Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2015
@albin: Good catch at the double entendre of 'false flag'. I noticed it as well, but I wasn't yet at the level of full consciousness of this rhetoric trick. I guess all the discussion on reddit wears one down... I suspect a lot of propaganda works also by overloading the bullshit detection circuits.

@Peter R.: Yay! It surely feels like I evoked some kind of response now :D Great to have him back.


Staff member
Aug 29, 2015
Anyone familiar with Mike Hearn's Lighthouse?

It makes it possible to set up a transaction, where people can keep adding their inputs to the transaction, and the transaction only becomes valid once the output value reaches a specified threshold.

I was thinking it might be fun if someone would make a similar tool that allows people to craft a transaction that only becomes valid if it reaches a size of >1MB. The transaction could be constructed so that it has no output value, and all the pledges go to the miner's fee.

I'm not sure exactly how feasible this would be, or how to set up the scripts to make this work. But it would be interesting to create a mechanism where people could basically pledge some bitcoin towards a large transaction to incentivize miners to create the first >1MB block.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
I'm not sure if it's necessary to do it that complex. I think pools will wait to produce a >1MB block until the time is right. And when the time is right, they will do it. No need for trx-fee bounties etc. But I could be wrong.

EDIT: I think Gavin talked about this way to stimulate miners to lift the limit before.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
Sold my appartment yesterday, but I don't get the fiat (which I will buy bitcoin with) in 4 weeks. So...

The altruistic part of me wants a hard fork ASAP.

The greedy part of me wants a hard fork after 4 weeks.

Which will it be?


Staff member
Aug 22, 2015
@Norway, you might want to keep your fiat on the sidelines. During the HF transition there is likely to be some ruckus in the market with coin dumps. Some serious flash-crashes to be gobbled up in that situation.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
Sounds like you think it will evolve like the ETH fork (short term). But I think it could be different. An unrestricted bitcoin could take off.

Anyway, I will use the same tactics as allways: Buy as much as you can, as soon as you can.

And don't worry about me. I'm not spending all the money on bitcoin and sleep on the street. I'm buying a house in the woods, a car and some precious metals as well :)
[doublepost=1476309277][/doublepost]@awemany My god, he behaves like a kid.
Did you take a bath the last night in Milan? I did! :)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
these guys totally blowing off the recommendation from @jonny1000 - I have no idea what the threshold should be I know it's unlikely to tiger with less than 51% of hashing power the rest is up to the cartel or users, I know I'm signaling for bigger blocks by running a BU node. and my behavior is destructive to those trying to maintain a cartel.

No that's not how it works. After activation 100% of miners are required to upgrade or their blocks will be orphaned.

Also activation is 95% not 75%. My understanding is most Core devs respect the rights of a 10% miner to veto SegWit.
that sounds like the way cartels manage membership. - nothing soft about those forks for miners those are hard forks.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Funny how those blockades that were put up to control the debate in r/northcore and BitcointACK are suddenly starting to feel like prison walls. The facts CANNOT be silenced. it's exposing many characters for who they really are, and perhaps why they still use 'Ministry of truth safe spaces' for communication.

Its separation of totalitarian and freethinking mindsets.

comments here:

my favourite

To those still struggling with the cognitive dissonance, Zihuatanejo - we need people who can get things done.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2015
@albin: Good catch at the double entendre of 'false flag'. I noticed it as well, but I wasn't yet at the level of full consciousness of this rhetoric trick
Are you guys aware of this client:;all

A small malicious minority of 1MB supporters released this client to help attack Bitcoin XT. "Not XT" would flag support for XT but not enforce the XT rules, this was an attempted attack on XT. Fortunality these people were persuaded not to run this node. However, amazingly large blockers are apparently doing this to their "own side". I'm my view there are two possible reasons for this.

1. BU supporters have been infultrated by Core extremists

2. BU supporters have a very limited understanding of the situation

In my view reason 2 is not wholly sufficient to explain this. I would therefore advise you all to be careful and cautious.

Fortunality BU has now removed the flag. Please could the people within BU who do understand this please help me out.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
As for 95%, I just have a different vision. I think once you get to 75% the case you can make to the remaining 20% is quite compelling. Just think of 95% as a tactic to get miner support, with a successful track record. If you do not agree with this, please do not use offensive language like perverted.
Please do not advise me of political correct language usage. You are not my teacher.
Didn't you raise the 95 to 98 in the meantime, when you've been afraid that 95% wouldn't be enough to save the totalitarian Junta - those censorship enthusiasts - from a crushing defeat?

The language of the greatest language artist of all times reloaded. Enjoy::

With this I am at the end (or just at the beginning) and I pronounce my judgment. I condemn Maxwellianism (Blockstreamism). I raise against the Maxwellian Church the most terrible of all accusations that any accuser ever uttered. It is to me the highest of all conceivable corruptions. It has had the will to the last corruption that is even possible. The Maxwellian Church has left nothing untouched by its corruption; it has turned every value into an un-value, every truth into a lie, every integrity into a vileness of the soul. Let anyone dare to speak to me of its "humanitarian" blessings! To abolish any distress ran counter to its deepest advantages: it lived on distress, it created distress to eternalize itself.

This eternal indictment of Maxwellianism I will write on all walls, wherever there are walls—I have letters to make even the blind see.

I call Maxwellianism the one great curse, the one great innermost corruption, the one great instinct of revenge, for which no means is poisonous, stealthy, subterranean, small enough—I call it the one immortal blemish of the whole cryptocurrency space.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
If anybody has the email Emin Gün Sirer uses today, please PM it to me. I try to get him to Oslo Bitcoin Meetup.


Active Member
Dec 15, 2015
Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP!
BTC | XAU (spot) * | COMEX CG1 *
$638.94 | $1,255.25 | $1,257.1
BTCswap(BFX - FFR) | BTCswap(Polo)
0.036% | 0.0198%
HashRate: 1.83 EH/s
MarketCap: $10,118,852,723
BTC Dominance: 80.9%
Exchange Volume (BTC): $92.88m
Exchange Volume (ALT): $29.79m
Exchange Volume BTC Dominance: 75.7%
Gemini Daily Auction: 1718.56574754 BTC @ 637.95 ($1,096,359.02)
GBTC * | SPDR Gold Trust ETF *
$97.25 | $120.02
10YR Treas| Copper * | Crude (WTI) *
1.77% | $217.16/lb | $50/barrel

*Indicates price at market opening
