Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
. . . it debuts a trick not even ZB foresaw: no pre-mine, but an instamine consisting of allocating "inactive" coins to a "foundation" that will selflessly orient future development (these are coins on the forked chain that correspond to BTC that is presumed not to move ever again in the BTC Blockhain).

the team is appropriately multi-culti and gender-inclusive. except they've already taken down the stock pics attached to some of those profiles, which were there just a few hours ago.

the webpage is slick though. hints of dotcom bubble, with a bitter finish. the perfect pairing for bullshit pie.
Besides Monero and Litecoin,* the story is similar down much of the list.
while on the topic of creative pre-mines . . . IIRC, the monero mining client originally released to the public was less efficient computationally than the one used by the devs.

Peter R

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Haha you've gotta give it to them, the United Bitcoin website was nicely done!

I met with a friend recently who's planning an ICO for his group's new idea. I said "no, ICOs are totally scammy -- your product doesn't even need its own token!" And then he said, "yeah that's true but if we do an ICO we can likely raise $40M. If we do the traditional route we'll raise $4M. What would you do, Peter?"

So I dunno. In a lot of ways it makes the good sense to raise the most money possible. Ethical dilemma.

Maybe someone should write a BUIP to do a GCBU spin-off. We'll have gigabyte blocks, lightning and thunder networks, and the smartest smart contracts. Schnorr signatures, perfect privacy, infinite scalability, and some sort of teleportation device. William Shatner will be our spokesman and maybe we can fit the Kardashians in there somewhere too.
[doublepost=1513063831][/doublepost]Oh man, that's pretty scammy. You're already too late to claim your Bitcoin United!

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Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
United Bitcoin, by Jeff Garzik

Here it comes...
Blocked by the Italian gov. This is what you get when you try to reach the website:

wonder if this has something to do with a previous owner of the domain or if the italian gov had a sudden increase of efficiency (I doubt it).

(just checked it is blocked at dns level, I was using google dns)

Justus Ranvier

Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
I met with a friend recently who's planning an ICO for his group's new idea. I said "no, ICOs are totally scammy -- your product doesn't even need its own token!" And then he said, "yeah that's true but if we do an ICO we can likely raise $40M. If we do the traditional route we'll raise $4M. What would you do, Peter?"
Ask him how much of the $40 million he's assuming he will raise has been budgeted for FinCEN registration, SEC fines, and criminal defense attorneys.


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
the teleporter is not yet ready (the devs are working on it night and day), but there is proof-of-concept for turing-complete smartest smart contracts, cryptographically auto-secure by wilson's algorithm, AI-vetted to conform to Blockchain contract law.


this seems an appropriate moment to state a widely held principle of long-term crypto investing:
in ICOs as in IFOs, pre-mines erode.
i propose calling it the aminorex rule.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Thoughts on the topic of the week

2: Increase the network capacity, ideally by decreasing the inter-block time to 1 min, 2 min, or 2.5 min to improve the user experience, focusing on faster and smaller blocks.
Initial reaction here would have to be the same as @Tomothy I don't see the need for this? I understand we are free from Core now, but I don't think this should give license to change such key elements of the design that have functioned so well over the last 9 years.

Reasoning, but please correct me if iv'e misunderstood anything here. Still learning.

So the argument seems to be if we decrease the blocktime down to say 1min, this increases the number of confirmations, to10 in the normal blocktime T. The advantage being an increase in security for the 0conf window of T-10. (The network is sending more, smaller packets, over the same time period)

I imagine Proof of Work and block discovery like a randomised timestamping device. We have this unknown background radiation (global hashrate) whos magnitude is measured at unknown points, but will trend to T=10min. So by increasing the sampling interval (changing blocktime to T=1) we are increasing the resolution of background radiation data. In other words we are timestamping the PoW magnitude more frequently. My problem is, I don't see how this increases the overall security. IIUC Tx security comes from the PoW that would be required to undo it, and not an arbitrary integer of confirmations. We'd be getting 10 mini blocks instead of 1 big one, but after one regular confirmation they'd have equal security.

I can see benefits of having increased sampling of the PoW function. T=1 rather than T=10, but the claim from the development plan was 'Increase the network capacity" How does decreasing the blocktime, increase the Tx throughput of the network? Surely you would have to send the common block data, like headers, more frequently. Wouldn't it also x10 the latency and block orphaning problems, plus mess with the coin issuance schedule?

I'd think some serious study would need to be done first to find optimal values. I see the blocktime like the 21mil limit here, not necessarily permanent, just an exceptionally well chosen Schelling point that is good enough.

This year has renewed my confidence in 0conf security, now I can properly visualise the network. It's hardly being effected by non mining nodes, especially now RBF is gone. It's clear a Tx only needs to be seen by the top ~20 miners (almost instant) rather than propagate to the entire network. After that there's very little chance it would be worth it for any of them to attempt a double spend, rather than stay in consensus. I'd now happily trust $1000+ in 0conf, possibly much more in the future.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2015
the team is appropriately multi-culti and gender-inclusive. except they've already taken down the stock pics attached to some of those profiles, which were there just a few hours ago.

the webpage is slick though. hints of dotcom bubble, with a bitter finish. the perfect pairing for bullshit pie.
LOL. You forgot deep learning!


Active Member
Feb 22, 2016
Took me some time, but I think I digested the SW2X cancelling and start to be more optimistic. (Maybe that's just temporary until the market enters the next multi year bear phase lol)

Looks like dark markets have finally had enough with BTC:

Dream Marketplace (the biggest DNM now?) just allowed vendors to start accepting Bitcoin Cash. Monero is also seeing some use.
This is really great news.

In regards to the block interval time, I agree with @lunar.
IMHO it is a very bad idea to start bikeshedding about this value at this point. 10 minutes have been working great for years, why change it and why even start a discussion about this at this point. Although I don't see the actual need for a lot of the new stuff, BCH can make some real improvements without touching this subject. Zeroconf is secure again (without 100k+ tx in the mempool), subchains looks like an interesting concept.
Lightn...Micropayment channels can be done today.

Worldwide transfers of value. From subcents to billions, for very little fees. For smaller purchases instantly, either with 0-conf or micropayment channels.

The tech is here now, in this moment. It is in front of the companies and individuals to use it, they'll just have to understand that and actually start the revolution.

But one discussion really is necessary for Bitcoin cash: Finding a long term solution to the blocksize question. Every resource spend on the block intervals should rather go into this.


I thought about the current LN testnet, that is used in r/bitcoin and other places to show "how great LN will work" because you can do instant tx's to buy virtual coffee. As I understand the LN design, couldn't I set up two nodes, A and B, connected to as much other nodes as possible and start spamming the network like crazy just by doing as many transaction updates between my two nodes as possible? The only limiting factor seems to be the upload transmission. Another way to "stress test" the network would be the introduction of millions of new nodes that provide low fees for multihop tx (no idea if anybody is actually trying this on the test network) and just never transmit these tx.

Maybe that would help to let some people ask questions about the viability of this crazy idea? (No idea if that would be illegal, especially in the US.. With all these fucked up anti hacking laws..)

Also, it would be interesting to show people, that Onion routing doesn't work if everybody has to know everything... And maybe use some testnet coins to dry out often used routes..

And I am still pretty sure, that it is actually impossible to do what the LN devs are trying to do. They can't reach the security of an onchain transaction with lower fees by adding another layer. There will always be trade-offs. There must be. This is just a gut feeling and I don't know if it is provable.


Staff member
Aug 19, 2015
Blocked by the Italian gov. This is what you get when you try to reach the website:

wonder if this has something to do with a previous owner of the domain or if the italian gov had a sudden increase of efficiency (I doubt it).

(just checked it is blocked at dns level, I was using google dns)
It used to be an illegal gambling site and was seized by the U.S. DOJ in 2011. Garzik & co bought it literally a month ago from a Chinese reseller. Two-letter .coms go for a minimum of 7 figures USD.

FBI seized,,