Money is memory, @cypherdoc posted this paper in the old thread and it has stuck with me as one of the most insightful and true paper I've ever is data, data is money
If you get through the math, it becomes clear the more information that is stored in a monetary system the more valuable that monetary system becomes. This is the argument for OP_PUSHDATA4
The difference is much more than funding.nChain has allocated a budget to develop teranode.
there is no similar structure to make that happen for BCH.
the only money pot readily available for volunteer BCH devs are BU funds.
oh, the things ABC would do with those funds.
So far we have seen significantly more openness from BSV than we have seen from not just Core or ABC, but from any coin.
Here are a couple of examples, several weeks ago @cypherdoc asked several poignant questions regarding BSV's philosophy and @shadders immediately provided an a detailed and well thought out reply on direction. Last week I asked a coding question and @shadders replied that day with some pointers and future development they are planning.
I have never seen this from another dev group, ever. Core was not just argumentative and unresponsive, they explicitly left bitcointalk for an exclusive forum specifically to ignore everyone else (I remember warning about that in 2012). BCH skipped all of that and started out behind a wall from the get go, same for many other coins.
And then there is BSV with _unwritter and bsvdevs, etc. There is no comparison in ecosystem building. None. That BSV has a billionaire backing it who believes in the white paper is a bonus, but the focus on ecosystem even better.
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