Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
The popular promotion of bitcoin is fueled by a handful of memes, the reality of which are sometimes questionable if not outright misunderstandings.

1. Digital Gold (safe haven in times of crisis, scarcity ponzi)
2. Code is law (the popular misconception of 'immutable' and the selling point of 'censorship resistance' fall under this)*
3. ????
4. profit

*the conception that one could code up 'fungibility', as if it were something existing outside of the law, viably invulnerable to standard legal interpretation.
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As if Lightning Labs would hire Amaury.

I don't think anybody would hire him who has done some research. He publicly exposed all properties of an employer's nightmare.

Maybe Lightning Labs would, for the trolling, though ... It would be extremely trolly, if he converts to an anti bch shill.

I really don't understand how anybody can still support ABC coin at this stage.


Second tweet is master class. Why does he always shot against his alleys? He could snap against core, or bsv. Lots of targets. But he yells to Bitcoin unlimited, Roger and others in his own team. Must be really annoying to be in the same team as him.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2015
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
If money is not created (PoW), then it's not money (Zimbabwe). Also Maduro can't print money. He can print additional paper, but that is not additional money, hence hyperinflation.

Zimbabwae is a man who tried
To teach his children what was right

Great voice


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Most PoW creations are not money, but it has to be PoW that it can be turned into units of money.
There is no free lunch, otherwise it would be possible to print money, but it isn't.

Hashcash and BMW's are incomplete creations to be used as money. Some work on top of it is needed. The more BMW's they create, the more credit/debt contracts (= money) can be created.
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Active Member
Sep 15, 2015
@Zarathustra You say you can't print money, yet >30% of currency in circulation is purported to be counterfeit. If counterfeiters "print" money, what makes it different than "created" money?
So, blacklisting wars begin.

What happens when one of these guys buys a book from me? Do I need to identify the coins?

This will get serious...

A bad idea to completely launder your coins. This will just raise questions where the money comes from.

It's something else when you use Monero. Here all coins are laundered. They either interrogate everybody or nobody.


Active Member
Jun 13, 2019
Is this blacklisting not entirely pointless? They can launder the coins in so many ways. Hopefully, governments notice quickly that blacklisting doesn't work and that it only creates undue burden on legally operating citizens.
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