Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Staff member
Aug 29, 2015
Bitcoin Unlimited Presents:
Satoshi’s Vision Conference
Tokyo, Japan
23-25 March 2018

Call For Presentations

Following Satoshi’s Vision conference held in San Francisco in 2016, and the Bitcoin Unlimited
sponsored “The Future of Bitcoin” Conference held in Arnhem 2017, Bitcoin Unlimited brings you
another premier event. Satoshi’s Vision Conference Tokyo will bring together developers, researchers, businesses, and Bitcoin Cash and other cryptocurrency enthusiasts from around the world.

We welcome topics including:
  • Protocol Research and Development, in areas such as:
    • Massive on-chain scaling technologies
    • Pre-consensus techniques for improving rapid payments
    • Advanced scripting capabilities, block chain tokens and colored coins
  • Software development topics inclusive of multiple cryptocurrencies and software projects
  • Economics, Game Theory, and Governance
  • How to make Bitcoin Cash the best money the world has ever seen
Please submit presentation proposals to:
Submissions should be 1-2 pages in length. Please outline the topic of the proposed talk, why it is
important, and include a description of what the attendees will learn.

Proposals due Jan 15th 2018

Follow us at or on Twitter @satoshis_vision


Active Member
Nov 30, 2016
@torusJKL: SegWit with blockweight and extension blocks?
It's SegWit with the two Merkle trees and the block weight (the 2 pictures should show the proportion)
a weight balanced merkeltree hashed into a merkeltree?:ROFLMAO:

edit: i mean, either that, or an alamy stock photo
If that is your definition of SegWit than yes.

It's definitely 2 alamy stock pictures. :)

Zangelbert Bingledack

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
And another, this time a standard spinoff with premine nibble.
United Bitcoin, by Jeff Garzik

Here it comes...
Just takes 30 of these at $500 each to double BTC holders' wealth, and if BCH returns to a 1/6 ratio to BTC like it should in the near term, these spinoffs might follow suit to be worth more like $1000 each (even low-effort BTG is somehow holding at $300; what can a serious spinoff trade for?).
[doublepost=1513220124,1513218998][/doublepost]Tangentially, isn't it funny that after all these years of altcoin development, all any altcoin or spinoff can think to offer is just what the original Bitcoin plan already entailed?
  • more capacity (Satoshi's first reply on the mailing list)
  • better instant transactions (snack machine thread)
  • smart contracts (original opcodes)
  • privacy (original opcodes for blinded tx*)
  • tokens (original opcodes for colored coins, Counterparty, etc.)
Litecoin was born from the first two being hindered by Core. Ethereum from the third and fifth. Monero from the fourth. Dash from the first, second, and fourth. Other altcoins and spinoffs arise from misunderstood non-innovations like proof of stake and its variants, directed acyclic graphs (IOTA), and centralized ledgers (Ripple).

Core singlehandedly created the altcoin bubble out of nothing. Nothing new under the sun. Satoshi's vision is it.

*this is probably the weakest point here, meaning Monero, etc. might offer some new utility
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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2015
@Zangelbert Bingledack :

I suspect the spin-off craze that you correctly predicted will only have its peak when there's a "BYOB" (build your own Bitcoin) construction kit available, together with auto setup of a bootstrap-infused, fancy hipster-scrolling digital ocean instance of your website together with an autogenerated white paper full of dadaist bullshit :)

There is one key difference between Bitcoin Cash and all other spin-offs of Bitcoin so far. And I expect this difference to hold except for maybe the odd very small spin-off that flies for a while under the radar:

Bitcoin Cash is the only spin-off that uses the same SHA256 miners.

That's why I call it the silent majority fork. BCH would not have survived until now with less than 50% of the hashpower protecting it.

The more I see how this plays out, the more I can understand the miners: Milk BTC for what it is worth and use the proceeds to build up Bitcoin Cash infrastructure.


Active Member
Mar 14, 2016
And another, this time a standard spinoff with premine nibble.

more capacity (Satoshi's first reply on the mailing list)
  • better instant transactions (snack machine thread)
  • smart contracts (original opcodes)
  • privacy (original opcodes for blinded tx*)
  • tokens (original opcodes for colored coins, Counterparty, etc.)
Litecoin was born from the first two being hindered by Core. Ethereum from the third and fifth. Monero from the fourth. Dash from the first, second, and fourth. Other altcoins and spinoffs arise from misunderstood non-innovations like proof of stake and its variants, directed acyclic graphs (IOTA), and centralized ledgers (Ripple).

Core singlehandedly created the altcoin bubble out of nothing. Nothing new under the sun. Satoshi's vision is it.

*this is probably the weakest point here, meaning Monero, etc. might offer some new utility

Very intersting. Imo only BCH, XMR and maybe ETH will survive long term. Andreas in one of his talks said one thing that made me think. The world will have/need at least one PoW coin, however it is not clear if we can afford (energywise) a second one. I guess a second one maybe guaranteed almost for sure. We're living in a polar world and for every woman there is a man, for every Cola there is a Pepsi and for every Mc Donalds there is a Burger King. All our daily lives are stage plays with protagonist and antagonists.

Onchain vs. Offchain (BTC vs. BCH)
Transparent vs. private (BCH vs. XMR)
PoW vs. PoS (BCH/XMR vs. ETH)
(Programmable money vs. Immutable software) (BCH/XMR vs. ETH)

and finally Fiat vs. BTC
and BTC vs. crypto


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
It's not possible to store a BIP 39 mnemonic HD key on a normal Rubik's Cube.

But it's possible on a 4x4x4 Rubik's Revenge Cube.

It can be done in 19.36 seconds if your name is Feliks Zemdegs (world record holder).

The rest of us will probably stick with Cryptosteel.

And yes: I'm thinking about mechanical ways to store your seed that is simpler to use than Cryptosteel, allthough I love their product. It takes like half an hour to an hour to prepare it, but you only have to do it once in your life.

Bitcoin Cash has brought back the creative side of me in bitcoin. Bitcoin is back!

Another similar project i did 3 years ago was a way to create your BIP 39 seed with 4 special Dungeons and Dragons-dice in a plastic box with internal walls. Three D8 dice and one D4.

In addition you need this pdf I made with the table that maps the dice combo to one of the 2048 words in BIP 39.

And you also need this BIP 39 checksum tool a cool guy named Liam Lang made for me.

Put your tinfoil hat on, use a computer with all Bluetooth and WIFI antennas ripped out and run the checksum tool before you crush the computer with a sledge hammer and distribute the broken parts on different places.

This is the safest way in the world to create a BIP 39 HD wallet. Never trust RNG's :)
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Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
I agree 100%, BTC should never hard fork under any circumstances to increase block size. How dare people like Adam Back suggest doing so (he must obviously be co-opted by corporations), when it means undermining the very immutability and censorship-resistance properties that make it a store-of-value!


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015

I love how slowly the realization sinks in that BTC has a massive problem now.
Ha ha, I love Haipo's response!

The biggest threat against Bitcoin Cash from Bitcoin Core is the possibility that they increase the blocksize. But when SW2X was cancelled, I sodl (allmost) the rest of my BTC.

I have argued lately different places that Blockstream/Core can't just flip a switch and increase the blocksize anymore. They could have 2 years ago without a problem. But now, it's very different.

If core create a 2MB or 200MB hardfork, I think the miners will respond: Meh... Let's keep this chain "decentralized" at 1MB.

And the miners do it even before Core come with this new hardfork. They are proactive.

Jihan published a tweet not long ago dealing with this subject, but I can't find it because I'm kicked out of Twitter for being too much viking. Burning down villages, eating my enemy's children while raping their wives is not OK according to twitter. I feel abused as a minority and will launch a #MeToo(viking) campaign. If Twitter allows me to.

Please post the tweet from Jihan here if anybody know which one I'm talking about. It's very much in line with Haipo's tweet.


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
it's hilarious, some people are so out of it they can't even tell they are being trolled.

but if it's dawning on you that BTC is heading for trouble, and you are beginning to understand that BCH is the result of bitcoin's last-resort market governance mechanism, you are still in a good position. let me break it down for you:

1. if you had BTC before august 1 and did nothing, keep it that way. Bitcoin cash has got you covered and when you are ready it will welcome you with open arms.

2. if you had BTC before august 1 but were not in control of the coins, and their custodian has confiscated your BCH: demand that you get them as soon as possible, before a major price change diminishes even more the probability of ever getting what is yours. if no results, consider yourself in position 3.

3. if you rage sold your BCH, take the hit now, get back on board, or risk kissing the dream goodbye. it's ok, you can use some of that massive BTC windfall to buy as much BCH as you once owned BTC, or more.

4. if you bought BTC after august 1: congratulations, your investment has done exceptionally well. realize enough profit to acquire at least as much BCH as you originally had BTC, as soon as possible.

any established poster in this board will hasten to correct me if i am wrong.

edit: minor wording
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Aug 28, 2015
Very intersting. Imo only BCH, XMR and maybe ETH will survive long term. Andreas in one of his talks said one thing that made me think. The world will have/need at least one PoW coin, however it is not clear if we can afford (energywise) a second one. I guess a second one maybe guaranteed almost for sure. We're living in a polar world and for every woman there is a man, for every Cola there is a Pepsi and for every Mc Donalds there is a Burger King. All our daily lives are stage plays with protagonist and antagonists.

Onchain vs. Offchain (BTC vs. BCH)
Transparent vs. private (BCH vs. XMR)
PoW vs. PoS (BCH/XMR vs. ETH)
(Programmable money vs. Immutable software) (BCH/XMR vs. ETH)

and finally Fiat vs. BTC
and BTC vs. crypto
At a more fundamental level, any of these could run on the chain of either of the others.
Scaling wins the PoW chain wars.

Justus Ranvier

Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
Jihan published a tweet not long ago dealing with this subject, but I can't find it because I'm kicked out of Twitter for being too much viking. Burning down villages, eating my enemy's children while raping their wives is not OK according to twitter. I feel abused as a minority and will launch a #MeToo(viking) campaign. If Twitter allows me to.
Just because the actions you're describing would be out of place in the Bay Area does not mean that Twitter is right to judge Viking culture by those standards. I can't believe that it's 2017 and Twitter still thinks it's ok to discriminate against indigenous Scandinavians.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Well, congratulations to all the advocates for an on-chain transaction capacity increase.

Your foresight and activism over the last 3 years is finally filtering through to the masses.

It's a little odd that it's happening a month after these very people were celebrating the blocking of the 2X hard fork transaction capacity increase they are now advocating for.
Hi everyone - huge bitcoin supporter here. I spend a lot of my time debating over in the other subreddit with BCH supporters because I believe BCH is a poor idea that is eventually going to lead to centralization, which Bitcoin can never succumb to.

Over the past year, as bitcoin has become mainstream, we have all witnessed the price skyrocket and have all, in my opinion, become blinded by it. Bitcoin's has a MAJOR issue right now. Simply, day by day, wallets that have less than the minimum amount of satoshi/byte fee that will get a confirm in them are essentially useless/worthless. Also, any form of commerce for bitcoin is essentially impractical now. I was absolutely alarmed when in an interview, Jimmy Song was forced to answer what he would use as "currency" if he had to use it for an online transaction, and he said "Visa". I immediately realized just how absurd and hard headed the bitcoin community has become in this blocksize debate. People would rather push others wanting to purchase things online with Visa than to improve bitcoin immediately. My main issue with the current state of affairs in bitcoin is that we have lots of people offering us promises, but no immediately solutions. LN has been talked about for years now. So, what are we supposed to do... sit around and HOPE LN is immediately adopted when it comes out and everyone starts using it for low/no fees? I think.... no I KNOW one day it will be adopted, basically making all other cryptos obsolete. However, how far off is this? 1, 2, 3, 4 years? Nobody knows. But in the immediate/short future, what is the bitcoin community supposed to do? Sit around and pretend that $10 fees to make a simple transaction are OK? What happens if other cryptos decide to fill in that vacuum while we sat around waiting for LN, which by the way is not guaranteed to fix this fee issue. Even with LN, most smart people agree that at some point Bitcoin HAS to increase the blocksize. On LN, you still have to be opening/closing channels, plus people are always going to want to use the main blockchain to do transactions for maximum security.

I think it's time the community backs a blocksize increase. We KNOW it has to happen at some point, so why not now? Bitcoin is in a very desperate place. Don't be fooled by this massive price spike. We have to make some serious decisions about what we are gonna do now to fix this. Sit around and wait for LN, or do the inevitable now, and increase the blocksize to 2mb. I'm officially putting my vote in for an immediate blocksize increase to 2mb.

Discuss and please keep it civil.
Almost 2000 comments, and only 2? have realized the solution is Bitcoin Cash
zowki 16 points 12 hours ago said:
It has been done already. We call it Bitcoin Cash.

Thank God Core is in there correcting this misunderstanding. (Blue Matt?)

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