Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015


Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
@cypherdoc, @lunar I could be wrong but you both seem "happy" that a company sued individual developers and threatened "anyone who had anything to do with ticker hijacking" to get the same threatment, be it a company or a person.

Am I misinterpreting your current position?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015

what makes you say that? in fact, when I say it's getting ugly, I mean that I don't like ugly things or outcomes. these lawsuits are likely to hurt the space more than anything.
[doublepost=1544126211][/doublepost]having said that, you do realize my respect for many of the voluntaryist devs in this space, other than like you, is quite low. I don't trust them and many deserve to get taken to the woodshed for altcoin scams.
[doublepost=1544127007,1544126071][/doublepost]but I am happy for the price action and could care less if ABC supporters lose their shirts. several here have been bragging about dumping their SV and boldly offering bets. this is the nature of a competitive money space. and btw, did I mention (i did) that I've not hedged either way between ABC and SV coins? I'm completely financially neutral there and my arguments stem purely from ideology and experience and what I think is best long term for the true Bitcoin.
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Well yes, if you sold 60% of your prefork coins at 0.1 BCH/BSV, then it's incredibly gut-wrenching. /me raises hand.

But hell, if BSV turns out to be *the* coin everyone gets behind (and no, a price flippening is not enough) then I'm probably going to suck it up and join. I want censorship-resistant sound money for everybody and I'll swallow quite a bunch of bitter pills to have that goal (as long as it doesn't involve a 1MB blocksize limit). I don't have to be rich, I just want a better world for everybody.

So yes: good job so far, BSV supporters! But you still have a long way to go and a bunch of problems like a commitment to freeze the protocol and some "leadership" / PR issues. It'll be interesting to see how this develops.


hmmmm, a double top? doesn't look too good, let's see if you can overcome that:
Oh, I'm not greedy... But at least I did not lose anything.

I like your attitude. I asked myself, being in anti ABC mood, what would I do, when sv fails big? Bch would still be the best chance to become world money.... I hope I would rejoin, hoping abc learns from the mistakes made ... But I don't know if I could, I just hope I can.

But being on sv is fun today...

It's a fresh spirit. Roger and jihan is what we know, and what didn't brought the breakthrough...maybe csw can? As an author, this is lovely crazy perfect, full storm story gold rush ❤

Anyway. Sv slack is a nice place, much confidence, enthusiasm and positive energy. It feels a bit like it was on bitcointalk in 2013 .. All the ideas, that went broken due to 7tps, are vivid, and everyone is excited to realize them.

Peter R

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
getting very ugly.

i highly doubt quoting CSW & Calvin threats are going to be enough of a defense. bottom line: they didn't do anything. more and more looking like a brilliant 4D chess move by nChain/Coingeek getting ABC to slit it's own throat:
Defence? What is there to defend?

The idea that making code changes to your github repository is somehow unlawful is preposterous. Further, the reason for the changes was to guard against double-spend reorg attacks on exchanges that CSW threatened.

It’s like a burglar suing a homeowner for installing a lock on his door after the burglar threatened to rob the place. “You had no lock on your door when I first cased the joint!!1!”
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New Member
Nov 24, 2018
I am proud to finally announce my very own "One Fuck Given" address a la Ryan X. Charles, qz0te9uu34l30khu8az0r47wlkukwtdt75qtwr4vwd , which will follow the above principle, laid out in more detail below.

Step 1. send $10 to the above address - in Bitcoin Cash (BCH) only. Preferably with attached OP_RETURN linking to forum post, Memo post or whatever you want me to attend.

Step 2. Notify me of your payment txid in some way. Get a buddy or fellow cult member to do it if you don't feel like blowing a sockpuppet on Memo. If you omitted the OP_RETURN, now is the time to inform me of which forum post link, Memo link or whatever you want me to attend.

Step 3. Conditional upon confirmation of the payment, I will inspect the link and reply as I see fit. If what you wish me to inspect is lengthy and boring, I will at that point trade more of my attention for more of your hard earned cash.

This rule in effect immediately for individuals in my "Ignore" list on this forum. Let's give Ryan's scheme a fair go.

Viva free trade!

p.s. Dumping vast amounts of coin into the above address is not guaranteed to buy you my attention. Quite the opposite in fact, as I then almost inevitably go on vacation and spend it all on hookers and blackjack.
so, if I send USD10 of my pre-fork BCH, priced at ABC split value, you end up getting SV split value as well. How is this hijacking of BCH ticker not fraudulent when ABC is worth only partial value of full BCH.
The November upgrade had zero, zip and zilch to do with CSW. If he and his sidekicks hadn't changed their minds about CTOR we would still have a single large block chain.
translation: if no dissenters questioned our authorities in making quasi solutions, we would have a nice big block nation state.


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
Clarification request to our resident supporters of BSV (bitches-suing-ver)

Are you rooting for the United American Corp or the United Corp of America?

p.s. I see some juicy "Florida man" blockchain memes coming up. No offence, @cypherdoc.

@warboat : consult the "BCH Boys" (ticker hijacking much?) on how to split your coins before you send any. They are keeping a list of places that advertise those services.
It's pretty clear to everyone that BCH is not BSV. If you send me BSV I'll burn them for some Wormhole SV coins.
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New Member
Nov 24, 2018
So Bitcoin is supposed to solve double spend problems and here we are needing to be semi-expert Coin Jockeys to avoid this problem because some nation state movement decided they represented the community in hijacking the ticker in a united front to alienate some individual they hypocritically deem as a bitcoin terrorist?


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
Fortunately he segregated himself - there are lots of witnesses - to the Bitcoin Segregated Vision chain. Or is it Bitcoin State-friendly Vision.

He's no more concern now that he has his playground.
Bitcoin Cash is going to continue reducing the risk of double spends, other chains may do the same.

@warboat - I would try to find you some ELI12 video on how to split coins, but what have you done to make it worth my time?


New Member
Nov 24, 2018
why is the ABC camp so incredibly keen to alienate dissenting opinions and push this concept of segregation and split?
do you prefer a comfort zone of delusional bias confirmations?
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Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
I would have preferred if CSW had stuck with harassing the BTC camp. Lord knows they deserve him more than we do.

As for delusions, he seems to have convinced his followers that "there will be no split" while instructing his developers to write software for a split and setting up his mining gear to mine a split, when he could have avoided it entirely by still mining BCH.


New Member
Nov 24, 2018
Clarification request to our resident supporters of BSV (bitches-suing-ver)

@warboat : consult the "BCH Boys" (ticker hijacking much?) on how to split your coins before you send any. They are keeping a list of places that advertise those services.
It's pretty clear to everyone that BCH is not BSV. If you send me BSV I'll burn them for some Wormhole SV coins.
I don't need your help in splitting coins.
You did not answer my question on why ABC claiming the BCH ticker is not wholesale fraud when it does not represent, anywhere close to, FULL BCH value.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
parity incoming. then flippening.
Clarification request to our resident supporters of BSV (bitches-suing-ver
unfortunately, the bald face attempt to smear all SV supporters as responsible for this lawsuit just won't work.
Defence? What is there to defend?

The idea that making code changes to your github repository is somehow unlawful is preposterous. Further, the reason for the changes was to guard against double-spend reorg attacks on exchanges that CSW threatened.

It’s like a burglar suing a homeowner for installing a lock on his door after the burglar threatened to rob the place. “You had no lock on your door when I first cased the joint!!1!”
first off, a defense will have to be built against the allegations in the complaint. granted, they're likely to be wildly overstated and some flat out false. but that's the nature of these ugly things.

who do you view as owning the github of an implementation? serious question. I have an argument whereby no matter how amaury answers that, he'll be screwed.

another way to guard against reorgs is to do what every other miner had to do in the past to secure their chain ; go out and buy more hash power.

the burglary analogy is wrong. in this case, nchain was the burglar doing the screaming but they're not the ones suing.


New Member
Nov 24, 2018
I don't like the lawsuit but I could see it coming as the concept of bullshitting to everyone that ABC=BCH when it is only a subset of substantial split value is basically industry fraud.
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Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
ABC is presumably claiming the BCH ticker since most of the exchanges decided to award that ticker to the ruleset followed by its rules (including by other clients that support those rules, like BU, XT, bchd, bcash etc).

There are now two tickers in common use: BCH and BSV. Deal with it.

p.s. perhaps you can explain why states "Bitcoin SV is the original Bitcoin", when in fact it is nothing of the sort?

Is that not a fraudulent claim?


New Member
Nov 24, 2018
All 2nd layer applications (exchanges, wallets) are complicit in the BCH fraud.
The real tickers in the split are BCHABC and BCHSV. Those that try to do otherwise are not being unbiased and are fraudulent. BCH = prefork BCH only. Anyone claiming post-fork subset as full BCH is fraudulent.
codebase clients don't use tickers so don't bullshit with me about BU being exclusively ABC. The ABC specific functions are options in BU clients and the codebase works with SV with the ABC functions disabled.
The fact that BU works on SV with the ABC functions DISABLED pretty much says something: SV is the real Bitcoin. ABC is some bastardised chain.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
that sinking feeling when you realize you made a wrong choice...
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