since you replied nicely

not really "reading material", but maybe something to stimulate argument/debate.
this is a basic example of a website onchain, things of note:
- the hosting/website savings - far lower initial fees (cost around half a penny, i think less), and zero renewal fees.
- much easier to host a website
- the security, can't be hacked (try hacking the tx, lol)
- inclusivity with integrating MB/money (doesn't have to be MB, but i do strongly recommend as you can spit out a receipt, or do some BitCeption, mwahahahha)
- you can sell music, pics, items, whatever you want
- create your website/tx's properly, and you can easily create a website
- the top 2 imgs are stored onchain via BASCIIAT (see unwriter)
- all imgs, sound recordings, movies, etc, will be onchain
- very early days, expect more "search engines" and similar that will help others to find what you build
This is a basic example, internet 1993 type of thing, but now we've got things back on track..
This is a case example of the "MetaNet", how a business/website can exist not "Online" but "Onchain".
This will hopefully help explain when I (or others) say things like; "Bitcoin as "money" is the first application, prepare for what comes next."
Like legoblocks you could say, you're supposed to build "upwards". The tx/money can be moved around, the website remains.
So by "walking on the same road", i did not mean some kind of 'tribalism' thing, i meant building "upwards", on the same path that myself and others are.
Or not.. it is coming to the point where more people will have to make a Choice or be left behind.