Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

1) The public keys (xPub keys) of all BU funds should be public.

2) All fiat funds and spendings should be made public once per month.

3) Receipts of all spending should be documented in the transaction itself when possible (OP_return or other ways to do it).

4) All receipts should be made public in a single place so members of BU can track it in a conveniant way once per month.

As I'm not a member of BU anymore, I need someone to propose this on my behalf. @bitsko ?
I think I know someone with a payment protocol that could help.
As Craig says: Keys are not ownership. If someone steals the key to your car, they don't own your car, right?
There should be no need to quote Craig on that. But yes. There are some fundamental members here who would challenge that, call him a fraud and use that as evidence that he can't be Satoshi now that Craig has said it.
Shitcoin Unlimited (BU) can become
Oh, that's why people voted the way they did, you triggered them. But yes I think BU is a great candidate for open accounting transparency. It would make things much easier if it were done automatical when you spent money on the blockchain.
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Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
There should be no need to quote Craig on that. But yes. There are some fundamental members here who would challenge that, call him a fraud and use that as evidence that he can't be Satoshi now that Craig has said it.

This thread is the best place to observe the truth of that - one doesn't see even moderate BSV supporters calling for Craig to step away.

The conclusion: corruption from bottom to top.
Technocratic pigs want power.
Best explanation for "lock down the protocol" I've ever seen.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
>Best explanation for "lock down the protocol" I've ever seen.

you really have no idea what's going on do you?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
is there any further question that bitcoin dev is political and full of egos? for a supposed apolitical money? how's that supposed to work? between all the BTC, ABC, BU, and BSV dev fighting, is there any question left that the best approach is to fork off the protocol devs by locking down the protocol?
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Jul 6, 2019
This thread is the best place to observe the truth of that - one doesn't see even moderate BSV supporters calling for Craig to step away.

The conclusion: corruption from bottom to top.
I support what seems to be the best technical roadmap for bitcoin and the people who deliver it.

I don't like Craig's behaviour just like I have never liked Linus Torvalds. This does not stop me from using Linux every single day for the past 20 years. I respect people who build and deliver, but I'd punch both of them if we drink together on the same table. Terrible character does not mean that the person won't deliver working technology.
Let's face it, Norway, we have been bad politicians. I remember Peter saying he contacted all members when he wanted to have a buip accepted. Like the canceling of bsv.

Did we rally this way to keep bsv? Maybe we could have changed it with a few private messages. Whatever...

This thread is the best place to observe the truth of that - one doesn't see even moderate BSV supporters calling for Craig to step away.

The conclusion: corruption from bottom to top.
Best explanation for "lock down the protocol" I've ever seen.
Dude. Craig enabled bsv, his company and coingeek are major sponsors or all bsv, and I mostly agree with his technical roadmap and vision for bsv.

Why should I fork away from him? Because I don't like that he starts lawsuits and loses it? It's his business. I'm not dependent on him winning hearts or persuading the world to be Satoshi.

Sorry, if you want infighting, bsv is the wrong place. We all know well what we want and widely agree on it. Go to bch, there is much social media wrestling.


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
I support what seems to be the best technical roadmap for bitcoin and the people who deliver it.

I don't like Craig's behaviour just like I have never liked Linus Torvalds. This does not stop me from using Linux every single day for the past 20 years. I respect people who build and deliver, but I'd punch both of them if we drink together on the same table. Terrible character does not mean that the person won't deliver working technology.
You should support whatever you find best. No argument with that.

But let me tell you the differences between Linus Torvalds and Craig Wright.
Linus Torvalds *created* Linux.
Linus Torvalds *maintained* Linux.
Linus Torvalds has the technical chops and acumen to lead a hugely successful *open source* project.
I respect people who build and deliver
Which is why I have huge respect for Linus Torvalds.

Terrible character does not mean that the person won't deliver working technology.
The issue with CSW is not having a "terrible character".
If that were the problem, I would be in 70% of agreement with you because a lot of people who produce great technology have shitty character.

But it goes far beyond that in his case. The fact that you people cannot acknowledge it is not "bad politics", it is also something far more tragic.
Dude. Craig enabled bsv, his company and coingeek are major sponsors or all bsv, and I mostly agree with his technical roadmap and vision for bsv.

Why should I fork away from him? Because I don't like that he starts lawsuits and loses it? It's his business. I'm not dependent on him winning hearts or persuading the world to be Satoshi.
Dude yourself.
A hedge fund enabled nChain, nChain enabled Craig.
Craig keeps saying he owns nothing, he is an employee there.

So call it "his company" if you wish, I'll simply call it "his employer".

If you agree with his technical vision, then by all means support that.
Sorry, if you want infighting, bsv is the wrong place.
Strange, you folks seem to think you can stir up infighting within the BCH community all day.
You're not fooling anyone.
We all know well what we want and widely agree on it. Go to bch, there is much social media wrestling.
I already know why you all widely agree.
It's the same reason everyone who disagreed with Theymos got kicked out of BTC's little club, and the modus operandi is exactly the same for BSV.

Disagreements in BCH do exist, and are sometimes public, that's true. But that's still a way healthier sign than a community in which disagreement with Dear Leader is taboo.

"I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned."


Staff member
Aug 28, 2015
is there any further question that bitcoin dev is political and full of egos? for a supposed apolitical money? how's that supposed to work? between all the BTC, ABC, BU, and BSV dev fighting, is there any question left that the best approach is to fork off the protocol devs by locking down the protocol?
OH NOES!!!! Amaury insulted BU on twitter! FIRE THE DEVs, LOCK DOWN THE PROTOCOL! /s

that's takes the cake for the worst decision for the worst reasons in this entire thread


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
>OH NOES!!!! Amaury insulted BU on twitter!

excuse me. who is the one who's overreacted to a tweet with an entire reddit thread ? I'm not the one who has any ongoing fights with anyone that really matters:

"...we don't destroy value and waste time by disparaging our allies on social media."
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
A hedge fund enabled nChain, nChain enabled Craig.
Craig keeps saying he owns nothing, he is an employee there.

So call it "his company" if you wish, I'll simply call it "his employer".
You can claim what you want. nChain is nothing without Craig. Craig has orders of magnitude more charisma paired with socioeconomic knowledge than the Core- and ABC lead devs combined. No wonder a hedge fund invests in Craig and not in those toddlers.

I already know why you all widely agree.
It's the same reason everyone who disagreed with Theymos got kicked out of BTC's little club, and the modus operandi is exactly the same for BSV.
Kicking out club members is your modus operandi. @cypherdoc and the early adopters of his thread are not trying to kick you out of this club. We are different.
You should support whatever you find best. No argument with that.

But let me tell you the differences between Linus Torvalds and Craig Wright.
Linus Torvalds *created* Linux.
Linus Torvalds *maintained* Linux.
Linus Torvalds has the technical chops and acumen to lead a hugely successful *open source* project.

Which is why I have huge respect for Linus Torvalds.

The issue with CSW is not having a "terrible character".
If that were the problem, I would be in 70% of agreement with you because a lot of people who produce great technology have shitty character.

But it goes far beyond that in his case. The fact that you people cannot acknowledge it is not "bad politics", it is also something far more tragic.
Dude yourself.
A hedge fund enabled nChain, nChain enabled Craig.
Craig keeps saying he owns nothing, he is an employee there.

So call it "his company" if you wish, I'll simply call it "his employer".

If you agree with his technical vision, then by all means support that.
Yes, I do, as almost everybody in bsv. I'm sure there will be some infighting in the future, I hope it will, but once the protocol is locked, it will be healthy.

I don't care if csw is an employer or an emoyee. Thought about such things too. If there is a shady company behind, they invest a lot of money in something I like.

Strange, you folks seem to think you can stir up infighting within the BCH community all day.
You're not fooling anyone.
no need to stir up anything. We folks just sit outside and watch with some amusement happening what was poised to happen.

I already know why you all widely agree.
It's the same reason everyone who disagreed with Theymos got kicked out of BTC's little club, and the modus operandi is exactly the same for BSV.

Disagreements in BCH do exist, and are sometimes public, that's true. But that's still a way healthier sign than a community in which disagreement with Dear Leader is taboo.
You don't understand. Bch sticked together because there was the bad aussie man and because they got support from the wider ecosystem, mostly exchanges. Bsv sticked together because they share a big block vision, which was abandoned by bch.

Maybe it's not so black and white. There are people in bsv which are there only for our Satoshi. They might face a bad awakening, and csw is a black swan event, which can crash many things.

There is also the legit big block vision of bitcoin unlimited, developing the protocol instead of freezing it, enabling new opcodes, solving scaling with technical tricks instead of economics. It's OK, but I'm rather in the 'let bitcoin just grow in its own way and let it play out' camp. Maybe I am wrong, who knows, but for me, like for almost every single one in bsv, it feels like having finally reached what i always wanted.


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
You don't understand. Bch sticked together because there was the bad aussie man and because they got support from the wider ecosystem, mostly exchanges. Bsv sticked together because they share a big block vision, which was abandoned by bch.
You're delusional.

Bitcoin Cash has not abandoned its scaling vision. We prefer to push for our adoption in a different way - grass roots.

80% of what I hear on this forum from SV supporters is "French man bad".

This is where you don't understand, or you're being disingenuous.
BCH is not about following Amaury's will, he is not the CEO of a company who passes down orders.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
>You're delusional.

you're dishonest

>We prefer to push for our adoption in a different way - grass roots.

lie. guys like @jtoomim have flat out said that scaling will be "allowed when they say so"; after he's done satisfying his "other interests" of course. kinda like your "other interests" that inexplicably don't involve ABC dev but involve a dedicated and persistent trolling of this thread.

>80% of what I hear on this forum from SV supporters is "French man bad".

yet another lie. 99% of ABC criticisms have been based on technical, political, and economic demerits such as your use/emphasis of replay protection, EDA DDA, CTOR, Avalanche POS, OP CDS, exchange collusion, checkpoints that undermine PoW, 22mb limit FUD, no clear plans to increase beyond 32mb, inexplicable 2mb soft limits, zero testing of main net blocks >32mb, whining about money, a self destructive dev team that keeps getting winnowed down every few months, lack of unity via a BU, XT purge, etc, etc.

>Amaury's will, he is not the CEO of a company who passes down orders.

its his self professed priorities and actions that are killing him all on his own.
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Active Member
Sep 15, 2015
maybe we should all stop using Amazon because Bezos divorced his wife.
Amazon is the endgame of consumerism. In-N-Out garbage. One-trick-pony, just like BTC and BAB. BSV is the Galleria of crypto. Folks want full-service and to share the commerce experience with their social circles. They are tired of being chattel. The revolution is coming and BSV will be ready.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
BSV will succeed with or without CSW /nchain
[doublepost=1567692491][/doublepost]I see a distinct difference between @shadders and the rest of 'em. no desire for fame, control, or fortune from protocol development; enabled by a belief in the philosophy that the protocol should be locked down:

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