Magic Friend
- Dec 31, 2015
- 26,568
- 821
LMAO!"they have achieved near perfect control over the perspiration of the bitcoin communities..."
I for one love @adamstgbit's hilarious typos. Blockstream/Core certainly makes me sweat!
BU removed it weeks ago Theymos and others also have keysSo RE: GIthub P2P key removal thing. I know that Satoshi had the key or a key along with Gavin and maybe Karples. The fact that this is being removed, is this good/bad? I feel I'm way to far down the rabbit hole to not be unbiased about this and just view it as more evidence of blockstreams evil intentions. And more sideways? Man, btc getting boring, again.
Could someone provide a link to what this thread of this discussion is about? or alternatively some kind of explanation regarding what is meant by having keys to the github.BU removed it weeks ago Theymos and others also have keys
digging up a thread about this is going to be hard...
Devs had keys to allow them to send alert msg to peers on the network. ( the keys were never on github, maybe the public key?? )
they have revamped this sub-system, and now they have new keys.
I feel bullish today.
Thanks for the're right, but you're confusing me, code contribution has little to do with alert key access.
i think you're confusing commit access on github and alert key access.
altho its likely if you had commit access on github you also have the key for the p2p alert system.
these things tend to move faster and faster.Remember 2015, we had a couple of 5 week periods of flat.... in the $230s?
So far this is "only" almost a 3 week period of flat in the lower $400s.... "coiling" could take another couple of weeks, no? This could be bitcoin's new $230s? Call me pessimistic.