Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
I think the BU members deserve to know that the BU officers failed to execute BUIP 072, and they didn't tell it in public to the membership.

There also seems to be problems related to giving financial reports.

This lack of transparency could be a sign of other problems.

The Gigablock Testnet Initiative also seem to have been halted, unless the work is done in the dark. Again, lack of transparency. No activity in the Gigablock Testnet Slack channel since january.

BUIP072: Partially re-weight BU's funds towards BCH
Go "partial Norway"
With the failure of the NYA network upgrade scheduled for Block 494,784, it has become
increasingly clear that the BTC token has limited long term viability due to extremely high
transaction fees and unreliable confirmations. This BUIP proposes to adjust BU's BTC
holdings (presently 640 BTC) by trading 150 BTC in exchange for an additional 500 - 1000
The trades would be carried out over the months of November and December at the
discretion of the President, Secretary and Lead Developer of BU (the three key holders).
Coins will be stored in multisig wallets with keys held by the three BU officers at all points in
Conflict of Interest
The author holds both BTC and BCH tokens.
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Active Member
Nov 30, 2016
@Christoph Bergmann :

I commend @Norway for not voting in that vote. His vote could have prevented it, so not voting is tantamount to his resignation.

My second commendation goes to @digitsu who cast the deciding vote, without which BUIP125 would not have passed. You should congratulate him, not me.
I don't see anything positive in an event where an individual is purged because he voice his disagreement.

In contrast to others (e.g. Amaury Sechet) who voted on purpouse against the best interest of BU, @Norway never voted maliciously but always like he thought would be best for BU.

Unfortunetly in the hurry I entered my reject vote under BUIP 125 instead of 128.
I'm sorry @Norway that I didn't make my voice count.


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
I don't see anything positive in an event where an individual is purged because he voice his disagreement.
Stop misrepresenting BUIP125.

Norway is free to disagree with anyone in BU, and free to have his own opinion.
Membership voted that he's not free to slander BU and remain a member.
He didn't have the good grace to resign voluntarily.

Unfortunetly in the hurry I entered my reject vote under BUIP 125 instead of 128.
There was no hurry. BU voting happened over what, a 5 day period?
Everyone has enough time, and people were informed ahead of the vote.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
@Christoph Bergmann :

I commend @Norway for not voting in that vote. His vote could have prevented it, so not voting is tantamount to his resignation.

My second commendation goes to @digitsu who cast the deciding vote, without which BUIP125 would not have passed. You should congratulate him, not me.
you should be ashamed of yourself for bringing up such a petty frivolous vote yet again. you really don't have anything better to do than dump BCH development do you?
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Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
I'm ashamed that BU didn't boot him out with BUIP122 for his behavior then.

Apparently it takes time plus more evidence, supplied by @Norway.

Your posts provide the evidence that you support such activities against BU, despite claiming that this thread is about BU.
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Active Member
Feb 22, 2016
Congrats @BU for kicking out someone who is working actively against BU (and bitcoin). With the other guys like Amaury, who left themselves, I am looking forward to a more healthy and productive BU team.

Good to see the BU organization healthy and alive (and productive apparently!).
If you want to control the protocol, you're one of the pigs in "Animal Farm".
So let's patent everything around us, so nobody can control it.

Or so it goes.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
The bitcoin (BSV) protocol is not patented. The nChain patents affect all chains. The Open BSV license is an open license restricted to the BSV chain. They give away many of their inventions for free to anyone who wants to build on top of BSV.

The point of freezing the protocol is to prevent developer technocrats (the pigs) from holding power and to create predictability for people like me building business on top of the protocol.

Why is this to hard to understand @satoshis_sockpuppet ?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I'm ashamed that BU didn't boot him out with BUIP122 for his behavior then.

Apparently it takes time plus more evidence, supplied by @Norway.

Your posts provide the evidence that you support such activities against BU, despite claiming that this thread is about BU.
there's nothing free about you @freetrader.
Why is this to hard to understand
its really not. it's about the BCH apologists refusing to give up control. apparently the BU leadership has fallen into this trap: "we'll allow bigger blocks when we say so. in the meantime, I have other interests to attend to".
[doublepost=1567339600,1567338982][/doublepost]I have a theoretical for you @freetrader. you rail against BSV here in this thread at least as bad as @Norway rails against BU; even more so I'd say. do you see me, the author of this thread, or any other BSV supporter trying to get you banned from this thread? no. we're not anywhere near as insecure or manipulative as you.
[doublepost=1567340475][/doublepost]with this latest move by @freetrader to expunge @Norway from BU, the only thing that is demonstrated without a doubt is that Bitcoin devs are political. how hypocritical is that given that Bitcoin was always sold to be an apolitical form of money? this move is a disgrace.


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
we'll allow bigger blocks when we say so
Apparently you have fallen into the trap of your own constructed narrative.

Both BU and ABC clients allow the user to set the maximum blocksize themselves.

You like to make it sound as if there is some consensus that is somehow enforced by any BCH developers.

you rail against BSV here in this thread at least as bad as @Norway rails against BU
Norway is just as free to rail against BCH as I am against BSV.
I don't have anything in particular against BSV, other than what I've said numerous times before.
It's just a fork which claims to support bigger blocks and less protocol change via a certain roadmap, claims I find poorly supported.
I also find it amazing that it exists in the first place, after its community was on every channel backing the claim that there would be "No split". Strikes me as manipulative false claims from start to where we are now.

no. we're not anywhere near as insecure or manipulative as you
That's your subjective opinion. I disagree, I think as supporters of BSV and the fraud that originated and sustains it, your cognitive dissonance exceeds the threshold where you can objectively assess what constitutes manipulation. You've been manipulated yourselves, it is just sad to see.
given that Bitcoin was always sold to be an apolitical form of money?
Have you drunk from Adam Back's propaganda slideshow koolaid?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
>Apparently you have fallen into the trap of your own constructed narrative.

except that is exactly what @jtoomim said.

>Both BU and ABC clients allow the user to set the maximum blocksize themselves.

stop being coy. there been plenty of discussion from BCH devs about how the protocol isn't ready or there isn't demand for big blocks as justification for keeping a limit. they actually believe they're preventing a poison block.

>I don't have anything in particular against BSV

that's pretty hilarious when you try to associate CSW with control over bsv every chance you get.

>backing the claim that there would be "No split".

that was just an error of judgment not held by all. there were plenty of people from the BCH side who also thought there would be only one survivor. so what?

>your cognitive dissonance exceeds the threshold where you can objectively assess what constitutes manipulation.

not at all. my game theoretic strategy is very simple and easy to understand. support the protocol rules you favor as they exist today (and ignore those that give false promises for tomorrow) that removes any judgment of the politically motivated devs involved. if you believe that Bitcoin is open source, which I do, a community can always hard fork away from rogue devs that violate the principles of a free sound money.

>Have you drunk from Adam Back's propaganda slideshow koolaid?

nice deflection. why don't you directly address the question?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
Oh, Norway purged put? Congrats freetrader!

I heard Peter rizun rallied again for this vote. Does he have any other function in bu than being bus chief politics officer?
If this is true, maybe the secretary @Peter R should spend more time on making a detailed financial report and less time on politics. BIP 072 should have been carried out 8 months ago, but has not been carried out, and information is kept under the lid.

Making BU's xPub keys public could be a first step.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
let me approach this argument from a different angle.

the more successful a project price wise, the more its protocol ossifies down. it's quite natural; the less inclined are devs to risk breaking it less be blamed (or sued). as well, their presumed investment grows in value so who wants to risk their fortune? this is the situation in BSV no matter who owns the github; it could be Jimmy Hoffa for all I care. the same motivations apply to him. the same dynamic doesn't exist in BCH thus assuring it's long term price stagnation. if the price rises to any significant degree, who wants to risk that potential profit from q6mo mistaken hard forks while depending on the likes of dictats (like CTOR) from @freetrader, @jtoomim, or @deadalnix? seriously, who's gonna do that? answer: no one.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
Like Dr. Craig Wright try to teach people: Ownership of keys is not ownership of funds. @theZerg, @solex and @Peter R does not own the BU funds. The membership should be informed about what's happening with the funds. If the funds have been used privately by some or all of the three key holders, it would be a serious breach of trust.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
@freetrader never made an attempt to advertise his buip here.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
let me be clear: i don't consider @freetrader a dev. he only spent a short ~4m splitting BCH off from BTC before inexplicably exiting its dev for interests in trolling this thread. I consider him a divider /saboteur. for evidence, all you have to do is look at the swords he's been willing to fall on since 2017; nothing but CSW adhoms, attempting to expel all non technical BU members (whatever the hell that means), and now two attempts to expunge @Norway from BU. yes, I smell a big rat.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Oh, Norway purged put? Congrats freetrader!

I heard Peter rizun rallied again for this vote. Does he have any other function in bu than being bus chief politics officer?
The Great Inquisitor. No tweets for more than three months. Then celebrates a comeback with an authorative demand to ostracize Norway from the Honoured Society.

Also "Vanini was easier to burn than to refute" (Schopenhauer)
In contrast to others (e.g. Amaury Sechet) who voted on purpouse against the best interest of BU, @Norway never voted maliciously but always like he thought would be best for BU.
Did Freetrader ever demand the exclusion of that saboteur?
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