@theZerg @Peter R @Peter Tschipper @sickpig @solex (I hope I remembered the nicks correctly

Huge thank you for
a) working on Xthin blocks and making Unlimited the better implementation and
b) for presenting the work clearly and comprehensibly.
The second point is already being attacked by Coreists because whatever gets presented in a good way obviously can't be the wizard magic some people apparently need to feel good. For me and I hope a lot of other people it's exactly the other way around, if you don't try to lay a smoke screen over your work and present your ideas clear and concisely I'm more assured to use your work.
It's the way to allow factual criticism of your work so in a way you make yourself more vulnerable but if people still just do meta-attacks, chances are good your work isn't so bad.
Keep up the good work, much appreciated!