In light of recent events, I will urge all members with any shred of conscience to vote for this adjustment, so we can remove
@Norway from membership as soon as possible following proper procedure. His presence within the BU roster is a disgrace to the organization and hampers the chance of success of all future activities due to reputation damage.
Ha ha, what a total loser. This anonymous person wants me to be kicked out of Bitcoin Unlimited.
But that's not why I'm here in this thread now. I'm here because I want to share my excitement! I have news!
We're finished with the KaChing protocol. We have been working on this for over a year.
We have put our best efforts in making it work at extremely low requirement platforms (no internet, no user interface, no internal electricity or sense of time (clock)).
It's a protocol that makes implants work for payments. Oh yes, I'm very aware that Slush and the other smallblockers in Prague paid for beer with bitcoin with NFC tag implants a few years ago. That was very cool, but not sustainable. Because the hand implant was simply an NFC tag giving a static private key to a reader. Same stupid security model as VISA: Give your top secret password controling your funds to a sleezy temporary worker in a shady place every time you buy a watered down beer.
We are not doing that shit. Slush, if you can hear me: You don't get bitcoin. At all.
Kudos to
@Peter R for your SigSafe project proving that bitcoin signing can be done by tiny computers with electricity from consumer grade oscillating EM fields. Huge inspiration.
Our baseline hardware is JavaCards. This is the same hardware our competitors VISA and MasterCard use. And this tech can be shrinked down to a much smaller form factor and integrated into ... whatever you decide.
I gave credit to
@Peter R for his inspirational hands-on work and proof of concept. But Peter has also expressed that Craig is incompetent. And I disagree with this.
Craig described what I call Template Oriented Transactions in his article:
This approach to forming a transaction between two parties made a lot of sense to us while working with the KaChing protocol and implementation. Because it opens up a can of roses from an accountant's perspective. I'll explain more in the release in a few days, But Craig's article above brought a a new perspective on the whole concept of what a transaction is and how the transaction can relate to the society.
I think
@Peter R is very wrong when he accuse Craig of being a fraud while my company see innovation and good, realistic ideas from Craig and can move based on his innovations.
Some trolling:
@freetrader! Why did you go silent when I told you how to make a "Last Will" solution without
@theZerg and
@deadalnix' special OP:CODE by a more efficient solution requiring a hash check instead of a signature check?