Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
BU is clearly in flux right now, it's a little sad to see. There's not much point in rehashing why this happened, the important thing is where to go next? Those who feel they have lost their footing, would do well to have a re-read of this fantastic post by unwriter.

"One of the talking points of Bitcoin ABC camp has been “Permissionless Innovation”. Ironically, Bitcoin ABC is no longer a place for “permissionless innovation” either.

While everyone on team ABC seems to be very happy that they got the BCH ticker and proudly say the war was over even before it had started because of their coordination with the exchange cartel, they don’t realize it is EXACTLY this point that makes Bitcoin ABC a deal breaker for any pragmatic application developer.

They have effectively turned themselves into crony capitalism blockchain."

What ABC ignored, was the moral hazard that comes with the ability to change the consensus rules of protocol (every six months), by definition making the protocol centeralized, and giving a big FU to all the business and application devs who have to rewrite code for every update.

If you can acknowledge the ABC path was a mistake, the next issue people are having is patents. They have some wise words here too.

I believe free (libre) and open systems like BCH will eat permissioned blockchain's lunch.
"You may say “But what about nchain and their patents?”. My answer is: I know EXACTLY how the patent games are played. And because I know how it’s played, I have no fear. Most people who are afraid of patents are those who have never filed a patent before. Or have never built something that could win against a company built on top of patents. These are non issues to people who can make things happen.
(Also, did I mention patents expire after 20 years? Also that these patents apply even if you are on a different chain? The patent issue is 100% irrelevant because it changes nothing regardless of whether you like it or not)"

The solution, as others have pointed out is to build a business, one that doesn't depend on the charity of others, one that people or businesses will pay to use. eg Searching and serving different types of blockchain data, that will lead to many Billion dollar companies. Will any of the talented BU devs be among them?


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
Maybe you should clarify what "infrastructure" refers to before going on the attack.
Thanks Mengerian. I will inform you privately of the nature of this private infrastructure repo, but as for @cypherdoc, all I will give him is the commit hash in case I decide one day to open this repository to the public. For which I currently see no need.


I do recommend people read the full thread that H0dl / @cypherdoc started which lead to me eventually hanging up the conversation as evidenced in the post he linked.

Maybe you will, like me pause for a second wondering how he imagines ABC devs are going to expel people from /r/btc .
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Thanks Mengerian. I will inform you privately of the nature of this private infrastructure repo, but as for @cypherdoc, all I will give him is the commit hash in case I decide one day to open this repository to the public. For which I currently see no need.

two questions:

1. it looked like your March 22 Friday reddit answer of a few days ago referred to BCH. is it BCH or BU?
2. do you consider this private "infrastructure" development part of standard open source development and if so why?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Maybe you will, like me pause for a second wondering how he imagines ABC devs are going to expel people from /r/btc .
that's easy. look at the ludicrous OP of the overarching thread, which admittedly did annoy me:

Should members of Bitcoin Unlimited be expelled when they no longer follow the Bitcoin Unlimited articles of federation?

why was that posted in r/btc? is it b/c r/btc is mainly an ABC support forum now? ans: yes it is. not strange considering who owns it and who mods it along with the censorship against anti-ABC posters. so yeah, i thought one stupid question, the OP, should be greeted with another stupid question. and given that i've already stated seeing @deadalnix pop in here the day before and given the provocative "quitting" of BU by him and @Mengerian, just how strange is it that i mock the r/btc audience upvoting the OP in that thread to test how far they want to go to be stupid? looks like you took the bait :)
[doublepost=1553548541][/doublepost]@freetrader "This is cypherdoc trying to steal time from BU's lead developer."

sigh. you could just answer the questions too:

1. it looked like your March 22 Friday reddit answer of a few days ago referred to BCH. is it BCH or BU?
2. do you consider this private "infrastructure" development part of standard open source development and if so why when it's hidden?
[doublepost=1553548895][/doublepost]@Peter R you appear to be online. when was @freetrader's last BU commit? was it last Friday March 22? you don't need to necessarily answer if you can link me to his BU commit history wherever it is.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
like i linked above, the only commit i see was from Feb 2 for BU. so you either lied to me or i'm somehow mistaken while you continue to be obtuse and pedantic. sad you insist on not clarifying.

anyhow, what i was really looking for was when his last commit to ABC was; turns out it was way back in Dec 2017 soon after the BCH/BTC fork as i suspected. i continue to find that his immediate unexplained withdrawal from ABC dev, his anonymity, his attitude, and continued confusing arguments, to be highly suspicious of a divider.
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Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
I never said it was a private BU repository, just a private repository.

Neither did I lie to you. You are somehow mistaken because you don't seem to know the meaning of 'private'.

I also have private repository copies of BUcash which I've worked on as recently as end of last year. Those commits shall also remain private.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
no, the reddit question posed to you was "give me a link to your last commit" in the specific context of our argument regarding the BCH/BTC fork back in Aug 2017. why would i ever be interested in your "private" repository? clearly i'm referring to a public repository with a link; specifically the ABC repository. and you never said you were referring to your private repository not to mention i don't consider that a "commit" in the traditional open source github sense. all you said was "infrastructure". you knew exactly what i was trying to get at b/c i've voiced my suspicions before:

Why did you immediately leave BCH dev after the 2017 fork? did you complete your goal of splitting the community?

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Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
no, the reddit question posed to you was "give me a link to your last commit"
Yeah, you edited your post. I replied to the original question, and what I've given you in this thread up to now is all you're going to get.

Why did you immediately leave BCH dev after the 2017 fork?
As I said in the thread, that's a false allegation (lie).

As you yourself proved by looking at my ABC commit history. My last commit was months after the fork, and my involvement with BCH past that commit continued. How, is my business and mine alone. Thank you for taking an interest, and goodbye.

BU commits and ABC commits are not the only ways that developers can stay active. If that were so it would be sad. Enough said.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
>and what I've given you in this thread up to now is all you're going to get.

>Thank you for taking an interest, and goodbye.


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
That message is to you personally, cypherdoc. You're trying to hard to master the art of omitting relevant context.

It doesn't apply to any of the multitude of kind folks I otherwise interact with in Bitcoin Cash, BU, ABC or any of the other BCH clients. And even the occasional sensible BSV (or BTC) supporter.


Staff member
Aug 22, 2015
I, Amaury Séchet, resign from Bitcoin Unlimited.
Resignation accepted @deadalnix.

I still recall fondly the collegiate atmosphere of the first Satoshi's Vision conference at San Francisco. You attended and brought your skills to the table during all the discussions on how to bring onchain-scaling to Bitcoin. On behalf of Bitcoin Unlimited, I thank you for your contributions from that time.

So much water has passed under the bridge since, you have long since disengaged from BU taking your own direction. Good luck on that journey.


A note for observers: Bitcoin Unlimited moves forward by its democratically passed BUIPs. The way to effect change in the organization is to raise a BUIP and argue its merits. I think history is showing this lends towards much more stability and considered decision-making within a development group.
BU, with XT, offered miner voting on all seven of the major features which were in dispute between ABC and SV before the 15 November fork. If miner voting had been activated then the ecosystem and network split would probably have been avoided, with the benefit of keeping the BCH price closer to 0.1 than 0.03 BTC.

Likewise, if there is an external event, such as the lawsuit against ABC, and some members think BU should take a stance as an organization, then the procedure is to raise a BUIP for the membership to decide. To expect executive decisions on a matter where many BU members have little or zero information defeats the whole purpose of collective decision-making.

For the record, BUIP107 proposed that BU sell its BCH holding for BSV. It had little support. BU has the BCH fork as the default for its full node implementation, as well as significant funds committed to a future BCH conference. Somehow, all this major support isn't enough for some BCH supporters. Well, if BCH is only going to advance by attracting users, investors and developers who are more committed than BU, then it won't advance much at all.

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