Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Active Member
Jun 13, 2019

> A hedge fund enabled nChain, nChain enabled Craig.

Is it known who funded and own nChain? I read they have very serious money available to them. I kind of assumed Craig funded a lot of it, as well as Calvin.

> Disagreements in BCH do exist, and are sometimes public, that's true. But that's still a way healthier sign than a community in which disagreement with Dear Leader is taboo.

Disagreements about facts are *very* healthy. In BCH, the disagreements now tend to be about credibility and politics. I find the abrasive tone there to be a bad sign.

BSV will be immune to disagreements and politic once the protocol is frozen. It's part of the secret sauce that few people understand.

I see protocol and node development as a commodity service. Anyone can enter the market and make an offer. There can never be any monopoly. There can be market leaders, who are extracting a disproportionate rent based on them being the leader. But that rent can never grow too big, or else a new market participant can come in. Efficient markets are amazing.


Oct 3, 2015

Interesting thread. Don't know all the facts, but the bits I do know tie out.

If the leaks are to be believed it seems freetrader and most of BU are paid shills coordinated by FVNI. I donated to them about 15 months ago thinking I was supporting ABC development. Now it seems all I was doing is supporting BAB shilling and disinformation. The only good thing is that unless they immediately sold the BAB I gave them, that today it has lost 75% of its value.

At least now the events of the last 12 months make a lot more sense.
[doublepost=1567723762,1567722880][/doublepost]It also explains the otherwise irrational behaviour of Juan G, Jonald and others around the distastrous choice of the BAB DAA back in Nov 2017. That was also Dave Allen / FVNI co-ordinated.

Shitlord's DAA now has 1.5 days of inflation extra in BAB over BSV, despite starting from an identical position. Why? Because shitlord's algo sucks just like I and Tom H showed it did. Worse, it should be hitting BSV harder because it has had a far lower difficulty and so is easier to game, but despite that BAB has degraded 1.5 days out of 270 compared to BSV!

So BAB suffering so badly from it is clear evidence that no one mines BAB becuase they believe in it; it's purely mercenary. BAB has no dedicated hash, only bottom feeders and DAA gamers exemplified by BTC TOP.

One starts to wonder if shitlord has been compensated by DAA gameability. That would also explain a lot about his behaviour.

BSV has dedicated hash so the hash switching and games don't have the same effect, though the brokenness of the algo still costs BSV dearly. It is quite clear how this game is going to play out in the long run to anyone paying attention.


Active Member
Nov 18, 2015
I tried to read through that twitter post, but it was super hard to follow and read and super vague. Someone tried to hire some anon-guy but he didn't take the job so he doesn't know what it is or something like that. And he rants about it to some twitter guy with 451 followers???

It's not that I don't doubt shilling is a thing, I'm sure it is, just look at this forum :) , but someone please point me to the smoking gun here, cause I didn't notice it (but lots of stuff was hard to follow).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
>Maybe something worth actually reading:

personally, I hope so. that would ensure that a million or so BTC, BCH, and BSV are forever hodl'd.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
@freetrader: "but but but what about CSW and BSV?!"

me: "son, BSV's future depends not on CSW nor nchain".


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
BSV's future depends not on CSW nor nchain
personally, I hope so, but I'm not seeing that.
BSVworld is constructed upon IP owned by nChain, it's protocol developers work for nChain.

To me it matters not whether these people actually get their hands on Satoshi's coins, although I highly doubt they will do so in the next few decades, to any significant extent.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
no, BSV's money function killer app only depends on its base protocol that uniquely will get locked down as Satoshi envisioned to remove politics. all the patent stuff exists for innovation offchain, which is fine, except for anyone wanting to innovate outside of BSV. anyone innovating within BSV is not threatened.

nchain devs just said they won't mind becoming obsolete.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
you seem to think it's right for devs to exist as political animals especially in their rulings with protocol development. those are the ones who will be obsoleted.
[doublepost=1567775631][/doublepost]step back for a moment and see the similarities to how the Fed commands and controls interest rates and the economy to how blocksize is being regulated by devs.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
People in denial pretend that they don't understand the difference between client development and protocol development.

When you explain that the protocol will be frozen, they make a straw man that this means node software will not get developed, improved and scaled.

It's very dishonest, and they try to cover up the fact that a changing protocol puts centralized power in the hands of the developers.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
step back for a moment and see the similarities to how the Fed commands and controls interest rates and the economy to how blocksize is being regulated by devs.
It's even worse than with the Fed. The Fed is actually a follower and the market is leading interest rates:

The Socionomics Institute and Elliott Wave International have found that in the U.S. and Australia, the markets lead the central banks—not the reverse, as is commonly held. Now, we see that the same is true in Europe and in the U.K.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
If the leaks are to be believed it seems freetrader and most of BU are paid shills coordinated by FVNI.
Oh wow, I didn't bother reading as it looked too much like a brain fart, a lot of strange things have happened in bitcoin and it's easily believable as it explains a lot of what I have been suspecting based on circumstantial evidence.


Active Member
Feb 22, 2016
If the leaks are to be believed
Honestly, just fuck you guys with your smear campaigns and intimidation tactics. You all act like the bullying victim that suddenly feels on top of the world because they are part of the bullies once.

BSV seems to bring out the worst in a lot of people. So maybe we should be thankful to the guys behind BSV for making Norway etc. show their real (disgusting and poor) character.

Did you guys ever look at Tom Zanders stuff? Is it as good as it's promoted?
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Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
@AdrianX Maybe you should read it and tell me how it "explains" what kyuupichan was alleging, namely that myself "and most of BU are paid shills coordinated by FVNI."

Since you say it's believable, surely you can fill out the list below to tell us which "most" of BU (other than myself) "are paid shills coordinated by FVNI".

To be clear, "most" means > 50%. So let's see if you're willing to put up, or show yourselves full of shit (as I suspect).

[ ] theZerg
[ ] awemany
[ ] solex
[ ] Peter_R
[ ] sickpig
[ ] VeritasSapere
[ ] bitcartel
[ ] Windowly_
[ ] Roy_Badami
[ ] kostialevin
[ ] Bagatell
[ ] digitsu
[ ] Peter_Tschipper
[ ] AdrianX
[ ] dgenr8
[ ] Emil_Oldenburg
[ ] Wildfire_ca
[ ] torusJKL
[ ] Ken_Shishido
[ ] painlord2k
[ ] Erik_Beijnoff
[ ] bitsko
[ ] 79b79aa8
[ ] Griffith
[ ] Daniel_Lipshitz
[ ] reina
[ ] Jonathan_Vaage
[ ] Shaun_Chong
[ ] imaginary_username
[ ] xmodulus
[ ] jtoomim
[ ] mkomaransky
[ ] Bissias
[ ] JonathanSilverblood
[ ] maplesyrupsucker
[ ] RichyT

Note: BU membership information is public and can be found via
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Active Member
Aug 31, 2015


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Honestly, just fuck you guys with your smear campaigns and intimidation tactics. You all act like the bullying victim that suddenly feels on top of the world because they are part of the bullies once.

BSV seems to bring out the worst in a lot of people. So maybe we should be thankful to the guys behind BSV for making Norway etc. show their real (disgusting and poor) character.
Aren't you one of those poor characters who cowardly participated in that disgusting 'Norway man bad' inquisition campaign? One of those anonymous hero accounts who had the nerve to vote against a real person? Ridiculous pseudoethical indignation.
Are you officially denying that you receive any form of compensation for all your highly informative, social media postings?
I expected that he'll avoid to answer this question.
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