@cypherdoc: apparently you and others here paid me to write my Transaction Fee Market paper. Is it that hard to believe that many people write papers because they're interested in the topic and want to communicate their ideas?
That's not a fascinating persona - it's aposemitism.Greg is a fascinating persona. Instead of saying "looking back, I probably should have created a dummy account to assign the commits to instead of my own," he spins a complex web of half truths that leaves the reader confused about the basic facts.
Well, it is while everyone is supporting the cartel, it's having the option to break from the cartel and mine more transactions at a lower rate and earn more profit, that keep a free market functioning. BS/Core fundamentalists fear the free market, they think this competition results in a tragedy of the commons.limitless block space for free isn't what's most profitable.
It is interesting how (and I think I faintly remember the discussion in this thread) an offer to help out financially that AFAIR was never even taken by @Peter R. is suddenly becoming evidence that the paper is paid for. And as you say: There would be nothing wrong with that.and what if the paper was funded? would that alter whatever results it presents? are those in contention?
Somewhere in 2013 (on bitcointalk in an argument about Lerner's blockchain-archeology, he also stated he mined Bitcoin on his linux-system some days after the start, but lost them all, since he moved, and just came back in 2011 ... don't know what to think about it ...Greg projects that image when he was called out for stealing an ID from Git and started making claims that the BS/Core team had made more contributions that the Core team I found an article on CoinDesk where the reporter said Greg had been in bitcoin since 2009 the time of the then claimed ID.
I asked him to contact the reporter and make the correction he shrugged it off as the article was old and out of circulation.
I'm sure given he was interviewed he would have had an opportunity to fact check.
The fact that you pay the cost to nature, exactly as you pay to the nature when you produce potatoes, is fundamental. Tax is theft, cost is just the normal way of creating value. You sell something for a price, subtract the cost, the difference, the profit, is part of the value creation. This is one of the reasons we want free market money. I don't understand why you want to play down this feature, and conflate cost with seigniorage.The cost is irrelevant and doesn't factor into things. It would be exactly the same if it was Luke-jr with his 286 mining.
However, just as with gold, you are correct, it is not literally a tax. However, it *is effectively* a tax in that value is taken from holders and given to miners to encourage their activity. One might also call it a fee. With modern government, the difference between the two is often almost nothing.
Didn't know about that, this is getting crazier and crazier.TL/DR: non-upgraded miners are unlikely to have their blocks orphaned should segwit be activated.
Aaand it's gone!I just had to post there now, he he.