Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
Who has miners gathering dust and would be willing to turn them on and point them at our bitcoin spinoff? #MineBitcoinAgain

This is a just a survey - not an announcement of impending tests or active fork mining... but please let us know so that we can get an idea of how much % of hashrate might back a SHA256 fork attempt.

We've been discussing what kind of hashing power we can gather just from old ASIC miners that have been turned off because they are no longer profitable.

We'd like to see how much hashing power you have if you would be willing to point it at a bitcoin spinoff. Please post on here OR twitter to let us know so that we can tally it up.

We don't expect to get everyone involved at this early stage and most forum users are lurkers anyway but it might be interesting to see.

Spread the word on twitter with the handle #MineBitcoinAgain.


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
interest rates are negative because of
1) capital flight from territories whithout credit
2) creation of additional credit (money) is too slow
I think they are negative because the richest people can't pay back their debt. And I think the end game is hyper inflation. Because it allways is.
That's not so much the weakness of debate but the way debate has been neutered in the media. When interviewing a politician, the interviewer will ask a question and if it is not answered, they will move on (with a couple of notable exceptions). Typically the questions will have been presented and prepared for beforehand in any case. And don't even get me started on the US presidential "debates". Putting a bunch of people up on stage, firing questions at them and allowing them to speechify back is not a debate. Put these clowns around a table for three hours with an unlimited supply of coffee and alcoholic beverages and two or three broad topics of discussion and let's see what comes out.
I agree that journalists could do a better job.
[doublepost=1470763658][/doublepost]BTW, Greg + Midmagic got me kicked out of reddit. They must have spent quite some time to do it. I take it as a sign that I'm on the right track. And I just create a new account ;)


Active Member
Jun 1, 2016
London, England
BTW, Greg + Midmagic got me kicked out of reddit. They must have spent quite some time to do it. I take it as a sign that I'm on the right track. And I just create a new account ;)
Hehe! So they lured you into a trap .... I bet by the time he sent you a PM he'd worked out what obscure rule you were breaking and just wanted you to respond as proof that you are actually trolling him. The nincompoops couldn't possibly fathom you can easily open another account ...... don't forget to connect through proxies now you are a marked man!
  • Like
Reactions: Norway


Active Member
Dec 15, 2015
Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP!
BTC | XAU (spot) | COMEX CG1
~$584 | $1340.66 | $1347.2
GBTC | SPDR Gold Trust ETF
$92 | $127.95
10YR Treas| Copper | Crude (WTI)
1.59 | $214.85/lb| $42.62/barrel


# btc general
  • Bitfinex commentary from IK
    • “The ironies will surely not go unnoticed. But, if this affair really proves anything it’s that bitcoin is akin to a giant ‘alternate reality game’ MBA course for people who failed to learn anything about finance in their standard educational path, perhaps because they were overly focusing on tech or coding skills, or playing actual AR games? Who knows. Problem is these same people still wanted to reengineer finance as if they knew the system better than the stuffy authoritative types who had done the classes and teach them a lesson about the drudgery and dullness of book learning in the process. It’s the stuff of teenage temper tantrum rebellion movies. Really.”
  • Aussies to regulate cryptocurrencies as part of anti-terrorism measures
  • Blockchain-based social welfare payments?

# btc intersections





EDIT - Any topic areas/prices you'd you like to see more or less of w/ these posts? Formatting feedback/suggestions/criticisms?
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@Christoph Bergmann

Interesting in what sense?
  • easily, demonstrably false / incorrect? Yes
  • cheap politicizing of issues? Yes
  • highly probable instances of censorship on behalf of the transcriber? Yes
  • incomprehensible gibberish? Yes
If your interest is in any of those, I can provide quotes.
Otherwise let me know what you mean more precisely.

The problems are two-fold: firstly, while we can certainly guess, with high accuracy, who might have said something, we can't prove it because they censored that information (mostly).

So it might as well have been anonymous Google employees for all intents and purposes. You can't hold anyone to account even if the information presented is blatantly false, or clearly divide-and-conquer politicking etc.

The other problem is the incompleteness of the picture. Almost certainly there are bits missing, which is totally unnecessary in this day and age of recording equipment never mind there are surveillance systems which can accurately identify and pick out individual speakers from crowd conversations.

Or you know, just hire some professionals to do a proper job of taking down notes.

The big issue is how this spits in our faces even just from the way it was done.

Do you think the Chinese got a Chinese translation of the transcript? Where's that published?
- I like them all. Demonstrably calse, policizing of issues, censorshop, gibberish - yes. Give me quotes :)

Yes, proplem is, we don't know, who said what, but if we can say, what has been said, we can proof something, more subjectively than objectively, more in he gut than in the brain, but, yeah, it's something.

What did google employees do on the event? Does anybody know anything about this? It's such a black box of information, it's ridiculous to have this in 21th century.

And no comment from the miners. We are left in the dark.


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015

That seems to describe Blockstream / Core well enough!

For that eggcorn, I will make an effort to dig out the examples.
Give me some time though.


This is the perfect opportunity to invent our own little markup language.
Feel free to improve it or use it to contribute to analysis of the document beyond the trivial examples that I might produce.
  • <false> some text </false> - false
    something can be refuted with evidence (which shall be presented)

  • <polit> some text </polit> - politicizing
    must fall clearly into Wikipedia's political strategies definitions

  • <censor:{possible candidate words}> ... </censor> - censorship by means of ellipsis (...)
    speculative, deniable of course by the transcriber.
    Subject to possible future revelation by actual recordings :)

  • <gib> some text </gib> - gibberish
    subject to personal interpretation, but unintelligible to myself
    might also be another form of censorship, but more likely transcription inadequacy
I might also use <likely:{speaker names}> some text </likely> to mark around sections where I think I know who said something, if it's relevant to context.
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Staff member
Aug 22, 2015
I have been skeptical about ETH because its blockchain is growing very fast with large txns and 15 sec blocks. However, this type of tech could vindicate their optimistic approach.

60 million 1MB Bitcoin blocks would take 1140 years to mine! How does this pass over the heads of the Coreblockers?


Active Member
Mar 14, 2016
@Dusty: C'mon, the debate as NEVER been about HDD size. Never :)
Of course mine was a kind of joke, but anyway while the debate was not only about that aspect, it was also about that (in one of his many ever-changing forms): "the moore's law is finishing, technology can't continue to progress fast enough to work out an exponential growth of the maximum block" etc etc.


Active Member
Dec 15, 2015
Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP!
BTC | XAU (spot) | COMEX CG1
~$598 | $1347.47 | $1353.6
GBTC | SPDR Gold Trust ETF
$92 | $128.65
10YR Treas| Copper | Crude (WTI)
1.59 | $219.2/lb| $43.17/barrel

# btc general

# btc intersections




Active Member
Dec 15, 2015
Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP!
BTC | XAU (spot) | COMEX CG1
~$598 | $1347.55 | $1353.7
GBTC | SPDR Gold Trust ETF
$95 | $128.63
10YR Treas| Copper | Crude (WTI)
1.59 | $217.45/lb| $41.86/barrel

# btc general

# btc intersections


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Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
BTC derivatives exchange BitMex is launching a BFX_Token futures contract:

if there is trading of futures of finex's funny money, there surely will be a market for credible BTC_fork futures.

market testing via futures tells developers how much a proposed fork is being valued, prior to launch. ideally market response can orient configuration.

testing on the financial aspect of the fork is as useful as protocol / mining / network testing.

BTCFORKS take notice.
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New Member
Feb 23, 2016
Roger Ver is on board with btcforks.
If the current group of Bitcoin miners are not interested in following Satoshi's vision in a timely manner, my initial thought would be to support the idea of this hard fork, and to use and my influence in the ecosystem to support it. I suspect many of the biggest Bitcoin businesses will instantly follow along as well.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2015
if there is trading of futures of finex's funny money, there surely will be a market for credible BTC_fork futures.
There are a lot of issues to work out with respect to creating this pre fork futures market. It may be useful if one of the “btcfork” advocates wrote a paper outlining potential solutions to some of these issues.

1. What are the fork dates and futures contract settlement dates?

2. What currency is the price of the future denominated in? (Is this existing Bitcoin, which may have some issues)

3. What asset is used as collateral in the futures contract? One would assume the requirement would be 100% collateral (no spot market mean no margin calls)? Traders supporting the more valuable coin will need to deposit more funds. (Is this existing Bitcoin, which may have some issues)

4. What is the settlement currency? (Is this existing Bitcoin, which may have some issues)

5. What if the fork fails or never occurs?

6. What is there are more than one forked chains?

7. What will the price source be post fork? How can a contract reference a price source that does not yet exist?

Most schemes seem to give an asymmetric advantage to traders commiting to sell "btcfork". If the fork fails the people who committed to sell the fork coins get a return. If the fork succeeds, only the buyers who committed to buy at a price below the spot price on execution make money.

I think these things can occur in the future, when there is better atomic trading and multi-signature technology. Such that a futures market like this can exists without counterparty risk.
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