Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2015
Speaking of women: I fear one of the possible attacks on BU is a certain kind of women arriving here, applying for membership and then doing a SJW-style concern trolling divide and conquer attack against Bitcoin Unlimited. Just women entering an organization can cause all kinds of attention shifts etc. on its own, so I think we should be very wary.

And no, I am not at all a misogynist.

Context: Gamergate, what Eric S. Raymond wrote and current political dynamics in general.


Active Member
Feb 22, 2016
Imho that shows the different mindsets of /r/bitcoin / core and the rest quite well:

Only reaction on /r/bitcoin is fear...

I found that announcement very bullish and I don't see 51% as a danger. Bitfury announced something about 100 MW as well IIRC. Competition is great and I hope we will see data centers like that around the world in a few years. Absolutely great news imho.

Very offtopic: @Justus Ranvier You seem to be "in the loop" in regards to the US presidential election, for an outsider, can you explain what the fuck is happening in the US? How did Trump tweet about Weiner having Hillarys emails last summer and the FBI just announced it last week? From what angle does that make any sense at all? I have trouble following the news but this is definitely by far the most crazy election in the US I've ever witnessed..

Justus Ranvier

Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
@satoshis_sockpuppet Based on what's been leaked so far, it looks like the last decade or so every government position of any importance has been sold off to the highest bidder, and those people are more corrupt than you can possibly imagine.

Apparently they got careless because they assumed they'd retain power forever and so nobody would ever be in a position to prosecute them.

Now that their assumption is starting to look less certain, they're in full CYA/panic mode.


Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
How did Trump tweet about Weiner having Hillarys emails last summer and the FBI just announced it last week?
It could've been a really really likely guess, because Huma Abedin is married to Weiner, and even beyond that, the Democratic politics in New York is all kinds of crazy backroom deals and intrigue, which Hillary carpet-bagged her way into in the early 2000's to run for Senate to capitalize on the retirement of Pat Moynihan. Trump also would likely be very privy to the rumors and backroom chatter of ultra-corrupt New York politics, having done business there for decades, and having personal acquaintance with all of these people. There's probably even incidentally all kinds of weird connections to Preet Bharara and the Southern District of NY, with respect to Chuck Schumer spazzing out about Silk Road, and the subsequent choice of venue for prosecuting Ross.
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Active Member
Feb 22, 2016
Now that their assumption is starting to look less certain, they're in full CYA/panic mode.
So much I guessed. Makes you wonder, who is leaking what and whose head will be chopped off to cover whose ass.
One thing is for sure, we are far from "the end of history".

It could've been a really really likely guess,
Hm, sounded too specific to me to be a guess.
But even if it was just a guess, why would he blazon it out? In no case, I can imagine, does it make sense for Trump to broadcast that to the world. If he knew it from someone, why would he give them the chance to clean it up? Or were the computers already seized by the NYPD back then?

There's probably even all kinds of weird connections to Preet Bharara and the Southern District of NY, with respect to Chuck Schumer spazzing out about Silk Road, and the subsequent choice of venue for prosecuting Ross.
Don't make it even more confusing. ;)


Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
The computers were already seized, because the Weiner incident had a criminal component as he was sexting an underage girl.

Some more interesting neo-left SJW-relevant trivia for you, it turns out also that Anthony Weiner is a close personal friend of Jon Stewart going back to their college days.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2016
US elections are like....

Let's talk about immigration policy.



What are you talking about?

The mexican border is the most secure border ever.


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Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
Imho that shows the different mindsets of /r/bitcoin / core and the rest quite well:
[ links to /r/Bitcoin articles about Bitmain's new farm ]
Only reaction on /r/bitcoin is fear...
From /u/acoindr (whom I recognized as being on there quite long):
So how do we counteract this? I see only two ways. One is market dissatisfaction with any lopsided mining control, which affects price (and therefore profit) and pressures the party to back away. The second is to try pushing the network back toward the original plan. Make it easier for many small miners (as in millions) to participate which collectively are hard to compete with.
Yeah, why not try going back to the original plan. We might even let you take credit for it, as long as you realize that the road you've been on was a mistake.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2016
Imho that shows the different mindsets of /r/bitcoin / core and the rest quite well:

Only reaction on /r/bitcoin is fear...

I found that announcement very bullish and I don't see 51% as a danger. Bitfury announced something about 100 MW as well IIRC. Competition is great and I hope we will see data centers like that around the world in a few years. Absolutely great news imho.
poeple just dont understand, 51% attack is extremely hard to pull off.
.... i was going to write up some details about how expensive and truly insane you must be to 51% attack the bitcoin network but... we all know this...

instead let me go on a rant about why a minner with >51% is NOT a problem at all.

so what's the problem, with 51% anyway?

one might says: " the miner can do all kinds of nasty things, including block anyone else from minning blocks by orphaning their blocks"

I'll say :" thats only true if you subscribe to the idea that the longest chain, is the valid chain, NO MATTER WHAT.... there is Nothing stopping the other <=49% from forking off of the attackers chain. all that needs to be done as a defence for a 51% attack is to tighten the rules of a valid block, and make it such that even if someone has >51% all they can do is produce valid blocks! rules like reject the block if it does nothing for clearing the unconfirmed TX mem pool, or all TX must be valid with valid sigs ( oh wait thats already a rule -_-). there you go, every time a >51% attacker attacks, the other 49% of network collectively say "That's not a valid block!" the attacker ends up on a worthless fork created by his stupidity, and an honest miner finds a block which is acceptable to everyone else, life goes on uninterrupted."

a thought exercise to the reader, read the above and try to poke a hole in the logic. what kind of >51% attack can't we simply "rule out"?
[doublepost=1478131016,1478130112][/doublepost]if you think about it segwit is kind of like a 51% attack...
how do we deal with a handful of poeple ruining bitcoin for everyone else.
everyone else forks off :cool:


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Speaking of women: I fear one of the possible attacks on BU is a certain kind of women arriving here, applying for membership and then doing a SJW-style concern trolling divide and conquer attack against Bitcoin Unlimited. Just women entering an organization can cause all kinds of attention shifts etc. on its own, so I think we should be very wary.

And no, I am not at all a misogynist.

Context: Gamergate, what Eric S. Raymond wrote and current political dynamics in general.
I could be a women there are probably just 2 member here who know either way for sure. Sex doesn't matter if it does we'll need to up the game.


New Member
Apr 2, 2016
Hamburg, Germany
Imho that shows the different mindsets of /r/bitcoin / core and the rest quite well:

Only reaction on /r/bitcoin is fear...

I found that announcement very bullish and I don't see 51% as a danger. Bitfury announced something about 100 MW as well IIRC. Competition is great and I hope we will see data centers like that around the world in a few years. Absolutely great news imho.
Bitmain's new Xinjiang computing center to use 140,000 KW. To pay such a electricity bill makes only sense if the Bitcoin price goes up. More than the 20% from the last 30 days. I wonder how Jihan Wu can be so confident. He knows very well, that Blockstream won´t deliver a blocksizelimit increase. Acording to Haiyang of ViaBTC Jihan Wu sees the future for bitcoin in Bitcoin Unlimited and not more in BS/Core. But his mining pools still run only Bitcoin Core.And so bitcoins remains in a stalemate. As Jihan Wu said: "No hardfork no SegWit"

The only sense i see in deploying such a big mining farm is in getting enough voting power to dissolve the stalemate. With up tp 2,000,000 TH/s, Bitmain can help SegWit to the get the 95% support for activation or Bitmain can join ViaBTC and Roger Ver to hardfork with Bitcoin Unlimited. I would like to know his decision...


Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
poeple just dont understand, 51% attack is extremely hard to pull off.
.... i was going to write up some details about how expensive and truly insane you must be to 51% attack the bitcoin network but... we all know this...

instead let me go on a rant about why a minner with >51% is NOT a problem at all.

so what's the problem, with 51% anyway?

one might says: " the miner can do all kinds of nasty things, including block anyone else from minning blocks by orphaning their blocks"

I'll say :" thats only true if you subscribe to the idea that the longest chain, is the valid chain, NO MATTER WHAT.... there is Nothing stopping the other <=49% from forking off of the attackers chain. all that needs to be done as a defence for a 51% attack is to tighten the rules of a valid block, and make it such that even if someone has >51% all they can do is produce valid blocks! rules like reject the block if it does nothing for clearing the unconfirmed TX mem pool, or all TX must be valid with valid sigs ( oh wait thats already a rule -_-). there you go, every time a >51% attacker attacks, the other 49% of network collectively say "That's not a valid block!" the attacker ends up on a worthless fork created by his stupidity, and an honest miner finds a block which is acceptable to everyone else, life goes on uninterrupted."

a thought exercise to the reader, read the above and try to poke a hole in the logic. what kind of >51% attack can't we simply "rule out"?
[doublepost=1478131016,1478130112][/doublepost]if you think about it segwit is kind of like a 51% attack...
how do we deal with a handful of poeple ruining bitcoin for everyone else.
everyone else forks off :cool:
All we'd need to do is change the pow. Everyone and their grandma would spin up their computer for the chance to make free money and the cost of mining would quickly rise back up to meet the price of bitcoin, while the attacker and his massive investment are left out to dry. The network would return to confirming transactions. It would be a very stupid attack.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
@satoshis_sockpuppet Based on what's been leaked so far, it looks like the last decade or so every government position of any importance has been sold off to the highest bidder, and those people are more corrupt than you can possibly imagine.
The last decade? That's nothing new since the homo sapiens became stupid enough to transform himself into a homo oeconomicus (tribute slave).

There is a book with the ironic title
"Der Kapitalismus - ein System, das funktioniert!"
(Capitalism - a system that works!)
All kinds of collectivist systems work until they collapse. Capitalism is just one of many expressions of collectivism.

Eight years ago people had hope that the world will change with Obama. Now people hope the world will change with such incredible idiots like Donald Trump. Ridiculous.
People are not even able to demand and get direct democracy. Switzerland is still the only one on the planet. No other population fought and won this fight. Neither Clinton nor Trump are the problem. The problem is the society. The same is true @Bitcoin.
Not Maxwell and Thermos are the real problem. The problem is the so called community where those with an idealist free spirit represent a minority.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2015
I could be a women there are probably just 2 member here who know either way for sure. Sex doesn't matter if it does we'll need to up the game.
Yes. You are completely right, sex doesn't matter and for all we know people who only appear here under pseudonym could be women (myself included). There is no problem at all with that.

But I meant an account who identifies as or clearly belongs to a woman. Then the above problems can quickly happen.


Active Member
Mar 14, 2016
I'm ready to bet both awemany and AdrianX are males. Someone want to take the bet? :)


Active Member
Nov 22, 2015
I am considering buying a bunch of Antminer S9's but I first need to find a good place to host them. Can anyone here recommend a good hosting facility?

Since the miners are produced in China it might be wise to have them also hosted in that region. That will probably mean they spend a shorter time in transit.

When Blockstream come under more pressure I expect DDOS attacks to start again so it might be wise to answer me in a private message so you don't reveal in public a popular hoster among big block proponents.