I have been absent from this forum for some time, it is good to see that the momentum is gaining, from BU getting funding, the concept of minority splits becoming more popularized, and the appearance of a new major pool supporting larger blocks.
It certainly has made me more bullish on Bitcoin making me adjust my ratios, however at this point admittedly I am more interested in the subsequent spin offs which will arise from the original genesis chain. Fortunately because of the nature of such forks all I have to do is hold since that way the users value is protected no matter what the outcome of this free competition will be.
@adamstgbit In regards to what the minimal amount of hash power for forking off with is, I reckon the two of us and another volunteer could fork off each using a normal CPU or GPU for mining, as long as we make a few small changes like you mentioned. Most small blockist would not even notice, it has been done on this forum before and the sky did not fall from the heavens. Even Ethereum is a positive example of this mechanism, investors did not even lose value if you consider the value of Ethereum Classic as well.
It has allowed the Ethereum community to split among ideological lines so that everyone can have the Ethereum they want, it is the best and most graceful solution, it is the essence of liberty itself, to allow and tolerate other peoples choices whether you agree with them or not. Bitcoin will split, I am certain of this, it is the best way forward. The small blockist can have their slow, expensive and restricted blockchain, while we continue with the original vision of Satoshi and build the blockchain of the future with unlimited possibility.