Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
lol. I too hastily reported @duck for spam. :censored:

Watching LNX play out almost exactly as predicted years ago, is both frustrating and

The frustration is with it taking years for the rest of the world to catch on.
"It's going to kill the tree"
'NO!!, this is evolution, a new, enhanced, double layer tree'​
"I'm telling you, it will suck its life and eventually kill the main tree"
'You're a toxic shill, Fork off'​

CrrrrrACK..... "timber" :rolleyes:
[doublepost=1576868496,1576867874][/doublepost]Meanwhile ....

Bitcoin not Unlimited, must really be feeling the sting of irony these days. You guys got played, or have an unacknowledged conflict of interest. Which is it? @solex


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
By any definition LNX is a altcoin
If this was overlooked before, it should be visible now. LN in principles is like a side chain, my reservations and criticisms apply.

The people messing around with these not bitcoin ideas have not yet realized how to make money in bitcoin. These tools degrade the value proposition.

That'll be hilarious if the price decouples.


Active Member
Nov 30, 2016
"Support the original sighash algorithm for transaction spending pre-Genesis UTXOs"

Does this mean valid, unbroadcast transactions signed prior to the BTC-BCH fork will now be valid on BSV?
I thought they would only allow UTXO pre BTC-BCH split?

This would essentially make all past and current BTC transactions re-playable on BSV until the Genesis upgrade.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
What are peoples thoughts on this?

"My conclusion is that David R Allen formed FVNI society, to subvert the big blocker movement through bringing in dirty money that funds ABC, and pushes ABC against BU. Anyone in BCH community should questions why someone with David's past is allowed to run the Developer fund society and why is David allowed to play such a key role in BCH development, given he's neither a developer, nor a champion of adoption, or a major investor."

The FVNI society are giving off a funny smell. :unsure: ??


Active Member
Nov 30, 2016
I thought they would only allow UTXO pre BTC-BCH split?

This would essentially make all past and current BTC transactions re-playable on BSV until the Genesis upgrade.
Although I don't think that removing the replay protection by itself is a bad thing there are scenarios that could affect BSV holders and we should acknowledge this so that the affected people can take action.

A possible scenario is people who spent their UTXO on BTC but never moved their BSV.
Up until now they were protected by the replay protection.
After Genesis those tx could be replayed on BSV.

The easiest way to prevent this is to go back and check if for all BTC transactions (that spend pre BTC-BCH split UTXO) they also made a BCH/BSV transaction.
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Zangelbert Bingledack

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
We're still back at "trivial inconvenience" barriers and devteam spoonfeeding consensus rules to miners? All rules should be settings with no default. Force choice at startup.

Nakamoto consensus = competitive economic consensus

Nakamoto consensus created by a dev team is an oxymoron. While nChain does have skin in the game of Bitcoin, they don't have skin in the game of mining; they don't have a strong profit motive to ensure they don't get orphaned. Only miners do. The invisible hand only imbues miners with the incentive to be elite node software developers. Smart miners know this.

If you're going to hand miners software on a silver platter on the reasoning that Honey Badger is still a teenager, at least don't spoonfeed; treat them like a teen: suggest and make good arguments for your position, then let them sink or swim on their own.

Smart miners are hoping nChain makes mistakes in their charity code offerings so that other miners will be tripped up and they can profit as a result. Gmax's central-planner paradigm is a scourge that needs to be cleaned from every nook and cranny of thought around Bitcoin.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
BUIP101 was an IQ test. Almost half of the BU membership passed the test. 10 terabyte blocks was not the current capacity of the hardware/software/bandwidth combo.

The idiots thought they had to gauge and decide the abilities of entrepreneurial miners.

The people who voted "no" to BUIP 101 had the smallblock mindset where an exclusive group of developers (the priesthood) should have power over money.

Craig Wright understands this problem now, and so do I. That's why he is pushing all his power to lock a restored protocol down.

To remove the power from a priesthood of developers.

Sorry, @solex & the rest of the BCH power club. You will not have any say on what the protocol should be. Get used to the word "redundant".
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
Word of advice:
When manipulative people like David R. Allen initiates a private conversation with you, you should publish everything as soon as possible.

I did that myself, on the BU Slack.

Peter Rizun kicked me out of the BU Slack because he claimed an anonymous person didn't want my voice to be visible in that forum.

So I can't provide links/history.

The economy of BU is currently out of control. The elected officers don't want you to see the spendings. They are hiding spendings for a reason.