Ok. So on this Metcalfe's idea thing and Greg causing facepalms and laughter all around:
Of course this is all unchartered territory and economics is in general not falsifiable, especially if it is such a one time experiment like Bitcoin. That's why I take the whole correlation with a grain of salt - though don't doubt a bit the general trend of more transactions possible -> higher value of BTC( ... who'd have thought... /s)
And I must say that even though I do feel the grain of salt is more than appropriate, the match is indeed uncannily good.
Now, there are on some guys from the Corium side of things trickling into my reddit submission on Greg being very gregarious, downplaying the whole thing. "Why log? That seems weird." seems to be a common complaint. Another one is 'well, we don't know'. (Yes, we don't know as well, but we point this graph out, no kidding ... /s)
Now, I have done my fair share of count rate histograms and the like in semilogy plotting (actually up until the point when I was full of them).
It is absolutely clear to me why
@Peter R. appropriately used a log plot here. I really wonder now, how many of those fight the graph because
a) it doesn't fit their world view
b) they don't understand it why you plot this like you do
c) they are paid to not understand it
I also have to say that I have first real doubts about Greg's competency now.
We really should have a shill / paid troll index. Because maybe with some patience and after removing the burden of needlessly dealing with those of type c), we could, with patience, maybe still move some from b) at least. /u/ytdm digging up a recent small blocker who's at least convinced now that Core is full of shit is an example.
But maybe I should also be optimistic and this might soon not be necessary anymore. One can hope!
@Norway: Sounds awesome, great job, and yes I think Roger seems to be a great guy in gettings things moving. Great to have him on our side.