getpeerinfo ouput below in shortened version. I think my problem is local. I don't think a lot of bitcoin nodes are sending my node invalid data. My node must be confused.

Welcome to the Bitcoin RPC console.
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"addr": "",
"addrlocal": "",
"services": "0000000000000001",
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"version": 70002,
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"timeoffset": -30,
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"version": 70002,
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"inbound": false,
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"relaytxes": true,
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"conntime": 1467207885,
"timeoffset": 50,
"pingtime": 0.049542,
"minping": 0.034416,
"version": 70002,
"subver": "/Classic:0.11.2/",
"inbound": false,
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"banscore": 0,
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"inflight": [
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"id": 4,
"addr": "",
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"services": "0000000000000005",
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I removed something here to shorten the text
"id": 73,
"addr": "",
"addrlocal": "",
"services": "0000000000000000",
"relaytxes": true,
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"timeoffset": -1,
"pingtime": 10.85741,
"minping": 10.85741,
"pingwait": 28.123497,
"version": 70001,
"subver": "/bitcoinj:0.13.3/MultiBitHD:0.3.0/",
"inbound": true,
"startingheight": 418500,
"banscore": 0,
"synced_headers": -1,
"synced_blocks": -1,
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"minping": 0.774457,
"pingwait": 19.358525,
"version": 70001,
"subver": "/bitcoinj:0.13.3/MultiBitHD:0.3.0/",
"inbound": true,
"startingheight": 418500,
"banscore": 0,
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All this will probably take a long time anyway - you may want to consider just wiping the datadir and redownloading the entire blockchain.
Is the datadir the entire .bitcoin folder?