Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
I like this McCormack dude.

He's got that honeybadger attitude. :cool:

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Zangelbert Bingledack

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I can respect someone sticking to what they believe is right, come what may.

Craig Wright was Satoshi, but that is still hard for many to see, just like it's hard for many to see why nuclear power isn't evil. I don't begrudge nuclear plant protesters if they have integrity, though I would try to talk sense into them. I may even admire their grit. Integrity is a necessary requirement for reaching the truth, but by no means a sufficient one.


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
Edit, one more for the lols

"Bitcoin was birthed using a credit card payment. The records of that payment are required to be kept by the banking system for 25 years. It hasn’t been that long. More importantly, I claimed the expenses on my tax in the 2008/2009 tax year."

"The source of the funds that went to pay for the domain registration on derived from my credit card. More importantly, those records remain current and valid."
Lunar, I must say I haven't read CSW's blog recently, but in the context of your quotes above, I'm wondering whether you could refute this information which has come to light on exactly these claims:

I truly don't know what to make of Craig's claims here, but I'm looking forward to him proving them.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I can respect someone sticking to what they believe is right, come what may.

Craig Wright was Satoshi, but that is still hard for many to see, just like it's hard for many to see why nuclear power isn't evil. I don't begrudge nuclear plant protesters if they have integrity, though I would try to talk sense into them. I may even admire their grit. Integrity is a necessary requirement for reaching the truth, but by no means a sufficient one.
How I brought down the Nuclear Industry in my Country – and how you can do it in yours …

Yes, the nice thing is: Nuclear power plants are not insurable ... and failing states are insolvent ...

The attack on a European nuclear power plant by a third world country or other interested small groups ...
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
In light of recent events, I will urge all members with any shred of conscience to vote for this adjustment, so we can remove @Norway from membership as soon as possible following proper procedure. His presence within the BU roster is a disgrace to the organization and hampers the chance of success of all future activities due to reputation damage.
Ha ha, what a total loser. This anonymous person wants me to be kicked out of Bitcoin Unlimited.

But that's not why I'm here in this thread now. I'm here because I want to share my excitement! I have news!

We're finished with the KaChing protocol. We have been working on this for over a year.

We have put our best efforts in making it work at extremely low requirement platforms (no internet, no user interface, no internal electricity or sense of time (clock)).

It's a protocol that makes implants work for payments. Oh yes, I'm very aware that Slush and the other smallblockers in Prague paid for beer with bitcoin with NFC tag implants a few years ago. That was very cool, but not sustainable. Because the hand implant was simply an NFC tag giving a static private key to a reader. Same stupid security model as VISA: Give your top secret password controling your funds to a sleezy temporary worker in a shady place every time you buy a watered down beer.

We are not doing that shit. Slush, if you can hear me: You don't get bitcoin. At all.

Kudos to @Peter R for your SigSafe project proving that bitcoin signing can be done by tiny computers with electricity from consumer grade oscillating EM fields. Huge inspiration.

Our baseline hardware is JavaCards. This is the same hardware our competitors VISA and MasterCard use. And this tech can be shrinked down to a much smaller form factor and integrated into ... whatever you decide.

I gave credit to @Peter R for his inspirational hands-on work and proof of concept. But Peter has also expressed that Craig is incompetent. And I disagree with this.

Craig described what I call Template Oriented Transactions in his article:

This approach to forming a transaction between two parties made a lot of sense to us while working with the KaChing protocol and implementation. Because it opens up a can of roses from an accountant's perspective. I'll explain more in the release in a few days, But Craig's article above brought a a new perspective on the whole concept of what a transaction is and how the transaction can relate to the society.

I think @Peter R is very wrong when he accuse Craig of being a fraud while my company see innovation and good, realistic ideas from Craig and can move based on his innovations.

Some trolling:
Eyh, @freetrader! Why did you go silent when I told you how to make a "Last Will" solution without @theZerg and @deadalnix' special OP:CODE by a more efficient solution requiring a hash check instead of a signature check?


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2015
Lunar, I must say I haven't read CSW's blog recently, but in the context of your quotes above, I'm wondering whether you could refute this information which has come to light on exactly these claims:
It's not a question of if the refutations will be made but how short a time it will take for someone to make them. Meanwhile, some of his supporters still claim he's "just giving doubters enough rope to hang themselves".

The sad thing is, I don't want him to be what I believe him to be. A lot of people who have done a lot of good in the crypto space will be hurt when the other shoe drops.
[doublepost=1555133879,1555132992][/doublepost]@Norway, sounds not dissimilar to BIP070 other than in the bip, the wallet sends the transaction rather than forwarding it to the merchant.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2015

Gotta say, not really impressed by that. Some of it may just be his writing style but he does things like describe heuristically deterministic addresses without actually using the term for them. Also, describing the mining fee as an "output", even if later described as not a real output seems like an odd choice. But don't pick on those two points, the whole article seems to have a strange tone.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
Well, ok. Not sure how to respond. We have been nagging people to get insight into to the scope of BIP270, the sexyfied BSV version of BIP70 because we were not at the wallet workshop in London. We postponed our release of KaChing until after we could see the draft of BIP270 (that is not yet finalized) to prevent friction in the potential case where one of the protocols acted as proxy next to the other.

Regarding what party should broadcast the transaction: It's clear to me that the receiving end has the financial motive to broadcast the transaction. But our protocol supports transactions both ways, and even zero-transactions where a customer can be part of a transaction without receiving or sending funds.

Form factor is important too. It would be weired to walk around with an online Ingenico terminal in your pocket and rub it against the shop keeper's body implant when you just want to buy a bread.
Gotta say, not really impressed by that.
What gives you the confidence to think anybody's trying to impress you?
If you had brains and inspiration, you would ask me more about zero-transactions.

You have been in bitcoin for many years. You have never heard about this concept before.

But you're just arrogant and destructive. You are not curious anymore.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Ha ha, what a total loser. This anonymous person wants me to be kicked out of Bitcoin Unlimited.
@imaginary_username doesn't get that @cypherdoc 's GCBU thread is BU. To disappear from this thread means to disappear from BU. The anonymous account @freetrader, who supports that cowardly request of the anonymous account @imaginary_username to banish a real person, at least seems to grasp this.

Masses of anonymous persons dominate the social dialogue. I do not know why Craig, considering this summit of decadence, believes this species is making progress. He blocked me on Twitter when I pointed him to this insane belief in progress when it should be obvious that Orwell was right, describing an environment where people everywhere are trapped by the relentless march of progress, capitalism, commercialism, communism, and other aspects of modern society.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2015
What gives you the confidence to think anybody's trying to impress you?
He's clearly trying to impress somebody.
If you had brains and inspiration, you would ask me more about zero-transactions.
Of course. Because I always ask random people about things I just pull out of thin air. Perhaps you could tell me about fleebs and flurms too.
[doublepost=1555139147][/doublepost]OK, so you do all this stuff and you pass your signed transaction to the merchant so they can broadcast it to the network and... they don't. What now?
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Jul 26, 2017
Lunar, I must say I haven't read CSW's blog recently, but in the context of your quotes above, I'm wondering whether you could refute this information which has come to light on exactly these claims:
I truly don't know what to make of Craig's claims here, but I'm looking forward to him proving them.
Have you read the article?


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
@Otaci : yes and it didn't offer me anything of value beyond raising the issues mentioned by those tweets I linked. Issues no-one here seems capable of addressing.

Which is the reason I've basically stopped reading CSW's blog.

Now a question to you:

Have you seen cryptographic proof that Craig Wright was Satoshi?
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Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
Have you seen cryptographic proof that Craig Wright was Satoshi?
I'll take that as a 'no' then, @Otaci .
Unless you're so forgetful - or rude - as to leave without answering my simple question, after I answered yours.
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