BSVworld is constructed upon IP owned by nChain, it's protocol developers work for nChain.
It's like you are intentionally misleading. Do your own research. BSV is a protocol that is Bitcoin. There is no IP in the protocol, I can't say the same for BTC.
It may even be the case for BCH, ABC may have inadvertently introduced proprietary IP - prior art to the protocol disregarding the notice given by nChain, chief scientist by ignored correctly or incorrectly an unsubstantiated claim.
Given the non-sensitive nature of the changes, it seems ABC has taken unnecessary risks, there is no cost in waiting to see if it is a bluff, but betting my money (not the developer's money or reputation) on the chances it is a bluff, is irresponsible. Those are not just my words, but those of the broader community as recognized by the market reacting to ABC, changes by divesting from BCH and wiping out over 10.3 billion dollars off the BCH market cap leading up to the split and the following 30 days after that. BCH had yet to recover. Who the fuck do they think they are, destroying over $10,000,000,000 in perceived value. Fuck ABC ignorant dipshits in over their heads.
nCHain's IP is for innovations on top of bitcoin; it's logically how they intend to make a profit, a very rational and conservative move. Literally, if they have patients* they have nothing to do with the Bitcoin protocol as is, Bitcoin is prior art, ABC ignoring this is a problem for investors.
*A patent is a description of an innovation that has not existed before. It is stored in an "innovation registry" belonging to a centralized authority who has jurisdiction over some part of the economy it is for productivity reasons.
@freetrader Wisdom is the ability to know what information is relevant. You'd be foolish to think I interpreted every comment literally. It's quite practical to agree with a principal while ignoring the irrelevant unsubstantiated noise. Nice cut and paste job in your comment, such facts.