <2 years

for example...

I told you the BFX token was total junk and you'd be lucky to get 30-40cent for it.
Of Course... that was proven to be a "bad prediction"
or was it...
The minute i heard these worthless tokens could be converted into "shares of Bitfinex"
i told you somthing like " well i guess there's a little more value here then i though"
and now its at 60cents
was i Dead wrong? more or else correct? IDK...

when bitcoin first feel below 400 ( like 2 years ago??? ) i was say " this is a fair price could go lower but its a good buy "
then it really crashed in the low 300's and i called it bottom. ( price shot back up into 420's again for a short period )
and sure.. later it was in the 250's for a long while
But was i dead wrong? more or else correct? IDK...

i dont care what people think, i say its going to 650 in the next 24hours and it drops to 590 and they assume, i'm dead wrong, they forget that more often then not i'm "more or else correct"

in all the ways that matter, my advice / predictions regarding bitcoin, HODL / UP have been and continue to be more or else correct, in some rare cases i am spot on.
At least you are willing to give some examples of your wrong predictions.


I think you gr8ly underestimate the amount of poeple ready and willing to fork off.
and you gr8ly Overestimate cores ability to remain relevent while not providing any real concrete solutions while BTC Fork starts making real headway.
We will have to see how it plays out, and I kind of anticipate that whatever the scenario is not going to play out exactly like either of us had predicted..

Its a real shame, I dont remeber the password to the sorta-Temporary blockchain.info wallet i was using for a while on the fourms when i'd make bets and or sell stuff.
as a result I have a hard time Proving my identity, and they won't simply take my e-mail confirmation as proof, so i kinda of gave up.

in anycase, i felt unwelcome on that forum....
I've been playing some good old Diablo2 latetly instaed of torlling bitcointalk.org
I think its healthier.

idk if i'll ever bug theymos for my account back...
I had a similar problem with providing undeniable proof through the use of bitcoin addresses that I had used in the past on the forum, so we had to resort to other means to verify my identity, and my providing several suggestions and including arguing that there likely was no one else really trying to assert that they were me at that same time and that my historical e-mail had remained the same on the account and that I still had access to the historical e-mail that I had used.

I understand that they seem kind of sticklers and unrealistic about how to specifically and unambiguously verify identity, but sometimes, the means that they want are not really practical and not going to work. I know that my account has less than 1/3 of the posts of your account, but even with an account of more than 7k posts, there is some value to getting re-control of that, and in the end, they recognize that they need to be practical, too.

In the end, they agreed to a kind of compromise way to verify fairly unambiguously that I was who I said that I was, and I got my account back.

It appears that you and I were hacked into about the same day, and one funny thing is that you were one of the few people who I contacted by personal message attempting to figure out how to get my account back; however, you did not respond to my PM and now I realize that we were pretty much simultaneously hacked.

I understand that you are not perceiving any real value to your account, and you feel a bit of contrary opinion to admins/mods at BTCtalk.... but in the end, your account has more than 19,000 posts, and accordingly there is likely a considerable amount of value in that, in terms of credibility and maybe even for other reasons. I'm pretty sure that if you work with them, they will be able to figure out some mutually agreeable way for you to get your account back.

The reality of the matter is that they had some kind of security breach, and BTCtalk accounts were taken over; however, that does not mean that the historical e-mail that you had on file was taken over, and in that regard, it is likely that you should be able to get your account back.

it is also good to see your random posts over there.. hahahaha to keep some of the trolls in check - even if you sometimes seemed to have been trolling yourself.
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