i have stated the halving is kind of unknown it may trigger a spike or bubble or rise
i am seeing stability right now and swinging from 450 back down to 250 and back up to 450
which may take place is not a big move
again to cash out we need willy bot mt gox china a large frenzy and that is not taking place at this moment also if we some how hit 800 900 1000 every one will cash out and i am not shore many buyers of bitcoin will be eager to purchase at that hi possible inflated price
when the halvening rocket takes off
http://www.thehalvening.com/ it may not be a inflated bubble jest the new norm hi price however no one really knows
staying in-between 400 and 500 would be considered stable
when we were at 200 that was the new ground floor after the 1300 bubble
it could drop then climb out to 600 i do not know that is why i like a shore thing like willy bot china and so on . . .. . .
in other news .... if chart buddy is not on hear i am out of hear
chart buddy let us know how to follow you after you figure out ware you can post at
this is the second time this has happened moderators

if you buy sell trade bitcoins you best believe you better be following chart buddy
chart buddy is like the bible of bit coin price you cant make a move without him