I stand corrected, I looked at the dates in the graph wrongly. Indeed, in the past 4 weeks the daily average size was 57-85%. The daily median was 55-99%.
When looking at user experience, the median (which is kind of the typical value of a set of values) is much more telling than the average. Especially in the block size discussion, where empty blocks are false signals w.r.t. tx pressure (empty blocks don't mean there are no txs to be processed).
I mostly agree with your point about the median likely providing a better idea regarding individual user experiences when it comes to likelihood for having delays in confirmation times. I also agree with you that when we are talking about daily averages, then empty blocks could have a very decent chance of skewing mean results towards smaller percentages and reflect a smaller value regarding likelihood of delays in time for individual user experiences to get into the blocks.
Nonetheless, I continue to believe that a lot of the concern about delay(s) is overhyped by people who are engaged in anecdotal exaggerations about facts that have not yet occurred.. to speculate that there is going to be a problem, rather than actually experiencing any kind of meaningful problem, and at the same time pushing xt, classic agendas, which have to do with things other than the blocksize limits.
In that regard, we need to look at a variety of factors beside merely median blocksize, a variety of anecdotal accounts coupled with yelling about it
When it comes down to brass tacks, we have had secure transactions going through bitcoin in times that are way faster than traditional banks and with decentralized controls, and we really should not be expecting competition with centralized credit cards and payment systems that have been in business longer and are controlled by a lot of regulations (and money taking) …
Even though bitcoin is currently immature as a technology and there seems to be considerable emphasis on securing value in order that people are not getting screwed out of their coins because of security flaws, and accordingly it seems that very likely within a few years, bitcoin is going to become much more capable of faster transactions that may be comparable to centralized systems? I’m not sure, and I don’t really care at this moment, because we have to see how seg wit unravels and we need to see what kinds of continued innovations come through seg wit and other upcoming changes in bitcoin (including possible blocksize limit increases that may occur in one or two years).
On the page with the graphs, scroll down to the all time graphs of monthly averages and medians. The past three months, the median size was 93%. It has doubled the past half year. Under normal circumstance one would expect it to double to 185% by October. SW will be too little (170%), too late (one year after rolling out?).
I think that we have already had variations of this discussion in the other thread (Bitcointalk wall observer thread), yet maybe I had never made any assertions about transactions going above 100%, because those kinds of assertions make little to no sense to me. If there is a blocksize limit, then transactions cannot go above the limit.
On the other hand, I do understand the point that at some point daily transactions are likely going to continue to increase - maybe double, triple or quadruple in a short period of time.. and in that regard, there is likely going to be needs for increased capacity… but the upcoming needs for increased capacity does not mean that there currently is a problem, beyond a lot of yelling about the topic.
Surely seg wit seems to remain as part of the current proposed solution that is about to go live (depending upon whether it is blocked by classic/xt supporters), and from my understanding there seem to be other scaling-type plans continuing to be considered, even though some of the details of additional plans depend upon how seg wit unravels when it actually goes live in the near future… and some of those considerations were discussed in the hongkong agreement.
It's not without reason that links to these graphs are forbidden to be posted on /r/bitcoin .
I don’t really follow r/bitcoin, but I believe that you posted those same above links in the Bitcoin talk wall observer thread, and they were not removed….
I also don’t really have any problems with the idea that an owner of a forum may categorize certain topics as within bitcoin or as within alt coin related .. and accordingly, some links may be allowed under some topics and not under other topics… because they may seem to be more argumentative rather than factual… Maybe you can explain more why those links may have been removed from r/bitcoin?