Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
All 2nd layer applications (exchanges, wallets) are complicit in the BCH fraud.
The real tickers in the split are BCHABC and BCHSV. Those that try to do otherwise are not being unbiased and are fraudulent. BCH = prefork BCH only. Anyone claiming post-fork subset as full BCH is fraudulent.
codebase clients don't use tickers so don't bullshit with me about BU being exclusively ABC. The ABC specific functions are options in BU clients and the codebase works with SV with the ABC functions disabled.
The fact that BU works on SV with the ABC functions DISABLED pretty much says something: SV is the real Bitcoin. ABC is some bastardised chain.
Sure. It must be everyone else, not the coin which calls itself "the original Bitcoin" which wants to hijack the Bitcoin Cash ticker! :LOL:

Yes, let's refer to "BCHABC" and "BCHSV", tickers which are only used on the one exchange that has consistently been at the center of the longest-running fraud in crypto history.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
It has flipped with USDC as base on Poloniex. Waiting for a flip in direct trading pair, like on Coinex, who was at 0.99.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
There was an intense and decentralized effort by numerous members of the BCH community to defend against the threatened re-org attacks by CSW.
As far as I could tell the group of miners referred too loosely as the attacker aka CSW were the majority BCH miners. The attacker it seems was colluding with some exchanges to have the ABC rule set declared as the official BCH ruleset.
No one has all the information but everyone is trying to work together to make the best decisions for bitcoin.
If this was true and people realized they did not have perfect information why were they ignoring my advice, and secondly how can they conclude forcing a split in the network is good for bitcoin?
I think the situation was handled well. Everyone I interacted with was working hard for the best interests of bitcoin.
It went anything but well, ABC got what they want, I can only make sense of that sentence above when I change "best interests of bitcoin" to "best interests of ABC"

We are destined to relearn how bitcoin works, it's not about the code, in its simplicity it is secured by economic incentives.

Bitcoin is a network of people who share a common belief that bitcoin is money. Money is a fictitious construct, at the core, it's a network of trust, a network of people who believe what you believe.

Anyone who believes bitcoin has value is part of the network, Ignoring the incentives has consequences. I think there is a biblical analogy suited for this moment. It's called The Great Flood.

Developers have moved so far from the fundamental understanding that keeps bitcoin working that they've undermined the only thing that makes it work, the people who believe it has future value as money.

Bitcoin is not code it's a set of rules that make up a protocol, and when you follow those rules, you get to write to an immutable ledger. The fact it runs on a computer makes it more efficient.

I think Bitcoin handled the situation even though the developers in control of changing the rules were ignoring the network of people who believe what I believe.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
>how can they conclude forcing a split in the network is good for bitcoin?

don't forget that Chris Pacia tweet about ABC wanting a split
[doublepost=1544141858][/doublepost]on hitbtc, bsv is above
[doublepost=1544142129][/doublepost]sheesh, the last time I got this warm wet feeling was back when btc hit parity with gold for the first time around 1200. :LOL:
[doublepost=1544142211][/doublepost]no double top here, BCH!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Keep up the in-your-face style.
It's harsh, I can attest to its effectiveness. I sold lots of BTC to buy gold coins, why, because I didn't like @cypherdoc's in your face style. I wanted my own line in the sand to measure Gold collapsing Bitcoin up.

(for the record every gold bug ever to convince me gold was a better investment when BTC was about $20 doesn't understand what gives gold value.) lessons learned the hard way force you to pay attention to the underlying reality, not the personalities.

@cypherdoc approach brings in an audience and it helped me a lot' so thanks and keep it up.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
@AdrianX thanks man, I appreciate it.

just for fun, I skimmed the old threads looking for my nemeses from past years ; miscreanity, silverbox, proudhon, TPTB_WANT_WAR, brg444, iCEBREAKER, Marcus of Augustus, the list was long. none of the current guys are anything compared to them. I'd never been accused of posting spam though, especially in my own thread (Bloomie's I mean). but what do you expect from a guy calling himself @cypherblock?
[doublepost=1544143325][/doublepost]ABC in free fall. that's what I call punishment. deservedly so, sorry.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I'm not happy at all, i'm just very pragmatic on how the world currently works.

The hard truth, is you can't break the law. They have guns. Bitcoin may change laws around the world in years to come, but in the mean time, being on the front line is not a safe place to be.
The way the law works in business is you both get a team of lawyers, you employ them for a year or 2 and you each pay them $500+ an hour. The layers make money. Both teams pay. The first one to outspend his competitor gets to dictate the terms of the settlement.

In this case, if you have to resort to spending bitcoin to pay the legal bills we're hooped.

The main reason I'm into bitcoin is out of frustration. I'm an inventor of IP that will at some time impact everyone on the planet. I had to settle and assign my IP because I eventually went broke trying to defend my licence agreement. My contract did not define the word "Licence" the company disputing ownership said the word "Licence" was intended to mean "Assign". It took me and my employees 2 years to solve the problem, and the company I licenced the product to did not spend a cent on development or patenting it (the patent had not been issued so the uncertainty meant I could lose everything even if I won). My customer merely agreed to licence the product if it fulfilled a long list of requirements. The reason for the dispute was they didn't have an exclusive, and we were rude to each other.

I lost all faith in the law. It does nothing for business, it just allows those arguing to fight until one burned out.

In the absence of such law, people are forced to cooperate more constructively. The only winners in business lawsuits are the lawyers. And, in this case, the people who sold before the fork can forgo a loss, the rest of us are going to pay.
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Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
Once upon a time we had a @majamalu who liked all comments of all the different people here; the comments of The Judean People's Front as well as those from the People's Front of Judea. Tempi passati ....
He doesn't like the People's Front of Judea anymore.:cry:
Like it or not, I think a line is being drawn. Some people are fine with blatant lies, patent trolling, frivolous lawsuits, flirting with government agencies, threats of war, etc, as long as they are not direct and immediate victims of those behaviours.

Other people see the dangers of a pact with the devil.
The sleight of hand here is that if it is adopted by governments, it will transform the corrupt ones like a trojan. It's an open immutable ledger that never forgets.
Governments will only adopt what they can control.

Governments will be forced to accountability, yet at the same time they can't object to that, as its part of their primary mandate.
Accountability is for you and me, not for the rulers.They've been using force or the threat of force arbitrarily to dominate people for thousands of years. You will not beat them at their game.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I would have preferred if CSW had stuck with harassing the BTC camp. Lord knows they deserve him more than we do.

He did. Remember Arnhem? "The Future Of Bitcoin Is Unlimited"

We have been on a winning path together with the ABC miners of today who promised to 'harass' the North Corean chain with their Unlimited CPU power, but then did the opposite and stabbed in your back.
How does it feel to march in fours with those heroes?

O freetrader, there is the great building: there hast thou nothing to seek and everything to lose.

Why wouldst thou wade through this mire? Have pity upon thy foot! Spit rather on the gate of that building, and -- turn back!

There is the hell for anchorites' thoughts: there are great thoughts seethed alive and boiled small.

There do all great sentiments decay: there may only rattle-boned sensations rattle!

Smellest thou not already the shambles and cookshops of the spirit? Steameth not this building with the fumes of slaughtered spirit?

Seest thou not the souls hanging like limp dirty rags?--And they make tweets also out of these rags!

By all that is luminous and strong and good in thee, O freetrader! Spit on this building of shopmen and return back!

There floweth all blood putridly and tepidly and frothily through all veins: spit on the great building, which is the great slum where all the scum frotheth together!

Spit on the building of compressed souls and slender breasts, of pointed eyes and sticky fingers.

On the building of the obtrusive, the brazen-faced, the pen-demagogues and tongue-demagogues, the overheated ambitious:--

Where everything maimed, ill-famed, lustful, untrustful, over-mellow, sickly-yellow and seditious, festereth pernicious:--

--Spit on the great building and -- turn back!
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Jan 5, 2016
I call to question the suitability of Peter R, being the secretary for BU, if these accusations are true. They deserve to be investigated at least.



Active Member
Sep 15, 2015
Simply incorrect. You just add decimals through code. It's not rocket science.

The important thing to remember is that there is no such thing as a Bitcoin (or even a Satoshi). Bitcoin is only an accounting system. As such, adding decimals is only a matter of adapting how the accounting is done.
It's not an accounting system. It is a token system. It uses a fixed format for those tokens. The tokens themselves are placeholders and have no value to be subdivided. Adding to that fixed format will multiply the tokens.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Like it or not, I think a line is being drawn. Some people are fine with blatant lies, patent trolling, frivolous lawsuits, flirting with government agencies, threats of war, etc, as long as they are not direct and immediate victims of those behaviours.

Other people see the dangers of a pact with the devil.
For me, a line is being drawn too. That's why I prefer SV over ABC. I can't support those miners who voted with their CPU power against Bitcoin Unlimited.
Patents are part of the capitalist framework and all potential patents that the Bitcoin industry doesn't create, will be created by The Goldman Sachs and The JP Morg.
Finally, Satoshi's Bitcoin was not created to circumvent market regulation, and markets have always been regulated by the state. Forks will be delisted from the exchanges if they develop in that direction. Good luck with that strategy!


Active Member
Aug 31, 2015
Do you guys hear this?

This distant laughter?

I think it's those assholes from fiat empire establishment incorporated having a party? I can hear champagne glasses clinging and corks popping. Sounds like some of the core minions are preparing a champaign pyramid?

I have to say we all fucked this up pretty hard.

gg, guys.

Glass of water, anyone?


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
O freetrader, there is the great building: there hast thou nothing to seek and everything to lose.
I've already seen central banks, I know I have nothing to seek there. I'll gladly spit on that building next time I'm in London.

As for why you're marching in fours with convicted scammers and frauds who serve those buildings, ... I'll let you figure it out, "Zarathustra".
Clarification request to our resident supporters of BSV (bitches-suing-ver)

Are you rooting for the United American Corp or the United Corp of America?

p.s. I see some juicy "Florida man" blockchain memes coming up. No offence,
When will you start to learn?

nChain and friends appear to be honest with their goals, but when it comes to methods achieving them, they play games.

It reminds me on Go. Even an eternal beginner like me knows, that when you want to attack a structure, you don't put a stone close to it, but close to another structure, so that your opponent wants to defend there, while your stone helps you to build a wall, which enables the launch of the actual attack.

They have been very loud about all kind of attacks in the hashwar. When it started, they just kept on mining their chain, build a 64mb Block and announced nice things for the future - while ABC implemented chicken-changes like checkpoints and dispopulated themself by thinking fear of CSW is the answer on everything. All this fueled the real attack, which was economic and PR.

Now, the law suit is most likely not a direct attack, but a defensive mechanism against 51% attacks (SV chain is still highly vulnerable) - to thread companies and open source developers from doing it.