Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
lol Necro poster

Having, been through the nChain blogs and patents that are visible. I'd say most of the 'blockchain' space is now at least 10 years behind.

I mean how many projects even understand Bitcoin is a Capitalistic incentive system in code form?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
interesting perspective.

and here i was thinking that most people other than chris pacia cant stomach making the same arguments they defended against over the last few years.
Here's a good example.

Don't even get me started on anarchists appealing to the community and commons for help. Make your mind up.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
@lunar how that thread reads: "we want to keep dev'ing and we want you to pay us! other coins have a self-sustaining plan, that's _not_fair_!"

the nov. 15 "upgrade" wiped out one order of magnitude from BCH's capitalization. but it was done right on schedule! and CTOR evidently improves user experience - or in any case it makes the code look neater.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
didn't we just go thru that whining starting 2011 thru 2012 and into 2013 when suddenly Toddler's small block video went viral and voila Blockstream incorporated with a $55M capital infusion (payout)? guess what? protocol coders can't justify getting paid if they aren't coding/changing/working the protocol. yet here we have BCH protocol devs going down the same path. and now with Jihan gone and Bitmain apparently pulling back funding, what happens next, esp when you've promised a q6mo upgrade schedule? this is why the BSV protocol lockdown approach is so threatening to ragtag core protocol devs in general; if it works, how do you justify getting paid? just so happens that CSW doesn't need to get paid for protocol development since he and Calvin are already independently rich and can afford to pay Shadders/Connelly to maintain/optimize. why is that a bad thing if you have the ability to ignore their noise while maintaining vigilance towards their actions?


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
why is that a bad thing if you have the ability to ignore their noise while maintaining vigilance towards their actions?
i don't think it is a bad thing either -- except that the vigilance part is a tad futile, it's not like they are bound to listen to anyone, and if they go off course, there are no horses left in the race . . . unless you think anyone has the stamina for another fork.

i suppose if it comes to that, you can cash out and put it all in gold :eek:

Where do you guys see Bitcoin Unlimited in two years?
some indication of how the thinking of elected officers is evolving would certainly be welcome.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
want more ammo to beat up on LN? here you go, Christian Decker, one of its main architects:
[doublepost=1551501363][/doublepost]learn about griefing attacks, lack of profits from relay fees, mandatory onion routing, need for mandatory network states via gossip, etc. and lots of other unanswered questions.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
want more ammo to beat up on LN?
Not really. Don't interrupt your enemy when he's doing a mistake, lol.

But I watched the video, and it's clear that Christian doesn't understand how bitcoin scales. Which is a pretty straight forward engineering process if you accept that nodes are run in data centers.

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