I've got a lot of serious reservations about Bitcoin SV but these issues under discussion aren't really problems for me.
First, any node that isn't invested enough to even do the bare minimum of upgrading their software every few months can immediately be ignored IMO.
Second, scaling (at any pace) is going to make stuff break, guaranteed. If nodes that aren't economic nodes (miners, services) fail to keep up well, who cares? BCH big blockers have been ridiculing the rasperry pi nodes for years now and there's no difference here except, well, scale. If the nodes aren't contributing something economic they're just wasting electricity. It only takes one honest node to signal that a blockchain has been subverted or corrupted. A million hobbyist nodes doesn't add anything to that.
If the economic nodes (miners, services) fail to keep up then that's raw competition and economic incentives at play isn't it? What's the alternative? A strategy of "no one gets left behind" and waiting for everyone to be ready to go to the next level isn't going to scale at all and will just stall.
You could argue that the pace of BSV scaling is unnecessarily disruptive but I'm sympathetic to the "scale rapidly now or be killed by block reward halvenings" idea. I also think that if they can get to a level of demonstrating stable, massive blocks that itself will generate demand for their blockchain. I'm only minimally invested in BSV so I don't really care much and it may end up being a failure for any number of reasons but I'm glad I get an opportunity to watch their strategy played out.