Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015

The above poll has been reset. Please vote!


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
This is what happens :eek:

thanks. ok good now, I know know champagne is not explosive in a microwave but the "pressure in the bottle" is explosive.

Still I used to blow things us as a kid and I can't for a minute believe you can get an explosion like that from CO2 expansion in a glass bottle. that totally looks like smoke not CO2 or water vapor lingering after the explosion.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2015
This is what happens :eek:
...if you fake it and replace the champagne with explosives...
thanks. ok good now, I know know champagne is not explosive in a microwave but the "pressure in the bottle" is explosive.

Still I used to blow things us as a kid and I can't for a minute believe you can get an explosion like that from CO2 expansion in a glass bottle. that totally looks like smoke not CO2 or water vapor lingering after the explosion.
They have been caught out faking stuff. I posted a link to thunderf00t's debunking of cesium explosions on reddit


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015

Why baseline of ~$200? What if I think it will go more than 10x? If the blocksize is dealt with, I'm thinking 20x from a baseline of $450 (bubble peaking around $9000 per coin), so not sure whether to vote yes or no.
b/c all the 10x ramps previously were measured from the bottom of the 90%+ pullbacks.


added "by the end of 2016?" to end of poll.
[doublepost=1464453454,1464452798][/doublepost]you gotta love that even the weakest non-Chinese exchange, Bitstamp, has two strong daily impulse candles that have punched up and thru resistance and which are holding strong (no spinning tops). ALL the exchanges have broken free of the ceiling and are reaching for the sky:

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
As well, the bid ask walls are bullish posturing.
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Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
b/c all the 10x ramps previously were measured from the bottom of the 90%+ pullbacks.
I've tended to count from the most recent prior stable periods. So the large ramps I've been around for:
Spring 2011: $1 -> $32
Spring 2013: $13 -> $266
Winter 2013: $100 -> $1165

So that's:

So if we get another order-of-mag rally here, maybe it's 6-8x from a baseline of $430??


Aug 28, 2015
I actually expect the effect to be much bigger than a 10x, maybe even bigger than prior rallies.

The last rally was the rally that showed bitcoin to the mainstream Western world for the first time. I do believe that the effect of "Huh?!, bitcoin is still alive and it's making new highs" will have a significant effect. The pool of people who heard of bitcoin but don't own it is so much more bigger than ever before.


New Member
Feb 5, 2016
Price has been suppressed for a long time this time around so spring coil effect might be larger. But I'm thinking block size must be fixed first??

Just a lurker here and in bitcoin in general. How close are we to fixing the block size problem anyway? Anyone care for a short update?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
@IMALLIN it's hard to say how close we are we just lost a good window of opportunity to remove the limit. The next best time is now.

The centralized Bitcoin authority hasn't yet acknowledged the problem so it may still be a while. There is talk that maybe some time in 2017 if we get 95% consensus.

Edit that centralized authority has done a lot to expunge dissenting voices and surround themselves with people who agree with them
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Active Member
Aug 30, 2015
I think the certainty of getting bigger blocks is good, but it may take a while, what we have now is a strong point of agreement. Everybody wants bigger blocks but nobody wants to be the one who takes the risk.

The swedes were locked up in left hand side driving, while all the countries around them drove on the right hand side. How long did it take them to agree on a conversion, plan it and do it?


Active Member
Mar 29, 2016
There are a bunch of people who have heard of bitcoin but are waiting, for whatever reason, to sink big money (1-10K) into it as the risky 5-10% of their investment portfolio. These people are young adults who were in college when bitcoin was conceived and all of them know about bitcoin at some level. My bet is that they will panic when they see the price go up, and look to buy in hopes of not missing the train. It's not like they'll be able to buy a house any other way (where I live at least).

How the poor technical capabilities of bitcoin will affect this I can't say.

Edit: This situation will only happen once. If bitcoin misses it, and it goes to ETH it won't be back again.
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Staff member
Aug 28, 2015
yeah let's see how that works out for you
Not well given I am watching the price break out higher again. Go go go bitcoin.

I bought a mercedes slk amg today (not with crypto stash). Can this day get any better? :)

edit: stamp and btc-e not functioning well as exchanges.
edit2: real FOMO will start if we stay up here through the weekend into next week. Overhead resistance is minimal up to 650.
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