Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Active Member
Dec 15, 2015
Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP!
BTC | XAU (spot) | COMEX CG1
$609.34 | $1349.13 | $1353.5
GBTC | SPDR Gold Trust ETF
$88.5 | $128.76
10YR Treas| Copper | Crude (WTI)
1.57% | $209.10/lb | $44.86/barrel


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Active Member
Mar 29, 2016
I assume your view is that opposing Classic is a blatantly stupid, you therefore assume all the people who oppose Classic are either corrupt or naively brainwashed, therefore you overestimate the influence of Greg.
I do not think that. Now that you know this, you can try to piece together a more reasonable explanation for me thinking that Greg has a large influence. Good riddance to you.


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2016
I hear its planed to be streamed live
I'll try to remember to tune in. ( or watch it after the fact )
final a conference that doesn't talk about how gr8 segwit will be and how SOON it will be ready.
I look forward to hearing about on chain scaling solutions / limitations.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2015
jbreher said:
Goalpost shift from 95% to 98% duly noted.
Yes, after the "DAO wars", I think its important to be more prudent. Opinion is shifting slightly. I now think 98% is a good idea. Perhaps even killing off the old chain by having miners mine empty blocks on it.
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Active Member
Feb 22, 2016
About SW activation: There has never been consensus about a) whether we want Segwit or b) which flags should be used to activate a certain fork. And the deployment of these soft forks isn't "consensus critical" or else I wouldn't be able to run my old node after activation.

Imho the btcfork movement should use this hole (of many) in Cores "consensus narrative": Name the 2nd position DEPLOYMENT_BTCFORK instead of DEPLOYMENT_SEGWIT in core and just count blocks support the given flag as "support for the hardfork".

Nobody will know if a miner supports the hardfork or the Softfork and it shows the absurdity in the narrative of the gangsters, that every Bitcoin user inherently accepts their power of definition.

That is not playing nice, but playing nice, got us where we are now.


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
Goalpost shift from 95% to 98% duly noted.
Jonny is merely moving on the asymptotic trajectory of Extreme Consensus, which starts at 51% and moves to 100% consensus and infinite grace period, i.e. no change ever.

If ever there was a need for a corollary to "if it ain't broken don't fix it", then it's now.
I think for Bitcoin it could be "hey look, it's broken, better not let anyone fix it".

And just to clarify, by "broken" I mean the intended *temporary* block size limit which just so happens to get in the gears of Bitcoin growth.

Apologies for the shoddy truncated graph.

The formula for this Extreme Consensus which I found is : y = 900/(100-x)-9

Original SVG graph courtesy of the nice site .
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Lots have been happening the last few weeks, i've been away. Great news all round, with new shoots of encouragement from many areas.

I didn't see this get a mention from a few days ago. A fantastic endorsement no matter what the final outcome.



Active Member
Dec 15, 2015
Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP!
BTC | XAU (spot) | COMEX CG1
$613.17 | $1349.31 | $1354.2
GBTC | SPDR Gold Trust ETF
$89.5 | $128.78
10YR Treas| Copper | Crude (WTI)
1.60% | $210.35/lb | $45.01/barrel






Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
Lots have been happening the last few weeks, i've been away. Great news all round, with new shoots of encouragement from many areas.

I didn't see this get a mention from a few days ago. A fantastic endorsement no matter what the final outcome.

In that thread gmax complained about BU because it "fried" the testnet, and said this never happened with SegWit or Lightning (1).

This is where it start to be funny because SegWit "fried" the testnet on march 2016 for the exact same reasons (# max number of sigops), and not because another competing implementation disagree on consensus rules, but because two version of SegWit can't agree upon what a valid block is (2) (3).

The even funnier thing is that the block at wich the fork begin was created by Thaddeus Dryja (4) co-author of the Lightining Network "as part of intentionally testing an implementation of Lightning Network software on bigger (thereby more sigops) segwit blocks".


ps @Bloomie I used to know how to avoid automatic rendering of the reddit comments, but for some reason I forgot it. The ugly way I found it his wrapping link around "code" block. But it's really ugly and not user friendly.
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Active Member
Dec 15, 2015
Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP!
BTC | XAU (spot) | COMEX CG1
$614.51| $1344.7 | $1349.5
GBTC | SPDR Gold Trust ETF
$93.5 | $128.27
10YR Treas| Copper | Crude (WTI)
1.55% | $209.9/lb | $46.14/barrel




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