Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Staff member
Aug 28, 2015
The only thing that matters is that the inevitable pullback is held and bounced off straight back up to turn this into a proper bull market, rather than a pump and dump. MSM getting whiff of this next week would be a good start.

Those guys who were spouting that the halving was 'priced in' must feel pretty stupid now.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2015
But aren't we currently pretty close to full blocks? If block increase is perhaps a year away how can we expect a price surge (which will definitely be accompanied by more transactions) any time soon?
Yes, because the value is a result of the market actors' urge to hold bitcoin, the value does not come from the usage in transactions. The keynesian velocity of money is a simple scam.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
MoG I'm feeling a little short now but can't help being in awe. Go Bitcoin go.

Having transaction stuck now for 36hrs is paying off.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2015
Well if you try to send fiat to an exchange now, you are stuck until monday at least.

Even the federal reserve fund transfer system, Fedwire, closes at weekends and two hours each night weekdays - how fucking pathetic is that.
[doublepost=1464476203][/doublepost]Oh I forgot: The banksters need their beauty sleep.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
no pullback from the top of today's candle. you know what that means for tomorrow:

[doublepost=1464477524][/doublepost]oh, "tomorrow" starts in 41 min.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
still lookin sick:

[doublepost=1464479231][/doublepost]can you imagine what this chart will have to look like on Monday to compensate for this weekend? :)

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Zangelbert Bingledack

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
But aren't we currently pretty close to full blocks? If block increase is perhaps a year away how can we expect a price surge (which will definitely be accompanied by more transactions) any time soon?
The thing to remember is that just about everyone in Bitcoin (besides maybe Blockstream employees) wants it to scale, and if it started failing enough, pretty much everyone would be on board with what they consider to be riskier and riskier measures (such as just increasing the blocksize cap).

Forget Adam Back and Gregory Maxwell for a second. The typical small blockist would still support bigger blocks as a last resort if their preferred scaling solution doesn't work in time. No one wants to go down with the ship on principle, however much they may front. That's the nice thing about Bitcoin being driven by investors with big money on the line. Practicality always wins the day, though it can take a crisis to get everyone out of their illusions.

During those times, we are more vulnerable than usual; however, overcoming the crisis means a bigger boom than usual - and "usual" in Bitcoin has been mindbogglingly explosive historically.
[doublepost=1464488465][/doublepost]Let's note that once again the price stability indicator has proven its worth. Purple/blue trends of especially tight stability have preceded every huge rise*, with only one false positive. Or if you take only the bigger stability spikes (periods when the price was extremely stable), a major rally has always followed, with only one big rally not being anticipated (Fall 2013, which some argue that rally was a fake one by the Willy Bot).

Of course it should also not escape notice that the recent stability spike is the mother of them all.

*Not sure about prior to 2012, since /u/azop hasn't included the data.

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Active Member
Nov 16, 2015
Cryptocurrency is rising and I love it, no matter what happens with Bitcoin this is good for cryptocurrency as a whole. Satoshis dream is alive and nothing can stop it, it is beautiful.

Not sure if you guys have noticed this but the second biggest trading pair for Bitcoin is ETH/BTC. This is significant, I was concerned about the potential transition between cryptocurrency "gold standards" in some of the more worst case scenarios. However this trading pair and others like it with other dominant alternative cryptocurrencies could be a sign that this transition could actually happen rather smoothly.

I am taking a page out of @Norway's book this evening, In Vino Veritas! :D
But aren't we currently pretty close to full blocks? If block increase is perhaps a year away how can we expect a price surge (which will definitely be accompanied by more transactions) any time soon?
I think the potential value of Bitcoin even with a restricted blocksize is huge. Even just as a store of value, because it was the first cryptocurrency. However its potential value with an unrestricted blocksize would be much greater, and if Bitcoin does not change this parameter other alternative cryptocurrencies will take this potential value instead and I would expect them to overtake a restricted Bitcoin over the long term, however even under this scenario the amount of growth that is still possible is phenomenal, the world economy is huge and cryptocurrency as a whole has the potential to take over most of it, the market capitalization of today is just a tiny drop of water in a huge ocean, this is just the beginning.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
I don't understand how bitcoin can be a store of value if it's not functioning as a transaction tool. But I guess nothing is 100%...

Well, something IS 100%. In Moonshine Veritas! :D
[doublepost=1464490927][/doublepost]I'm still fiddeling with and learning pixlr as a photo manipulation tool. Would be cool if it supported bezier curves as a drawing/masking tool. But apart from that, it looks amazing. I'm working in my head with the first pic I will publish in the thread.

Shit, I'm fucking up by creating expectations. Can I delete this post? Or is it allready stored on the Cloud or on the Blockchain? Or maybe both places? ;)


Active Member
Nov 16, 2015
@Norway I suppose I consider Bitcoin and cryptocurrency to be so powerful and so valuable that even a small percentage of the full vision of Bitcoin can still be worth a lot. Part of what makes Bitcoin so potentially valuable in its full conception is that it can serve many of these fuctions on the same blockchain amplifieng its network effect, obvously I would like to see the full vision of Bitcoin become manifest without a restricted blocksize, however it is worth acknowledging that even if it fulfills a small part of that vision and even it is overtaken by cryptocurrecies that do stay true to the origanol vision, Bitcoin can still have much value, though no where near as much value if it kept that part of its origanol function as a transaction tool.

Even though alternative cryptocurrencies could gain much greater value then Bitcoin if it remains restricted the upside potential is still huge. In other words a small amount of an extreme potential value is still a lot of value. That still allows for much more growth from where we are now. I do hope that Bitcoin can remain one of the dominant cryptocurrencies, it is good for the space as a whole, and it has one of the most engrossing mythologies, it is fun being a Bitcoin evangelist.

There certainly IS something that feels 100%, In Moonshine Veritas. :D
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Active Member
Nov 16, 2015
Which is why I said that it feels like a 100%. ;)

Certainly an illusion, but a pleasant one at times. Most people have their vices and tend to use mind altering substances of some sort or another, even if it is caffeine, nicotine, pharmaceuticals or even chocolate, pick your poison as some might say.
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Active Member
Nov 22, 2015
Market is 8 bilion USD now. Was almost 14 billion USD at peak.

I am not sure what your graph is showing.
Sunday morning (europe), half empty blocks.
The pattern seems to be that mempool is flooded during western world daytime Monday to Friday and (partly) emptied again during nights and weekends.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2015
I don't think so. Arbitrage is quite limited, because you need to reserve some fiat and bitcoin to do it, and the time to take a roundtrip through banks. It can be easily overwhelmed. Normally, only the knowledge that in the end, arbitrage will catch up, aligns the prices.

Currently we also have to consider if yuan/dollar is not correctly valued due to the same reasons of overwhelmed arbitrage, due to the PBOCs restrictions.