Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
@Peter R I also recommended Unlimited on that post, looks like my comment was totally deleted. it doesn't even show up in the referenced image above. it's disappointing to understand that a lot of bitcoin proponents not only don't understand Bitcoin but think it is not censorship resistant, requiring censorship of ideas to keep it free. and not to mention great work ;-)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It's better to provide links to the reddit deletions because I can't tell which sub is doing the deleting.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Sorry, I'm in and out on my phone


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
laggards continue to reach higher. time to ketchup:



Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
Just published a picture of brg444 in MEME FACTORY. Ideas are welcome! Let's make it a competition. The best text to the pic will be made!

PS. brg444 is a telemarketer in the Canadian company Soluvox (2.5 hours driving from Blockstream head office). His speciality is social media marketing.

EDIT: And he really hates being called a telemarketer...
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Peter R

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Someone commented something like, "I thought Greg had debunked this. Why's it being upvoted?" Future??:
<mods converse>
<someone turns on Ride of the Valkyries>
<modding intensifies>
<people start asking about the modding>
<thread turns into a total mess>
"Commence default sorting by controversial!"
<people point this out, shows a river of red>
"Fuck it, let's just delete the thread. It's about an altcoin anyway."
Hey, you were right! They just switched the thread to default sorting by controversial!



Active Member
Sep 10, 2015
Deconstructing the Bitcoin Market Cap

 I believe estimating that 2.5m is a healthy estimate for coins we will never see again, including Satoshi’s coins (risk percentage adjusted).
He is wrong when he says that we will never recover the lost coins. One day cryptanalyse will allow to access those lost coins. When the time comes, the non-lost coins will move under the protection of a new crypto algo, but lost coins will stay under the protection of the broken algo and thus will be recover.

That will be exactly the same as when the Spanish brought back gold from the New World to Europe, massive inflation will result.

I don't think we should discard them.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
@BldSwtTrs I have no doubt in the future if everything moves onto the Lightening Network that Soft Forking Rules will be deployed to do effectively just that, the excuse will be some PoS related financial collapse or some other crisis to keep miners profitable and there will be a 95% consensus among the centralized authority - the ultimate beneficiaries.
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Zangelbert Bingledack

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Extreme Consensus exemplified by /u/Lejitz:
Others heap praise on this Extreme Consensus view:
This fellow even connects Extreme Consensus to "why we need altcoins," an angle I hadn't noticed before that explains to me why altcoins have been so persistently appealing to so many people when they really shouldn't be.
/u/Polycephal_Lee debunks the whole notion easily:
/u/Lejitz misses the fork arbitrage aspect and warns of the Free Shit Army, probably with a dash of confusing immutability of the ledger in a given fork with immutability of the consensus rules (the error @Mengerian pointed out earlier):
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
laggards continuing the push higher to narrow the spread:



Active Member
Feb 22, 2016
@theZerg @Peter R @Peter Tschipper @sickpig @solex (I hope I remembered the nicks correctly :D):

Huge thank you for
a) working on Xthin blocks and making Unlimited the better implementation and
b) for presenting the work clearly and comprehensibly.

The second point is already being attacked by Coreists because whatever gets presented in a good way obviously can't be the wizard magic some people apparently need to feel good. For me and I hope a lot of other people it's exactly the other way around, if you don't try to lay a smoke screen over your work and present your ideas clear and concisely I'm more assured to use your work.
It's the way to allow factual criticism of your work so in a way you make yourself more vulnerable but if people still just do meta-attacks, chances are good your work isn't so bad. ;)

Keep up the good work, much appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
To the Moon
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Active Member
Mar 14, 2016

These S9's seem absolutely amazing, am I right? It still appears to not be profitable for a home miner to play with this depending on your electrical cost, but I think I could almost break even operating it (minus the 2k upfront cost) at least in terms of supporting the network. If KNC, didn't have a line on new hardware like this, it seems inevitable that they would have been screwed. Regardless, this seems like it will continue to push centralization. Interesting.