Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Comments on JR's Core roadmap interview.? It's quite painful to listen to such a stream of FUD and nirvana fallacies. Plus he really shows his lack of economic understanding especially toward the end of the show. Yet it does pretty much sum up the Core blinkered mono mindset. Anyone game for a point by point rebuttal interview?

important Ministry of truth update. A Chain fork is now an altcoin... in case you didn't know.


Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
That LTB podcast was a cringe-fest for me. I especially liked Stephanie Murphy's hard-hitting interview style, where in literally two cases her follow-up question was "I like how you said ______".

My biggest objection is that Ratcliffe's self-proclaimed objective as a spokesman for Core is fundamentally disingenuous, because he frames the issue completely inaccurately. If this thing really were about everybody wanting to scale but disagreeing about technical approaches and limitations, then it would've been extremely easy to come to some kind of compromise consensus.

This is really about repurposing the blocksize as an economic parameter, and compromise will never be possible with those people, yet I noticed none of this narrative whatsoever in his comments, other than the paranoid post-conference observation he made that the boogie man looking to spam the main chain is always around the corner waiting for tx fees to fall!


Upon thinking about it some more, here are two major issues that I just don't get the impression that he comprehends at all in his vision of how the infrastructure would fill out:

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Active Member
Dec 15, 2015
Great conference,
Not a bad presentation,
Lots of enthusiasm,
Lots of smart, EXTREMELY qualified BTC folks in the Westin-St Francis today.

Anybody on the fence about the BU dev team (including those not on the team per se, but working on other stuff that will need to be compatible with BU) should feel very confident in their capabilities - I know I do (but I wasn't on the fence, so maybe I'm biased). Don't be afraid to kick the tires and try out BU.

@Norway - RE: papers for Milan - If I understand correctly, its not many. Equivalent to the number of fingers on a horse.
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Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
Does anybody know wich talks from BU are accepted at the Milan conference?

the Program Chair of Scaling Bitcoin, i.e Matt Corallo, sent 3 separate emails to inform us that they "were not able to accept" our proposals.

In my case they said that my proposal was not up to par. Dunno about @theZerg's and @Peter R's, but I think that they gave more or less the same template answer to both.


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
It would be interesting to know the subjects of the talks that were refused for Milan.

Handling of proposed talks for conferences is clearly an area that can be improved upon easily with a more transparent process by a better team (than Scaling Bitcoin's committee).
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Peter R

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Time and time again they have shown bad faith. I imagine any BU proposals trying to present at the Milan stalling conference would be greeted something like this:

....... is there someone else up there we can talk to?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Great conference,
Not a bad presentation,
Lots of enthusiasm,
Lots of smart, EXTREMELY qualified folks in the BTC Westin-St Francis today.

Anybody on the fence about the BU dev team (including those not on the team per se, but working on other stuff that will need to be compatible with BU) should feel very confident in their capabilities - I know I do (but I wasn't on the fence, so maybe I'm biased). Don't be afraid to kick the tires and try out BU.

@Norway - RE: papers for Milan - If I understand correctly, its not many. Equivalent to the number of fingers on a horse.
Sorry I missed it I would have loved to meet actual "bitcoiners" as far as i know most are virtual. :)

Sounds like a success.