Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Active Member
Nov 30, 2016
An hour or so ago I had a YouTube notification on my phone from the channel with the title "Why is delisting Hex" (or very similar).

But now the video is private.

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Active Member
Nov 18, 2015
LOL WHAT?? He is claiming that Coingeek "did not grant themselves any ‘founders stock’ before they went public.". Did Coingeek hold zero BCH before the split? He calls out ETH for issuing ETH for BTC held. How is splitting a blockchain different? Before the split they held BCH (assumption), after split they held BCH and BSV. It doesn't matter which chain you think of as 'original'. BSV actively made the split occur. Sure maybe they put in more $ for mining than what they held in BCH before split, but still, they for sure had coins (or share their holding stats if you have them).

Then there is CSW. Ok, well if you assume he is Satoshi, then sure you can say he earned his BTC. But BCH and BSV? Well I'm not so sure that you can say those were earned, except for BSV which he 'earned' by forking. That's a different kind of earning.

"And if the founders have a disproportionate amount of the platforms native coins, then it is normally a sign that they are excessively ingratiating themselves via the project that they are promoting. Effectively paying themselves for their own promotional efforts. Yes, this has a lot of similarities in how Ponzi scheme incentives work as well. Funny that.
Um, CSW, if you believe he is Satoshi, has maybe 1M BTC, BCH and now because of the split he helped initiate, BSV. He owns a disproportionate amount of the native coins. He is definitely paying himself for the promotional efforts and stands to gain huge amounts if those efforts succeed. Best of all he gets his friend Calvin to foot the bill on the mining equipment.

This article is typical crypto tribal bullshit. Basically saying "everyone else is wrong, and corrupt except for us". BTC maximalists do it all the time. Jerry is just pulling from that playbook. Move along and focus on your own shit without calling everyone else bad.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
It doesn't matter which chain you think of as 'original.' BSV actively made the split occur
This is an illuminating assumption, BCH forked on a schedule without universal support. Their argument was, we once had widespread support and still do so we’re forking on the scheduled date like it or not.

The fork happens as a result of a conflict over how changes to the protocol are governed. ABC vs BSV is a principled one, do developers lead or not.

That's why the split occurred. Not because BSV wanted to split.


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
BCH forked on a schedule without universal support
There is never any "universal support" for anything. We learned that from the Coreans.
Way before the SV crowd, they showed us someone can make anything controversial.

The fork happens as a result of a conflict over how changes to the protocol are governed
Now you're being a little more truthful.
BSV forked off because they didn't like it, stiff.

Go in peace, back to v0.1
[doublepost=1576781192][/doublepost]Or as cypherblock said:
Move along and focus on your own shit without calling everyone else bad.


Jul 26, 2017
As I recall, the changes were:

* re-enabling more opcodes - wide support
* increasing block size - uncontroversial, wide support
* increasing the number of opcodes per script - uncontroversial, wide support
* CTOR - broad resistance and condemnation
* OP_CHECKDATASIG - some support, worth a split?

So, universal support? For the first three, definately.


New Member
Dec 20, 2019
Major exchanges like Bitfinex start to support for LNX

Bitcoin Lightning Network White Paper
Bitcoin Lightning Network Price, currently pegged 1:1 to Bitcoin Core (BTC) as lightning is much more active price want be same for long
Bitcoin Lightning Network trading ticker "LNX"
Bitcoin Lightning Network Nodes
Bitcoin Lightning Network code
Bitcoin Lightning Network Wallets
Bitcoin Lightning Network validation
Bitcoin Lightning Network Exchange
Bitcoin Lightning Network Block Explorer
Bitcoin Lightning Network Fees LNX ~$0.09 (BTC ~$0.53) Dec 17, 2019
Bitcoin Lightning Network Top Channel Count
Whale providing majority of nodes

By any definition LNX is a altcoin
  • Has owe whitepaper
  • Has own hardware
  • Has own software
  • Has own tech
  • Has own dev
  • Has its own nodes
  • Has its own address format
  • Has its own markets
  • Has its own use case
  • Has its own ticker
  • Has no blockchain and not going back to 2009
  • Its a segregated network from Bitcoin
  • Does not need BTC to lock transactions, can use other altcoins
  • Does have own price, (currently locked 1:1 to BTC)
  • Has its own wallets
  • Has fees different to BTC fees
  • .............

    If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
from it's beginnings, i made the point that there is every reason to believe Blockstream would make an attempt to cut ties with the BTC network and establish LNX as it's own coin.
Ah, I love lnx. Having btc in electrum (developer version) and than on bitfinex a second later is awesome, say what you want. This news made me somehow enthusiastic for lnx.

So, genesis is coming. Now a few days or weeks if worrying if one of the billions of exploits we have been told this should have will materialize. If not, nchain deliverered, produced what bitcoin unlimited was meant to produce before they bend the knee to 2mb give me money Amaury, and we have the bitcoin we always wanted to have.

Sad that @theZerg, @sickpig and @Peter Tschipper will not be able to celebrate that what they worked for since 2015 finally becomes reality.