Gold collapsing. Bitcoin UP.


Active Member
Nov 8, 2015

I think he's going for more FUD to squeeze all the possible trolling left from the Peter Todd misinformation drama.

If you're any kind of miner or Bitcoin company and you attend some kind of meeting or conference, and this guy is there, do you go out of your way to spit on him and create a scene, or do you just nod and smile and take pictures?

If there's actual evidence of some kind of business relationship or agreement then that's a different story, but this is basically a full-time troll trolling. (I'm sure crack investigative journalist legend Kyle Torpey is already retyping the reddit thread as an article as we speak!).


Staff member
Dec 16, 2015
@albin : But why throw BitFury under the bus like that, as a supposed Core supporter? They have been one of Core/Blockstream's staunch allies up to now?

If the NSA pitches up at a Bitcoin meeting, and high-level officers of your company pose for photos, then the high-level officers of your company

[ ] are not smart enough to realize the public perception
[ ] do this to cement a public perception (good ally)

You are right that it doesn't mean anything nefarious, but I'd put it to you that the serving Commander of the U.S. Cyber Command, Director of the National Security Agency and Chief of the Central Security Service does not fly to Georgia (assuming that indeed the picture was taken at BF) just to take a picture with some Bitcoin miners.


Active Member
Nov 8, 2015

My guess is the guy in question is more a thrill-seeking troll rather than necessarily a Core supporter.

I hear you, the circumstances behind how this happened are important. We need more information if possible I think.


Active Member
Nov 22, 2015

Is this genuine?
Reddit submitter is well known for his anti-Classic stance, so I'm somewhat surprised by this.
I wrote the blog post which mentioned Bitfury on the 7th of January. A few days later my blog post had somehow disappeared from my list of posts at Someone with a lot of power obviously did not like that blog post. I found out what had to be done get the blog post back into the list but it taught me how much TPTB are involved in the present attempt to block bitcoin from growing.


Active Member
Nov 8, 2015

That's something I was just wondering about. With the post-Ossetia conflict political situation in Georgia, I can imagine Georgia being heavily ingratiated to American intelligence in opposition to Putin (or perhaps that connection is what caused the conflict to begin with? NATO encroachment in Eastern Europe and the former Republics, etc?).

Then again if the post is FUD disinformation, then that's the perfect coincidental script to weave a plausible story.


Active Member
Feb 22, 2016
@albin The US and Nato intelligence and military has been extremely active in Georgia for many years, it isn't something new. The former US backed president is now working in the Ukraine..
I won't dig into eastern Europe politics here but I found it certainly interesting that one of the most stubborn mining coperations is so active in an now US controlled former Soviet republic and meeting the NSA chief.

Maybe something to think about for the Chinese. :D

//edit: And somehow funny how the bill is named "Silk Road Strategy Act". Now it all fits. ;)

Ok, I will put my tinfoil hat away for today. :D

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