Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.

Joel Dalais

Mar 9, 2017
i havent posted here in a while, but i have been watching

needless to say, some people have been terrible disapointments, others, not so much

but the "game" is approaching a different "chapter" now, people will have to Choose to be left behind or walk the "road" that is Bitcoin/MetaNet

and if you don't understand what i'm talking about, then you are not ready to walk the "road" wish us yet

be seeing you


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
i havent posted here in a while, but i have been watching

needless to say, some people have been terrible disapointments, others, not so much

but the "game" is approaching a different "chapter" now, people will have to Choose to be left behind or walk the "road" that is Bitcoin/MetaNet

and if you don't understand what i'm talking about, then you are not ready to walk the "road" wish us yet

be seeing you
@Joel Dalais
This is a thread about arguments and debate, not tribalism.

Joel Dalais

Mar 9, 2017
@Joel Dalais
This is a thread about arguments and debate, not tribalism.
Nice to know :D

I'm going to take your vain attempt at a dig as that you don't have the faintest idea what i'm talking about, clearly self-placing yourself in the disapointment camp.

And that you don't actually realize its my own conclusion to your "arguments and debates", though by all means feel free to continue your "scaling" arguments and debates, me and others will just be building/creating/teaching over there.

Sad you think actually following bitcoin protocol and design is "tribalism", lol

bye :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
@Joel Dalais

I'm sure @Norway knows what you are talking about. I take it he's simply asking -- not just of you -- that we keep our focus on arguments, not on determining camps.

Anyhow, welcome back to the thread. I would be thankful if you pointed to some recent reading material that may have escaped attention.
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Joel Dalais

Mar 9, 2017
since you replied nicely :) not really "reading material", but maybe something to stimulate argument/debate.

this is a basic example of a website onchain, things of note:

  • the hosting/website savings - far lower initial fees (cost around half a penny, i think less), and zero renewal fees.

  • much easier to host a website

  • the security, can't be hacked (try hacking the tx, lol)

  • inclusivity with integrating MB/money (doesn't have to be MB, but i do strongly recommend as you can spit out a receipt, or do some BitCeption, mwahahahha)

  • you can sell music, pics, items, whatever you want

  • create your website/tx's properly, and you can easily create a website

  • the top 2 imgs are stored onchain via BASCIIAT (see unwriter)

  • all imgs, sound recordings, movies, etc, will be onchain

  • very early days, expect more "search engines" and similar that will help others to find what you build

This is a basic example, internet 1993 type of thing, but now we've got things back on track..

This is a case example of the "MetaNet", how a business/website can exist not "Online" but "Onchain".

This will hopefully help explain when I (or others) say things like; "Bitcoin as "money" is the first application, prepare for what comes next."

Like legoblocks you could say, you're supposed to build "upwards". The tx/money can be moved around, the website remains.

So by "walking on the same road", i did not mean some kind of 'tribalism' thing, i meant building "upwards", on the same path that myself and others are.

Or not.. it is coming to the point where more people will have to make a Choice or be left behind.
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Active Member
Sep 15, 2015

Emin Gün Sirer is a liar, a fraud, or an idiot, or a piece of shit, or all of that combined.
Claims that it was the 'BSV community' that started by storing child pornography on the chain.
Firstly, block explorers can filter transactions. It won't be held against them if it's for moral reasons. The thing about morality is that you know it if you see it and if you don't see it then you need society to help you with that. Secondly, there is a digital trail. There is no such thing as anonymity in the surveillance age. Thirdly, who cares where we spend our money except folks trying to take it away from us?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
at this point, if they all go up together even at one third their individual rates of a maximalist scenario, I'm happy.


Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
Another? What were some of the other ones?

How many will declare the ideas 'uninteresting' this time around (just as a blocksize increase was deemed by some voluntaryist developers) ?
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Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
interesting perspective.

and here i was thinking that most people other than chris pacia cant stomach making the same arguments they defended against over the last few years.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
well c'mon. rolling 10 block check points displaces the innovative PoW as a concensus security mechanism. avalanche even more so. I've also noticed a few revived arguments condemning the replay protection BCH enacted Aug 17. it's a good point. I was always against replay protection. these things build up. as a maximalist, I want to see a highly dominant, if not exclusive, chain as money. dilution is a concept I've warned against forever here.


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
yep. rather being in alignment with "BSV-representants", i just can't see a way out of the woods for BCH. it is in the hands of engineers who think purported code improvements are more important for a currency than economic stability.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
If you ignore the massive, massive financial losses these multicoiner doofuses have inflicted upon everyone, it's actually quite funny.

Where are they now?

Roger Shilling 70% Premine ETH tokens

Jihan 'resigned' after nearly bankrupting Bitmain.

One thing for sure, the 'BCH is the real bitcoin' meme has been silenced, after the Nov fork, that blatant hypocrisy was just too much. Checkpoint anyone? Or should I be shouting Avalanche !!! ?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
But does BSV have replay protection from BTC?
no. yes, they inherited it from BCH. you could argue they could've forked from BTC but nchain and Calvin pools were already mining BCH with momentum heading in the big block direction. the supposed attack would've been easier too. I wish they would've gone through with that.
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