Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Staff member
Aug 28, 2015
If tech continues unabated then we may be one of the last (few) generations to be forced to endure the process of death without the possibility of continued existence in a digital realm as a simulation.

We have almost lucked out, close enough to see it but just far enough away to be sure of death and taxes :)

It would be fabulous if Hal Finney was brought back from cryo, along with a cohort of early bit coiners made outrageously wealthy in the late 201x/202x years. Great story for a novella.

EDIT: oh and all medical accomplishments of the last 100 years are dwarfed by access to clean water and sanitation
EDIT2: in the medical profession so I can honestly tell you to enjoy your youth, aging sucks..

EDIT3: bitcoin looks like it's coiling for a big move upwards..
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Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
Gavin's AMA questions and answers are up on Reddit in translated form:

I'll repeat here a notice someone else put up re: the original Google docs:
Warning for privacy loving users: Open the google docs link in incognito mode or a browser where you are not signed in on Google. Otherwise the creator of the document will be able to view your email ids.
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

I've only read through part 1 so far, but I find it very interesting (and good questions).

Kudos to all the translators and organizers for doing an awesome job!

Raw text pastebin for those on light devices who don't want to trawl through those Reddit posts:

Translators/Organizers: emusher, /u/kcbitcoin, /u/nextblast, pangcong, Red Li, WangXiaoMeng. (Ranked in alphabetical order)
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

Indeed. lots to read, very good questions and surprisingly pro classic crowd.

I think Lightning will take longer than people estimate. Seven months ago Adam Back said that the lightning network might be ready “as soon as six months from now” … but I would be surprised if there was a robust, ready-for-everybody-to-use lightning-capable wallet before 2018.


Active Member
Feb 22, 2016
Indeed. lots to read, very good questions and surprisingly pro classic crowd.
Chinese Bitcoiners aren't the idiots people seem to think. As I mentioned a million times now, BitFury, as one of the few big non chinese miners, are the worst actors atm.

I don't know what to think of Gavins answers. He is answering very appeasing. But maybe (hopefully) it's the right approach. On the other hand it helps keeping the "Blockstream wants Bitcoin to succeed as well" myth alive. Imho he could have just spared the parts about G Maxwell etc. being interested in bitcoins success.

We will see. Anyway, huge kudos to the volunteers doing the translations!!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Ha ha, I'm also into Paleo/ancestral health, or whatever you want to call it. Interesting that a bunch of people here are thinking along the same lines.
The termination of the paleo lifestyle led to a tragedy in almost all aspects of human being. Anarchy (freedom) had been replaced by patriarchy (slavery/collectivism), natural food by junk food, the homo sapiens by a cartoon of himself: the homo oeconomicus serving TPTB.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
What an epic AMA!
Great questions and answers. Lots of gold in there. How Gavin dislikes altcoins because they increase the 21 million supply. Fun to read Gavins first message to Satoshi. But maybe the coolest part is the team of voluenteers translating back and forth in this massive effort for communication between east & west. I'm blown away!


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
@Christoph Bergmann
For example if one looks at Roman emperors length of life it seems people from the upper class had a reasonable chance to get way older than 60 years if they survived childhood even 2000 years before our time.
And if they didn't get murdered of course. Which every other did. :D
An arché woman has - as soon as she survived her first 15 years - an average life expectation of 58 years, and that without any artificial help as bypasses, stents, transplantations of hearts, livers, brains etc.


Active Member
Nov 8, 2015
I took a look at this recent Peter Todd revelation/leak about the MIT proposal to permissionize Bitcoin mainchain, and I would caution taking what he's saying too seriously.

The writeup on his website contains pretty much zero information that can be corroborated in any way, other than it seeming fairly reasonable that a project with such a name exists. I'm not necessarily saying that he's being deliberately deceptive, but we're 100% at the mercy of his personal interpretation of whatever information he has supposedly seen. At this point with no corroboration, his claims that involvement in this project involves some insiders to Bitcoin is completely innuendo that he doesn't even know himself, literally second-hand FUD.

After reading the writeup on his own website I'm not really clear on why this scheme would even be done in the first place at such cost as to pay off the miners, when a federated consortium of banks could just come together on a permissioned clearing system (like Liquid for example) to achieve the same results.

My main impression so far is to ask the question which of these two is more likely:

A) Peter Todd is the only person with the unique exposure to sensitive information and high ethics to disclose nefarious schemes (not just this, but alot of what he's said in the past about the wants of regulators has been fairly idiosyncratic)


B) Peter Todd is prone to interpret information in a uniquely paranoid way that is not necessarily in line with how you yourself might interpret that same information if you were privy to primary sources.
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Zangelbert Bingledack

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Stability predicts the rise once again.

Stability also predicts the rise has much further to go :)

Note especially the pattern and timing of the purple and blue lines (150- and 180-day weighted price stability). These two lines rising to this level has never failed to be followed by a significant price increase.

Zangelbert Bingledack

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I don't agree on the price rise being bad for Classic, nor the price falling being good for Classic. All it says is, "Something might be going wrong." Miners who support Core will just say the price fall is due to Classic delaying Core's plan or the market worrying about a "controversial hard fork :eek:" due to Classic. Miners who support Classic will say the price rise is due to Classic pushing Core to get moving and crystallize their plans. Or whatever. Everything is ambiguous until we go to fork arbitrage where the Core and Classic BTC prices can move independently.

So don't be afraid of a price rise. If anything it will just bring in more big-time investors who aren't going to buy into Core's BS so easily.
An arché woman has - as soon as she survived her first 15 years - an average life expectation of 58 years, and that without any artificial help as bypasses, stents, transplantations of hearts, livers, brains etc.
Good point. In our World nearly nobody gets 58 without serious medical help ... But you'd habe to admit that these People have to been used to living "crippled" - blind, deaf, broken legs, etc. I think the perspective on People with handicaps must habe been was more natural in the past
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