Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
The United American Corp suit was launched after BSV split from BCH.
At the time I believe Amaury and Shammah were still BU members.

It's clear that the plaintiffs are not BCH supporters, otherwise they would be suing the BSV side.
Yes, but you appear to allege this is an 'SV lawsuit', and consistently fail to provide any proof.

Will you retract your rather serious allegations? It's possible that they 'endanger the lives of regular persons'... (lol @imuname)


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
This is just common sense and logic. I know this sort of thing demands a retraction in your cult, @bitsko. Wasn't talking to you btw, was asking @cypherdoc. You guys having a shift rotation?
You keep holding those medium block steel beams steady while @Norway melts them with his BCH splitting powers.


Active Member
Sep 24, 2015
And the bitcoin community continues to fragment over disagreements on everything from block size, to functionality, to development processes and even philosophies. Originally Bitcoin was one community, then core limitation forced fragmentation in the form of the first wave of forks (ethereum, ect.) but Bitcoin purists remained, then the scaling wars and censorship forced a split in the Bitcoin community and all of the large blockers separated, now yet another split over disagreements on what big blocks means. This thread's own history and participation is a reflection of that fragmentation.

This was the attack angle against Bitcoin that we did not see, and it is why a stable protocol is such a threat.

BTW, this fragmentation is normal. The US rebels thought they were 100% in agreement when separating from British rule (and kicked out large numbers of localists after the war to Canada). But then to their surprise after the red coats were removed, they had significant disagreements among themselves on just about everything. These disagreements continued and it took Lincoln's war to settle matters.

A stable protocol in a way is equivalent to Lincoln's war in that it settles many matters. For it to win requires superior adoption and ecosystem growth rather than superior industrial capability and invasion.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I did. Tom's criticism there is directed at the miners.

So I ask you, how exactly is this proving something I said wrong?
wow, such limited reading comprehension. this is clearly a slap at a centralized ABC. let me quote him again :

"Such a strategy allows for a majority implementation to effectively act as gatekeepers of determining the content of these scheduled forks and is anything but representative. The artificial deadlines are a centralizing and ultimately destabilizing force on development."

how many times do I have to explain that the miners are captured/intimidated by an ABC dev team that insists and spreads propaganda that a 32mb block limit is necessary?
You guys having a shift rotation?
shift rotation? we're well known with most of us with real identities. you on the other hand post anonymously and so frequently one has to wonder if your nick is on shift rotation. you, the guy who supposedly doesn't have the time or interest to dev ABC. seems to me like your main interest is GCBU. whodathunk, Mr. Saboteur ?


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
'BSV is suing people' has nothing to do with common sense and logic. BSV is a technology.
I said "SV". As in short for "SV supporters". Maybe a part of the SV community, cheered on by the majority and the figureheads of SV.

Reading is hard, but comprehension is harder.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015

>It's clear that the plaintiffs are not BCH supporters, otherwise they would be suing the BSV side.

How much poor logic do you think you can get away with? UAC could easily be 100% invested in BCH and sue ABC colluders for it's price plummet (BSV hadn't had a price plummet since it had no price since it didn't exist) , especially after all the public conspiracy proclamations from guys like Brekken and Kain_niak.
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Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
Maybe a part of the SV community
Some lawsuit mill is maybe part of the SV 'community'? My dude. What has happened.
[doublepost=1557513309][/doublepost]I think what has happened was BCH caused a people fork, and now finds itself in competition with BSV, some try to ignore it but a lot of people try and smear it, like you.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
@Norway. No, you (and I'm talking about most vocal SV supporters here) can't help yourself. Otherwise you'd take the BU client and maintain it to support BSV going forward.

But I know what the reply to this will be: "We don't need BU."
We need BU, and at the moment the BSV software is the closest to BU, and this gap is increasing exponentially.
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