Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
They should come here and fight us in the trenches, like real men. .
[doublepost=1467285951][/doublepost]Fight us in a court of open opinion free of censorship.
[doublepost=1467286510,1467285808][/doublepost]As moderator of this thread, I promise not to censor opinion contrary to mine or the big blockists view. The only reason I ever wanted to be a mod of this thread was to physically take the position away from someone who was in favor of censorship and who might actively engage in it.
[doublepost=1467287249][/doublepost]My sense is the Chinese rumor has legs as blocks have been chock full for many months now and they have had plenty of time to study the situation and come to the conclusion that they can indeed handle a blocksize increase. That Uber full block from yesterday of 1MB caught my attention as maybe an indication of this sentiment.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2015

To nitpick, there's a typo in there: 'Immediately'.

I agree it is probably the market's reaction to this, but I'd love to see a confirmation. Does anyone know these Chinese redditors? They could elucidate the situation, and tell us who wrote this.
[doublepost=1467288180][/doublepost]@cypherdoc: Lets wait until Core comes up with a further optimization - solving the (created, of course) knapsack problem of blocks being very close to full.

That would allow another round of devs gotta dev and Greg could absolutely shine with the knowledge he can apply from his CS classes.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
there's a part of me that doesn't want to know which miners might be doing this. let them have their privacy so they don't get attacked by kore dev and the small block heads.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2015
@cypherdoc: Point taken. However, I'd still like to know whether, for example, the account who wrote this on 8btc is a relative nobody or someone better known or known to have reliable sources for his/her rumors.
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Active Member
Sep 4, 2015
My understanding of the "terminator" concept is that they elect a pool with 15%+ of hash rate. Then the other pools upgrade to classic and trigger the fork with 75%. The "terminator" immediately switches once the fork is triggered. It is a clever way to achieve the desired 90% consensus while also following the rules built into classic.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
what 90% desired?
[doublepost=1467290814][/doublepost]note how bitcoin inflicts losses . most people investing in cryptocurrencies lose money. like here where bullish skeptics are forced to chase. I know its early regarding this rumor but I'd bet it has legs. it only makes sense:

[doublepost=1467291178,1467290359][/doublepost]iirc that guy sold back in the 300's
[doublepost=1467291610][/doublepost]if there's anybody who understands the concept of supplying massive amounts of cheap goods to take over a market it would be the Chinese. same goes for supplying block space. we'll probably look back and say it was always so obvious for them to have forked away from Dial Up Luke and Cripple Greg and Backtrack Adam .


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015

Yay @Zarathustra!
ROFLMAO! yeah, "bifurcate you" will live in infamy.
[doublepost=1467292966][/doublepost]Chinese miners must be fans of Arnold:

1. elect a Terminator
2. "i shall bifurcate you".
[doublepost=1467293093,1467292437][/doublepost]6, when 2M hard fork is activated, the 28-day grace period, the pool of participants ore miners will do everything possible to inform all miners, exchanges, wallet developer / company, core wallet users, other start-up companies, etc. complete the switching core programs to ensure the smooth progress of the bifurcation hard, to avoid unnecessary losses generated;

Don't worry @Jihan, we will help you ensure a smooth transition.
[doublepost=1467293258][/doublepost]5, core and classic are open source projects, developers fate is free, when after the miners selected classic, I believe there will be many core developers turn to classic provides code;

someone's been reading this thread. this has been our contention all along.
[doublepost=1467293893][/doublepost]get the hell outta my way! GMI!
[doublepost=1467294006][/doublepost] (3) we need lightning network, in order to achieve Bitcoin-second transfer capability.

i'm not sure i agree with this part but hey, i'm ok with it as long as they let onchain compete fairly with offchain. let the games begin!
[doublepost=1467294114][/doublepost]this could be a very good month for me:

1. Hashfast case Terminated
2. kore dev Terminated


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
yeah, what a bunch of hypocritical twatheads.

in other news; chase!
LOL - this was top post of the Terminator thread in /r/Bitcoin before it was [removed]
wow, i saw it there just a few minutes ago. i bet the mods were huddling trying to decide what to do with it.

just goes to show what a rock and a hard place those twits exist in. they're killing themselves and they don't even realize it. fun to watch though.
[doublepost=1467295478,1467294551][/doublepost]more losers:

Update: So funny, the thread is accumulating more [removed] comments. Never go full censorship.
that kinda bullshit is right up @frankenmint's alley. i hope he enjoys committing suicide.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2015
Fuck, I just realized how much the whole blocksize debate wore me down. Someone posted a idea on reddit on how to do UTXO commitments.

I replied by linking to my related, now 1 year old UTXO coalescing idea.

I just read once more through that old post. Back then I was still so optimistic.

Now, the mentality on /r/btc in general and I think my personal one as well is a lot more cynicism (my distrust for the miners is almost as large as it is for Core) and now we're all just in an exhausting word fight (yes, we're all 'just keyboard warriors...') to hopefully get Bitcoin out of the absolutely crippling death grip of the Borgstream. No more creativity, just these drawn out, damaging battles.

To the miners: Following the idea of 'killing the competition' was very unproductive. A little bit more tact would help Bitcoin - as a whole - a lot! Language barriers of the miners might be an excuse, but I still hope you have learned from dealing with Core and also start to actively avoid further stepping on and stamping down the spirit in the Bitcoin community next time.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
watch out: $DJI & $DJT starting to diverge again:

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015