Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
@steffen: I'm looking at Classic-based code here, but the only match for "block is marked invalid" is on a line that reads:

return state.Invalid(error("%s: block is marked invalid", __func__), 0, "duplicate");

Note the "duplicate".

I would guess your node has still got a corrupted database where it has marked some block as invalid.

Have you seen this thread?

You might want to check if you can spot similar "Corrupted" messages in your logs, and try a reindexing with par=1 .
Otherwise, I guess it would be best - if you have a good backup of the blockchain somewhere on another node - to restore the blocks/ and chainstate/ folders to a known good state, then re-index.

All this will probably take a long time anyway - you may want to consider just wiping the datadir and redownloading the entire blockchain.
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Reactions: steffen and Norway


Active Member
Nov 22, 2015
getpeerinfo ouput below in shortened version. I think my problem is local. I don't think a lot of bitcoin nodes are sending my node invalid data. My node must be confused.



Welcome to the Bitcoin RPC console.
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"id": 1,
"addr": "",
"addrlocal": "",
"services": "0000000000000001",
"relaytxes": true,
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"timeoffset": -17,
"pingtime": 0.176748,
"minping": 0.165633,
"version": 70002,
"subver": "/Satoshi:0.11.0/",
"inbound": true,
"startingheight": 375495,
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"synced_headers": -1,
"synced_blocks": -1,
"inflight": [
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"id": 2,
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"services": "0000000000000001",
"relaytxes": true,
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"bytessent": 216504,
"bytesrecv": 2966002,
"conntime": 1467207884,
"timeoffset": -30,
"pingtime": 0.034792,
"minping": 0.030693,
"version": 70002,
"subver": "/Satoshi:0.11.0/",
"inbound": false,
"startingheight": 418501,
"banscore": 0,
"synced_headers": -1,
"synced_blocks": -1,
"inflight": [
"whitelisted": false
"id": 3,
"addr": "",
"addrlocal": "",
"services": "0000000000000001",
"relaytxes": true,
"lastsend": 1467210359,
"lastrecv": 1467210359,
"bytessent": 135445,
"bytesrecv": 2131279,
"conntime": 1467207885,
"timeoffset": 50,
"pingtime": 0.049542,
"minping": 0.034416,
"version": 70002,
"subver": "/Classic:0.11.2/",
"inbound": false,
"startingheight": 418501,
"banscore": 0,
"synced_headers": -1,
"synced_blocks": -1,
"inflight": [
"whitelisted": false
"id": 4,
"addr": "",
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"services": "0000000000000005",
"relaytxes": true,
"lastsend": 1467210359,
"lastrecv": 1467210363,
"bytessent": 88270,
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"conntime": 1467207887,
"timeoffset": 1,
"pingtime": 0.050394,
"minping": 0.047943,
"version": 70012,
"subver": "/Satoshi:0.12.1/",
"inbound": false,
"startingheight": 418501,
"banscore": 0,
"synced_headers": -1,
"synced_blocks": -1,
"inflight": [
"whitelisted": false
I removed something here to shorten the text
"id": 73,
"addr": "",
"addrlocal": "",
"services": "0000000000000000",
"relaytxes": true,
"lastsend": 1467210336,
"lastrecv": 1467210227,
"bytessent": 618,
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"conntime": 1467210216,
"timeoffset": -1,
"pingtime": 10.85741,
"minping": 10.85741,
"pingwait": 28.123497,
"version": 70001,
"subver": "/bitcoinj:0.13.3/MultiBitHD:0.3.0/",
"inbound": true,
"startingheight": 418500,
"banscore": 0,
"synced_headers": -1,
"synced_blocks": -1,
"inflight": [
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"services": "0000000000000000",
"relaytxes": true,
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"bytessent": 266,
"bytesrecv": 2203,
"conntime": 1467210224,
"timeoffset": -2,
"pingtime": 0.774457,
"minping": 0.774457,
"pingwait": 19.358525,
"version": 70001,
"subver": "/bitcoinj:0.13.3/MultiBitHD:0.3.0/",
"inbound": true,
"startingheight": 418500,
"banscore": 0,
"synced_headers": -1,
"synced_blocks": -1,
"inflight": [
"whitelisted": false
All this will probably take a long time anyway - you may want to consider just wiping the datadir and redownloading the entire blockchain.
Is the datadir the entire .bitcoin folder?


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015

Redditor: So are these SegWit issues going to be fixed or is it going to be rolled out like this?

Peter Todd: These are really nits... we can live with those nits... what matters SegWit is deployed soon...

I wonder how long there won't be any O(n) signature hashing, and therefore another convenient excuse not to give an inch in the on-chain scaling debate.

At this point I would like to insert a fun play on the words nit, dip, wit and shit.

Last edited:


Active Member
Dec 15, 2015
After reading through some of the links in the Greg is Satoshi thread, I think that the idea has legs. Does it also have tentacles . . . :cautious:


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
it seems inconceivable that Greg (as Satoshi) would develop Bitcoin in a non-contentious manner in the early days, along with Gavin, and then hand him the keys to be lead dev. only to then come back in mid 2011 and never have any direct confrontations with Gavin, afaik, but still develop the hatred for him that he clearly displays today. sure, i guess ppl are allowed to change their minds but the envy of Greg against Gavin has been more than palpable over the years since Greg, as Greg, appeared on the scene.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
well, at least we know where midnightmagic stands on censorship:

This forum's divergence from the main site is in name only, and everyone already knows that. It's too late to do anything but employ the ban-hammers with fascist-like authoritah and eliminate future trollery.
[doublepost=1467221070][/doublepost]but i thought 1MB was magical and had to stay in place 4EVA?:



Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Moving swiftly on.....

The latest LTB episode is another cracker. Many of the ideas that have been talked about here on the future trends in mining and changes in game theory as we approach Moores law limits. I think I may even try my hand at a little sport mining when some 14nm rigs hit the market.



Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015

yes, i'd like to try it again beyond my little 21co :) as the commoditization of hardware continues, esp as the rewards get cut and profits get squeezed, more and more of us hopefully can regain mining capability to re-exert control over code implementations. that will be a welcome time.

i think more and more mining companies will have to diversify revenue streams, like @Jihan's.
[doublepost=1467222418,1467221549][/doublepost]i made a decision to run w/o antivirus a coupla years ago based on some research i even published here. looks like the right decision. sheesh; worms?:

"Just emailing a file to a victim or sending them a link to an exploit is enough to trigger it -- the victim does not need to open the file or interact with it in any way."

In one case, he found a buffer overflow flaw in the company's "unpacker," which searches for hidden trojans and worms. "Because no interaction is necessary to exploit it, this is a wormable vulnerability with potentially devastating consequences," he says. "An attacker could easily compromise an entire enterprise fleet." He added that the unpackers have kernel access, which is "maybe not the best idea."

Symantec dropped the ball here. A quick look at the decomposer library shipped by Symantec showed that they were using code derived from open source libraries ... but hadn't updated them in at least 7 years

He even questioned the wisdom of using antivirus software in the first place, calling it "a significant tradeoff in terms of increasing [the] attack surface."
[doublepost=1467222578][/doublepost]word is getting around; it's the currency, stupid:

Investing in Bitcoin hasn't been for the faint of heart, but over the long run it has delivered virtually unmatched returns.

Investing in Bitcoin Has Delivered an Annual Return of 82%


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015


Active Member
Dec 15, 2015
it seems inconceivable that Greg (as Satoshi) would develop Bitcoin in a non-contentious manner in the early days, along with Gavin, and then hand him the keys to be lead dev. only to then come back in mid 2011 and never have any direct confrontations with Gavin, afaik, but still develop the hatred for him that he clearly displays today. sure, i guess ppl are allowed to change their minds but the envy of Greg against Gavin has been more than palpable over the years since Greg, as Greg, appeared on the scene.
This is a 'doesn't feel right' argument, correct?

I dunno, the more I think about it, the more it makes sense to me - especially if midmagic is Greg. I don't have any evidence that excludes Greg from being Satoshi at the moment, unless you consider @cypherdoc dancing around my posts yesterday without confirmation or denial as evidence of somebody else being Satoshi. o_O

I did like the suggestion of a Peter Todd and Greg long-term relationship. IIRC, Peter Todd was conversing on these issues with Finney and Wei Dai way back when he was 16 (~2002ish). Greg, as another gifted homeschooler (this one from a computer business family), could easily have found himself in the same circles as Peter Todd.

Finally, the best part about the Medium post is the tie to Midmagic irrespective of Satoshi. I think that the probability of greg being midmagic increased substantially since this time yesterday.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
This is a 'doesn't feel right' argument, correct?

I dunno, the more I think about it, the more it makes sense to me - especially if midmagic is Greg. I don't have any evidence that excludes Greg from being Satoshi at the moment, unless you consider @cypherdoc dancing around my posts yesterday without confirmation or denial as evidence of somebody else being Satoshi. o_O

I did like the suggestion of a Peter Todd and Greg long-term relationship. IIRC, Peter Todd was conversing on these issues with Finney and Wei Dai way back when he was 16 (~2002ish). Greg, as another gifted homeschooler (this one from a computer business family), could easily have found himself in the same circles as Peter Todd.

Finally, the best part about the Medium post is the tie to Midmagic irrespective of Satoshi. I think that the probability of greg being midmagic increased substantially since this time yesterday.
it is a 'doesn't feel right' argument. and i'm not Satoshi :)

go read midnightmagic's early posts from 2011 on BCT. they read much more coherently with much better English than Greg ever was or has been using. i suppose that could be intentional but if i were Greg, i would've flipped the quality around as it'd be much harder to fake the English obfuscation's that the current Greg carries around and consistently uses.

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