Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2015
My understanding of the "terminator" concept is that they elect a pool with 15%+ of hash rate. Then the other pools upgrade to classic and trigger the fork with 75%. The "terminator" immediately switches once the fork is triggered. It is a clever way to achieve the desired 90% consensus while also following the rules built into classic.
Why we didn't just build in 90%+ into Classic in the first place, so miners don't have to play these games and so we could have had 2MB blocks by now without all this war?


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
@jonny1000 :

There's no war yet. Unless you count what miners are doing now as an act of war.
I think miners are well aware of the consequences. Are you?

It seems instead of playing games, the miners have found a clear way to ensure >> 75% consensus to activate, thus eliminating even more of the risk.
Of course, this shows the insane concentration of hashpower (not a good thing), but they can simply change it to 90% in the code and run that.

Which btw is what we asked you to do instead of complaining about it.


Also, consider these additional points:
  • their proposal sticking to 28-day grace period shows they agree with Gavin that it's sufficient
  • that they didn't mention having to reach 95% or something means they are well aware of the dynamics of a hard fork in terms of miners switching
  • they are acting rationally, since it would be worse for them (and Core) if a non-Classic hard fork were to appear, potentially changing the POW and possibly bankrupting ASIC-based miners
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Interesting comment:

I have given up trying to remain stoic during all this drama.

@awemany : If this happens, perhaps there can be a return to a period of less turmoil and more focus on innovation. That would certainly be welcome.
i'm sure that has to do with Spamson Mao's ego.


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
@Richy_T : I don't have a good idea why.

I could try to contact them. Their FAQ says not to expect a response. Perhaps worth a shot nevertheless.

From: Me
To: contact at
Subject: Thread's censored comments are missing from unreddit?


On the off chance that this might be interesting to you, I have found an instance of a thread [1] where pertinent comments have been [removed] but they do not appear when the page is viewed on [2].

I speculate that the moderators of the /r/Bitcoin sub have found some devious way to hide their censorship from your software.
The censored comments in question were not deleted sooner than 30 min, possibly even up to an hour.

Hopefully this will help you to defeat this censorship. I would most appreciate any information on the techniques they have used in this instance of censorship, as I recall that unreddit had been working well for /r/Bitcoin content for quite some time.

Thanks for your work on this great tool.

[1] The thread in question (removed itself but still accessible, though locked down):

[2] No censored comments found on unreddit:
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
guys, time to think about restarting up those Classic nodes. it's probably a bit too premature at this time, until we get more confirmation. but at least put it into your planning.

the market is liking your plan!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
sorry, couldn't help myself. he's been commenting on everything BUT today. like they say, outta sight, outta mind:



Active Member
Dec 15, 2015
@cypherdoc: Point taken. However, I'd still like to know whether, for example, the account who wrote this on 8btc is a relative nobody or someone better known or known to have reliable sources for his/her rumors.
Just to clarify since I posted the link here - I first saw reference to it on Reddit (17 min after it was first posted - I tend to remember small details like that). When I visited the 8btc forum, I just quickly copied the URL and pasted it here and then went to sleep. I should have clarified where I got it at the time of posting the link; I apologize for that oversight. Accordingly, questioning the reliability and authenticity of the OP in that thread is totally fair game.

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